General News

The IEEE Learning Network

Engineer your future! Stay up-to-date with the latest trends to advance your career or improve your skills with the IEEE Learning Network (ILN). Discover educational content from across IEEE all in one place.  Full Article

Members-Only Savings on Courses

There’s still time to explore some great courses offered through the IEEE Learning Network (ILN)! ILN can help you advance your career with skills in the latest core and emerging technologies. Through 10 October, you can access a variety of courses for just US$10 each (up to 90% savings!).  Full Article

Call for Nominations: IEEE Technical Field Awards and Eric Herz Staff Award

Nominations are due 15 January annually for the IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFA) and the IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award. IEEE TFAs are awarded for contributions to or leadership in a specific field of interest of the IEEE and are among the highest awards presented on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors.  Full Article

Remembering Dr. Mohamed El-Hawary

IEEE Canada mourns the loss of former IEEE Canada President, Dr. Mohamed El-Hawary: Version française (PDF)  Full Article

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