The IEEE Canadian Foundation recognizes 2018 as the 60th year of grant making, beginning with the first grant made by its predecessor organization in 1958. Thank you to all donors and volunteers for making this possible and for your continued support.
The IEEE Canadian Foundation held its Annual General Meeting, at the Double Tree Hilton Toronto Airport West Hotel on April 11, 2018. The Board, supported by the external auditors, recognized 2017 as another good year for philanthropic activities, exemplified by prudent financial management, rigorous review of applications and broadening of development activity. Directors Eric Holdrinet, Dave Kemp, and Luc Matteau were reappointed for three year terms. The Board reappointed all current Officers for the standard one year Officer terms. New Member appointed is Rama Vinnakota, Vancouver Section, reappointed Members are Scott Lowell, Luigi Benedicenti and Luc Matteau – all five year terms.
Special Grants
At the Board of Directors Meeting, which followed, the Board approved three one-time Special Grants, in the total amount of $3,000, to:
- Concordia University IEEE student team for developing a space rover for entry in the University Rover Challenge,
- Central Wellington High School Fergus, ON for enhancing computer labs to promote STEM awareness and engage pre-engineering students,
- Memorial University Student Branch for the Canadian University Technology Conference.
The Board approved five Scholarships in the amount of $5,000 each (total $25,000) for:
- Ryan Abraham, Carleton University,
- Peter Mack, University of Alberta,
- Vincent Phan, McMaster University,
- Alexandre Poersch, University of Manitoba,
- Eduard Tourani, University of Calgary.
Endowed Grants
Dr. Raymond D. Findlay scholarship in the amount of $1,000 was awarded to:
- Ilija Hristovski, University of British Columbia (Okanagan).
WIE Prize
IEEE Canada Women in Engineering Prize for 2016 in the amount of $1,000 was awarded to:
- Manar Jammal, IEEE London Section.
The WIE scholarship eligibility applies to “All female IEEE Canada members who received their first professional degree within the last fifteen years and who are active in IEEE activities.”
IEEE Canada Power Quality Scholarship of $1,500 was awarded to:
• Austyn Nagribianko, University of Calgary
Expo-sciences Hydro-Québec $1,650:
• Two IEEE prizes.
IEEE Canada Major Awards $5,000:
• Five endowed awards
Special Grant Reports

In April 2017, ICF awarded Memorial University High School STEM Outreach program in support of the development of the first MUN summer program designed specifically for teens, called “Teen Circuit” . The goal was to spark the curiosity and innovation spirit in youth. The curriculum included learning about programming, coding, electronics, engineering design challenges, and 3D printing. The program was sold out on the first day of registration. Each participant received a new Arduino kit to use it in the activities at the camp and then to take it home for continuing exploration. With the help of engineering students and faculty mentors, the participants acquired hands-on experience and visited MUN labs to learn more about engineering and research. The focus was on electrical and computer engineering. The MUN students and faculty related their own experiences and career goals. As the end of the week, the participants were much better informed about and had a much stronger appreciation for engineering.
In Sep. 2017, ICF awarded one time Special Grant to the Concordia University IEEE Student Branch in support of their farming robot project. The goal was to design an unmanned farm vehicle with precision field positioning and modular attachments for various functions, such as weeding, seeding, field monitoring, transportation, etc.
As navigation is a core requirement, the focus was on designing a rover that can precisely navigate a path as instructed. To accomplish this, a GPS-based navigation system was implemented on a miniature-scale model robot at the IEEE Concordia SB lab. The team successfully designed, assembled and programmed the main components for the basic operations of the robot and its navigation system. Outdoor testing and debugging continues into the summer. The farming robot attracted new students to the Student Branch to help out with the project, and also to get involved in other Branch activities.