
General News

Registration is open for 2018 IEEE IAS Electrical Safety, Technical, Maintenance and Projects (ESTMP) Workshop

The 2018 IEEE IAS Electrical Safety, Technical, Maintenance and Projects (ESTMP) Workshop takes place March 12-14, in Calgary.

The ESTMP Workshop provides a forum for exchanging and advancing industry knowledge in the areas of electrical safety, engineering, project optimization, maintenance and reliability of electrical systems. The Workshop is designed to share new and innovative concepts, best practices, and lessons learned that deliver high value and stimulate innovation in the areas of:

  • advancing the application of state of the art knowledge and best practices,
  • stimulating innovation in creating the next generation of technology and
  • optimization in the areas of design, projects, maintenance, and safety in industrial electrical systems.

Register today, and take advantage of discounted early-bird fees. We look forward to seeing you March 12-14!

Call for Nominations: IEEE Technical Field Awards and Eric Herz Staff Award

Upcoming Activities and Conferences

2017 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)
14 Nov - 16 Nov 2017
Montreal, QC

Section Events Online

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Windsor Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Kitchener Waterloo Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Hamilton Section:
Message from the Section Chair : A Past Section Chair

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Kingston Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the London Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the New Brunswick Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the South Alberta Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Winnipeg Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Northern Canada Section:>

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Northern Saskatchewan Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Vancouver Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Montreal Section :

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Ottawa Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Toronto Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the St-Maurice Section:

Please refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Canadian Atlantic Section:

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