IEE E IEEE Canada Newsletter / Bulletin de IEEE Canada alletin |
Page en Français This Issue's Content: News - IEEE Canada Board of Directors - Your News - News of Interest - Our Members in the Spotlight - Call for Papers - Conferences Upcoming Events - New Brunswick - Montreal - Ottawa - Toronto - Winnipeg - Calgary - Other Submission Information
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Issue: January 2011 IEEE Canada News Central
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors - Call for Nominations... IEEE Director-Elect- IEEE Introduces IEEE Technology News - Looking for Editors- Renew Your Membership for 2011- Membership Dues in Special Circumstances
- IEEE Canadian Foundation expands ways to give
- HamiltonSection posts upcoming events online- Kingston Section posts upcoming events online- New Brunswick Section posts upcoming events online- South Alberta Section posts upcoming events online- Winnipeg Section posts upcoming events online- London Section: Large Rooftop Solar PV Farms- Vancouver Section: Laser Science @ Science World
- IEEE Canada forms Ad Hoc Committee on Wireless Technology- 2011 IEEE Computer SocietySimulator Design Competition- Humanitarian initiatives: Student Design Competition 2010-2011- Free E-book Titles and Access to Archived Webinars to All IEEE Members- IEEE Career services- IEEE Members give a "Thumbs up!" for the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program Administered by Marsh U.S. Consumer- Auto Insurance Rates Update, from The Personal- Your Life is On Your Computer. Back it Up- IEEE MasterCard® credit card- Member Benefit - HP- Attention: IEEE Members in British Columbia, Canada
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight - Winners of IEEE Canada Awards- Ottawa Section WIE event: Why mentor? Why be mentored?
- The 5th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference- Photonic Conferences in Ottawa
- Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada- All IEEE Conferences in Canada
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors Call for Nominations... IEEE Director-ElectMessage from the IEEE-Canada Past President on: To All Sections Chairs and Area Chairs: IEEE Canada election for Director-Elect (2012-2013) is due during the year of 2011. According to the IEEE Canada by-laws, the next Director-Elect will come from the IEEE Canada Area East. Director-Elect Duties: Director-Elect will serve for a six year term starting January 1, 2012; two years as Director-Elect, two years as Director and two years as Past Director. During two years as Director-Elect, the successful candidate may be asked to serve on one or more Member Geographic Area Board committees including attendance at IEEE Board meetings and participate in IEEE Canada activities as a member of all three governing boards (IEEE Canada, Executive and Steering Committees).... During the two years as Director, in addition to the previous responsibilities, the successful candidate will serve on the IEEE Board of Directors; the Engineering Institute of Canada's Board and conduct all IEEE Canada business. As Past Director, the successful candidate will be IEEE Canada's representative and member of the IEEE Canada Foundation Board and may serve on one or more IEEE committees. In the IEEE world, IEEE Canada is Region 7. Nominations: As Past IEEE Canada President and Past Region 7 Director it is my duty to find suitable candidates and conduct the screening process for the Director-Elect position. The purpose of this note is to inform you about the election and provide you with an overview of how the screening process works. Nomination Process & Eligibility: Typically potential candidates are nominated by their respective Section, however self-nominations are allowed. The candidates must hold IEEE Senior Member grade and ideally have served on one or more Region Committees. Potential candidates are required to submit an IEEE biography outlining their involvement in IEEE activities along with a position statement. Potential candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with IEEE Canada's Bylaws and Operations Manual <> and IEEE Member Geographic Area Bylaws and Operations Manual <>. Screening Process: IEEE Canada's Steering Committee will conduct telephone interviews with all potential candidates who meet the requirements to run for Director-Elect in February 2011. The candidates will be allotted a 15-minute time slot. The first 5-minutes will allow the candidates to introduce themselves and state why they are running and how they can make a difference. The next 5-minutes the candidate will answer a common set of questions prepared by the Steering Committee. For the final 5-minutes the Steering Committee may ask additional and specific questions to the candidate on their experience and suitability. Strict time limits will apply to the call. After all