IEEE Canadian Foundation
Summary of IEEE Canadian Foundation Grants Awarded in 2019
McNaughton Learning Resource Centre Grants with a total of $12,440
- Lakehead University student branch
- University of Manitoba student branch
- Concordia University student branch
- BC Institute of Techonlgy student branch
- University of British Columbia student branch
- University of Ottawa student branch
NOTE: 2019 marked the 40th anniversary of the first McNaughton Centre established at the University of Manitoba by Ted Glass!
IEEE Canadian Foundation Special Grants with a total of $11,250
In 2019, IEEE Canadian Foundation provided a one-time Special Grant in support of:
- Western University student branch towards a FIRST robotics competition.
- University of Albert student group towards an SAE vehicle competition.
- Queens University student branch towards a QSET Cubesat and rover challenge competition.
- Ryerson University student branch towards a Hackathon event.
- New Westminster B.C. High School towards a CANSAT competition.
- University of Victoria student branch towards an Atlantic crossing vehicle competition.
- University of British Columbia student branch towards a bionic prosthetic hand at a bionics competition.
- University of British Columbia student branch towards an art robot.
- University of Toronto student team towards a low voltage home power system.
- University of British Colombia student branch towards a field trip to Sweden.
- Memorial University student branch to support the Eastern Canada Undergraduate Technology Conference (CUTC).
- University of Toronto to support their NewHacks event.
- University of Toronto to support their MakeUofT event.
IEEE Canadian Foundation Scholarships at $5,000 each totaling $25,000
- Sadeed Bari of Ryerson University
- MD Mohaimen Hasan Khan of University of Toronto
- Ivor Benderavage of University of Ottawa
- Dharina Hanumunthada of Carleton University
- Chelsea Mills of University of Calgary
Endowed Awards totaling $2,000
- Shanon Lo of McMaster University awarded Dr. Raymond D. Findlay Scholarship valued at $1,000.
- Anastassia Gharib of the London Section awarded the 2019 IEEE Canada Women in Engineering Prize valued at $1,000.
Scholarship/Grant/Prize Submissions due March 15
IEEE Canadian Foundation Scholarships, R. Findlay Scholarship, Power Quality Scholarship, Special Grants, Women in Engineering Prize, VT Travel Grant, Alden Scholarship, NEW Gargantini-Strybosch Scholarship, Cercone Scholarship (due April 30) - for more details and submission deadlines, please see the IEEE Canadian Foundation website or ask your Student Branch Counsellor.Donate by IEEE Membership Renewal
The IEEE Canadian Foundation, the philanthropic partner of the IEEE in Canada, is ready to accept your contributions when you renew your IEEE membership in the fall each year. Just select the IEEE Canadian Foundation as your choice when you complete your annual IEEE membership renewal form (paper or web version). Please note that this method enables you to make a contribution to the IEEE Canadian Foundation General Fund only. To make a contribution to one or more of our other funds, please consider donating online or donating by mail. If you are a Canadian IEEE Life Member and wish to participate in our Canadian Life Member Fund “Thank You” program, please view this web page:
The ICF Facebook page can be reached at:
Your Gift has Impact
Donations via dues renewal support the General Fund. On-line gifts may be designated to any one of the following funds of the IEEE Canadian Foundation at General Fund - supports IEEE McNaughton Learning Resource Centres across Canada, related Scholarships, and Special Grants
- Canadian Life Members Fund - supports activities of interest to life members, potential engineers, and engineering students
- Technology for Humanity Fund - supports new and innovative projects that seek to apply technology for the benefit of humanity.
- Vancouver Section Scholarship Fund - supports scholarships awarded by the IEEE Vancouver Section
- The IEEE PES Canadian Scholarship Fund - supports scholarships in undergraduate electric power programs in Canada
- The IEEE Canadian Foundation Nick Cercone Graduate Scholarship in Computer Science Fund - supports a scholarship in Computer Science, a field of studies of interest to IEEE
- Kingston Section Scholarship Fund - supports scholarships awarded by the IEEE Kingston Section
- Raymond D. Findlay Annual Undergraduate Scholarship - supports a national scholarship recognizing leadership and professionalism