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General News

Online Continuing Education Courses

IEEE is collaborating with edX, a non-profit organization founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to offer series of online continuing education courses. Many courses will be free and publicly available, while others will be available for a fee. Official announcements of specific courses will be made on the IEEE presence on edX at

The first such course to be released under the IEEE banner will be “ISSCC Previews: Circuit and System Insights”, developed and sponsored by the International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC). The course, which will launch on 1 December, is accepting registrations now at For more information about the course, please visit

Section Events Online

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Kitchener Waterloo Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Hamilton Section:
Message from the Section Chair : A Past Section Chair

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Kingston Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the London Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the New Brunswick Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the South Alberta Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Winnipeg Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Northern Canada Section:>

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Northern Saskatchewan Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Vancouver Section:

Please find the IEEE Montreal Section Newsletter (Issue 6, January 2012):

The IEEE Montreal Section ExCom would like to thank to all contributors and editors.

The previous issues (# 5, Nov. 2011) can be accessed through:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Ottawa Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Toronto Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the St-Maurice Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Canadian Atlantic Section:

IEEE Canadian Foundation

The Personal

Engineering Institute of Canada

IEEE Job Site

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