candidates have been interviewed, the Steering Committee will rank the candidates and pick a minimum of two, maximum of three candidates for Director-Elect. The nominated names of candidates will be submitted to IEEE/HQ for final screening , i.e. eligibility to run for office. The Past President will notify the candidates of the outcome of the screening results before goes to members at Large for Voting. Also, the selected slate of candidates will be invited to IEEE Canada's Spring'11 Board Meeting April 30, 2011 in Mississuaga, Ontario to address the Region Committee and take questions on their candidacy from IEEE Canada's Board. IEEE Canada will provide the candidates with an allowance to cover their travel expenses. Call for Nomination & Deadlines: Should you be interested in nominating a potential candidate or self-nominating, please forward a statement of interest along with a biographical sketch outlining your IEEE activities stating your qualifications for office to Ferial <> with a copy to before January 20, 2011. IEEE Canada will notify the qualified candidates of the date and time of their telephone interview with the Steering Committee. The nomination form is available here. Petition Candidate - IEEE allows for petition candidates. Candidates must get valid signatures from 2% of the IEEE Canada voting members as of December 31, 2010. The numbers will be confirmed based on Dec. 31, 2010 membership statistics. To be eligible to run as a petition candidate, IEEE must receive the petition and signatures prior to June 15, 2011. IEEE will verify that the petition candidate has satisfied IEEE requirements to run as a petition candidate. Ferial El-hawary
IEEE Introduces IEEE Technology News - Looking for EditorsIEEE Xplore currently includes nearly 3 million articles; and 200,000 articles are added annually. How can anyone know what is worth reading among those articles? Well, IEEE Technology News will help. It will bring to IEEE members and the global community the top 1000 of the most interesting, timely, and newsworthy articles. A beta version of IEEE Technology News is available now. It is a web-based publication which is also viewable on mobile devices. It will provide its subscribers with condensed versions of about 20 newly-posted articles each week - with links to the full articles in IEEE Xplore. The condensed versions are in layman's language so that nonspecialists, students, news media reporters, etc. will be able to understand them. IEEE Technology News is advertiser supported. It is free; anyone may subscribe - at Please subscribe and provide feedback to the volunteers behind this new publication. John Vig, 2009 IEEE President, conceived the idea and took the lead in developing it with the assistance of fellow volunteers Anil Roy (India) and Gus Gaynor (USA). They brought together IEEE Publications, Technical Activities, Spectrum, and other staff and volunteers to brainstorm, develop a proposal and plan for the launch of IEEE Technology News. This effort included receipt of a $25,000 Seed Grant from the IEEE New Initiatives Committee (NIC) in May 2010 followed by a Phase II NIC proposal for full-funding. IEEE surveys show that "remaining technically current" is the number 1 reason for joining IEEE. In today's global economy IEEE Technology News offers a channel for not only keeping abreast of one's own discipline but also for gaining an understanding of other technologies. Content is derived from IEEE's more than 500 conference proceedings and 800 journal issues published annually. To guarantee quality, the articles will go through a four-stage process: the appropriate papers will be selected by volunteer associate editors, the condensed versions will be written by professional technical writers, the condensed versions will be edited by a technical editor, and a final review will be performed by the IEEE Technology News Editor-in-Chief. An Editorial Board of nine people under the leadership of the Editor-in-Chief will be responsible for meeting the goals and guiding operations. Associate editors are needed for selecting the articles to be condensed. If you are a technical expert, preferably an IEEE Fellow, who regularly reads IEEE publications, please apply to be an associate editor, include a brief statement of qualifications, and specify the publication(s) you are willing to cover. The job is easy; i.e., when you read a new article that is especially interesting, important or newsworthy, send a message to, identify the article, and include a short explanation as to why the article is worthy of inclusion in IEEE Technology News. The Editorial Board looks forward to launching IEEE Technology News in 2011. Beta testing is projected to begin in early 2011. For a preview, please visit, and subscribe at on your computer or mobile device. Comments and applications for associate editor may be sent to Renew Your