IEEE Canadian Foundation
IEEE Canadian Foundation - Scholarships and Prizes
IEEE Canadian Foundation Scholarships |
Scholarships with the value of $5,000 (universities) or $2,500 (colleges) each. |
Eligibility: |
Any IEEE student members, registered in their penultimate year at a university or college with a McNaughton Resource Learning Centre, who has been active in the Centre for a minimum of one year. |
Purpose: |
To encourage awareness of and participation in the educational programs supported by the IEEE. |
Deadline: |
March 15, 2020. |
IEEE Canada Power Quality Scholarship (Northern Canada & Southern Alberta Sections Only) |
One scholarship each year, value $1,500. |
Eligibility: |
All IEEE student members in full time attendance at either the University of Alberta or the University of Calgary, who are in their penultimate year and whose program of study includes courses in electric power engineering. |
Purpose: |
To recognize excellence in students who demonstrate an awareness of power quality issues and who indicate their intent to pursue a professional career in the Electric Power Industry. |
Deadline: |
March 15, 2020. |
IEEE Canadian Foundation Dr. Robert T.H. Alden Scholarship |
One Scholarship each year (shared if team), value $1,500. |
Eligibility: |
This Scholarship is co-sponsored by the IEEE Toronto Section and is to be awarded to a suitable IEEE student member within the Toronto Section. All undergraduate (penultimate year or earlier) student members of the IEEE who are registered in an Engineering or Computer Science program at a Canadian University or College are eligible. |
Purpose: |
To encourage communications skills, awarded annually for a student authoring a tutorial style article addressing innovative use of the internet, social media or other electronic media to foster interpersonal/group communication or collaboration. The article must be suitable for publishing in an IEEE publication such as The IEEE Canadian Review, The Institute, Spectrum, IEEE Potentials, IEEE or Foundation social media or web site. |
Deadline: |
March 15, 2020. |
IEEE Canadian Foundation Dr. Raymond D. Findlay Scholarship |
One scholarship each year, value $1,000. |
Eligibility: |
The nominee must be an undergraduate IEEE Student Member in good standing, registered in their penultimate year of an accredited Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Engineering Science/Engineering Physics undergraduate program offered in a Canadian university, a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, enrolled as a full-time student. |
Purpose: |
To encourage leadership, creativity and enthusiasm for the engineering profession. |
Deadline: |
March 15, 2020. |
Eligibility: |
PhD students in computer science at a Canadian university. |
Purpose: |
To recognize a computer science PhD student at a Canadian university. |
Deadline: |
April 30, 2020. |
Gargantini-Strybosch Scholarship |
This scholarship is sponsored by the Gargantini Fund, one scholarship each year, value $5,000. |
Eligibility: |
A student member of IEEE (or agree to apply for membership), enrolled full-time in his or her second undergraduate year, first generation in the family university student, completing a Canadian university program in a field of interest to IEEE. |
Purpose: |
To recognize a student who shows brightness, integrity, engagement with community and enthusiasm for undergraduate study. |
Deadline: |
March 15, 2020. |
IEEE Canada Women In Engineering Prize |
One prize each year, value $1,000. |
Eligibility: |
All female IEEE Canada members who received their first professional degree within the last ten years and who are active in IEEE activities. |
Purpose: |
To recognize excellence in young women engineering professionals and to support the Women In Engineering programme within IEEE in Canada. |
Deadline: |
March 15. |
IEEE Canadian Foundation - Grants
IEEE McNaughton Learning Resource Centre Grants |
Eligibility: |
Canadian IEEE Student Branches. |
Purpose: |
To enhance the learning experiences of IEEE student members at Canadian Universities and Colleges, as well as encouraging IEEE membership and activities, and interaction between the IEEE Student Branch and the local IEEE Section. |
Deadline: |
November 15. |
IEEE Canadian Foundation Special Grants |
Eligibility: |
An IEEE Student Branch, an IEEE Section, an IEEE Canada Committee, a non-IEEE entity such as a high school, or in rare cases an individual, all in Canada. |
Purpose: |
To partially fund one-time new and innovative projects that advance IEEE's core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence to benefit humanity. |
Deadline: |
March 15, August 15, November 15. |
IEEE Canada Vehicular Technologies Travel Grants |
Two travel grants each year, each one not to exceed $1,200. |
Eligibility: |
IEEE Student Members in good standing in a Canadian University or College (at a college, undergraduate or graduate level). |
Purpose: |
To support IEEE student members to attend and present a paper at a Vehicular Technologies Conference or other IEEE Conference related to Vehicular Technologies. |
Deadline: |
March 15, August 15, and November 15. |
IEEE Canadian Foundation $25 for 25 Years |
In 2020, IEEE Canada celebrates the 25th anniversary of consolidation of IEEE Region 7 and the Canadian Society of Electrical and Computer Engineering to form IEEE Canada. In recognition, the IEEE Canadian Foundation has initiated a special donation program across Canada. For first time donors, please consider that every gift has impact. For recurring donors, please consider this $25 incremental to your regular donation – special for the 25th anniversary recognition. The IEEE Canadian Foundation will forward a receipt for donations of $25 or greater to all contributors, for Canadian tax purposes. How to Give: The donation link for 25/25 will soon be posted at |