This Issue's Content
IEEE Canada publishes news in the wide range of categories. In general, all submitted items are published in the language(s) the author (submittor) provides (English or French or both). Please submit any item you think may be of interest. If you submit to, or publish a, Section newsletter, why not also submit here for national coverage?
IEEE Canada Board of Directors
- Renew Your Membership for 2015
- Membership Dues in Special Circumstances
IEEE Canadian Foundation
- Donate by IEEE Membership Renewal
- IEEE Canadian Foundation Needs Your Support
- IEEE Canadian Foundation - 2014 in Review
News of Interest
- Call for Nominations for IEEE Canada Sections Awards for 2015
- Online Continuing Education Courses
- Section Events Online
Student's Corner
- Message from previous Regional Student Activities Chair
- 2014 Student Branch Competition and Award in Review
Members in the Spotlight
- IEEE Fellows 2015
- Dr. Ashok Vijh awarded distinguished D.S. KOTHARI Visiting Professorship from INSA
- Dr. Adam W. Skorek received the medal of appreciation from University of Québec
Call for Paper
- IHTC2015
- ICIP 2015
- EPEC 2015