Membership for 2011You can start renewing your membership for 2011. Remember, IEEE membership can connect you with professionals who can open doors to many opportunities. There are also many online resources available to members (e.g. online books and publications). Use your IEEE Web Account and password to renew online at Membership Dues in Special CircumstancesIEEE realizes that economic circumstances may impact some members' ability to pay the full amount of IEEE membership dues. For this reason, the following special circumstance categories have been established. Special circumstances are not available to Student members. Only one category may be claimed in any year. IEEE Canadian Foundation expands ways to giveIEEE Canadian Foundation awards 13 grants and expands ways to give The IEEE Canadian Foundation Board of Directors met via teleconference on November 25 and:
Awarded five IEEE McNaughton Learning Resource Centre Grants To establish a new centre at UBC Okanagan To upgrade the centre at RMC To upgrade the centre at Queen's University To upgrade the centre at University of Alberta To upgrade the centre at Carleton University Awarded eight IEEE Canadian Foundation Special Grants U Laval branche étudiante "Compétitions d'électronique et de programmation" U Quebec à Trois Rivières "Compétition de génie électrique" U Calgary Student Branch "Innovation for Humanity: The Design Competition" IEEE Canada HIC "Humanitarian Student Design Competition" All Saints High School in Kanata ON "Robotics Team" Carleton U "2011 Student Professional Awareness Conference" U Calgary Student Branch "Silicon Valley Trip to meet with Industry Specialists" Discovery Centre, Halifax, NS "Junior/Senior High School Robotics Program" Established the Life Member Fund and Donor Appreciation program Established the Vancouver Section Scholarship Fund Elected Pankaj Sharma, Northern Canada Section, to a 5-year membership
And by an email vote on December 2, elected Mo El-Hawary of Halifax, NS to the position of Vice-President Development
Also in December, the website was expanded to describe the many new opportunities for Canadians to financially support IEEE activities in Canada and receive a CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) approved tax receipt. Examples include; gifts in honour or gifts in tribute; planned giving; matching gifts; prize, award or scholarship endowment; a choice of four funds, payment by mail (cheque), Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Interac or PayPal. All web pages are available in both English et Français. A suggested 2011 Canadian IEEE New Year's Resolution - support IEEE in Canada by making a small monthly donation of $5 (more if you can afford) by using our convenient secure online service - just click on Life Members can receive an LM pin or an IEEE Milestone coaster and a CRA tax receipt- full details on our website. Thank you for your generosity in 2010 and I hope even more of you will give in 2011.
HamiltonSection posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Hamilton Section: Kingston Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Kingston Section: New Brunswick Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the New Brunswick Section: South Alberta Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the South Alberta Section: Winnipeg Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Winnipeg Section: London Section: Large Rooftop Solar PV FarmsThursday, January 13, 2011, 7 to 9 pm, Lambton College Residences - formerly The Lambton Inn, Sarnia Keynote Speakers: Mr. Rick Williams, VP, North American Operations, Canadian General-Tower Ltd. Vancouver Section: Laser Science @ Science WorldMonday, January 17, 2011, 6:15 to 9 pm, Science World, Vancouver, B.C. Watching your favorite movie on CD/DVD. Surfing the web. Scanning barcodes at the grocery store. Having corrective eyesight vision surgery. For the past 50 years, lasers have revolutionized the way we live. This milestone marks one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century! The term "laser" originated as an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser which produces light by itself is technically an optical oscillator. In the early technical literature, especially at Bell Telephone Laboratories, the laser was called an optical maser; this term is now obsolete. In 1917, Albert Einstein established the theoretic foundations for the laser and the maser in the paper Zur Quantentheorieder Strahlung (On the Quantum Theory of Radiation).In 1953, Charles Hard Townes and graduate students James P. Gordon and Herbert J. Zeiger produced the first microwave amplifier, a device operating on similar principles to the laser, but amplifying microwave radiation rather than infrared or visible radiation. In 1960, Theodore H. Maiman constructed the first functioning laser, at Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, California. Maiman's functional laser used a solid-state flashlamppumped synthetic ruby crystal to produce red laser light, at 694 nanometres wavelength; however, the device only was capable of pulsed operation, because of its three-level pumping design scheme. In 1962, Robert N. Hall demonstrated the first laser diode device, made of gallium arsenide and emitted at 850 nm the near-infrared band of the spectrum. Later, in 1962, Nick Holonyak, Jr. demonstrated the first semiconductor laser with a visible emission. When lasers were invented in 1960, they were called "a solution looking for a problem". Since then, they have become ubiquitous, finding utility in thousands of highly varied applications in every section of modern society, including consumer electronics, information technology, science, medicine, industry, law enforcement, entertainment, and the military. Speakers: Dr. Nissim Pilossof studied physics in Sofia, Bulgaria and Prague, Czech Republic. He earned MSc in 1980 and PhD in Atomic Physics in 1988, both at the University of Sofia. >From 1988 to 1992 he worked as Senior Research Fellow in the University of Sofia. In 1992 he moved to Israel and joined Fabia Engineer as Senior Researcher and General Manager. In September 1997 he joined Scitex Corporation as Scitex Fellow responsible for assessment and development of novel imaging technologies. In Creo-Scitex (later Creo Israel) held the position of Physics Section Head. In 2004 Nissim accepted the position of Principal Engineer at Creo Products (now Kodak Graphic Communications Canada Company) and moved to Vancouver BC. As a Principal Engineer at Kodak Industrial Imaging Solution group he is responsible for development and design of High-power LD-based imaging devices. Nissim Pilossof is a member of the Research Program Committee of Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations. IEEE Canada forms Ad Hoc Committee on Wireless TechnologyThe IEEE Canada Board of Directors has just voted to form an ad hoc committee to work with universities, companies and regional groups with an interest in wireless commercialization (including but not limited to Vancouver-based Wavefront Wireless Commercialization Centre, Waterloo-based Communitech, and Montreal-based Prompt-Quebec) to:
Promote and facilitate cooperation between academia, government and the wireless industry with a particular focus on commercialization of wireless technologies. Establish the feasibility of assisting start ups and small and medium enterprises by working with universities and colleges to develop a database of research equipment and facilities that are available to assist in the commercialization of wireless technologies. Encourage the wireless industry and government officials to share their knowledge and insights concerning commercialization of wireless technology with IEEE members through IEEE Canada publications and technical activities. The committee will be chaired by Prof. Dave Michelson 2011 IEEE Computer Society Simulator Design CompetitionIEEE Computer Society is presenting the 2011 Simulator Design Competition for students worldwide with a top prize of 8,000 USD and a second place prize of 2,000 USD. Student teams will be invited to design a CPU simulator, a program used in many architecture courses to illustrate how computers work. The competition requires that students have taken a course in architecture and have both programming and software engineering skills. Student teams will submit both a report and a working program at the end of the competition. For more info: Registration deadline is 18 January 2011. Humanitarian initiatives: Student Design Competition 2010-2011TITLE: Student Design Competition 2010-2011
ABSTRACT: We are proud to welcome Canadian students to the first HIC humanitarian student design competition. The competition is open to undergraduate and master students enrolled in a Canadian college or university. It provides a venue for students to show how design, creativity, and innovation can be used for the betterment of society and for the advancement of humanity; it is a practical experience of the constrains and conditions students will face in industry. An abstract of the winner's work will be published in one of the IEEE publications. Prizes will be awarded as follows: first prize, CND $1000; second prize, CND $700; third prize, CND $300. For this year's competition, we have decided to focus on improving or innovating parts of the WE CARE Solar's system ( Students interested in participating in a more general humanitarian topic are encouraged to submit a proposal to the IEEE Presidents' Change the World Competition ( WE CARE Solar promotes a safe motherhood and reduces maternal mortality in developing regions by providing health workers with reliable lighting, mobile communication, and blood bank refrigeration using solar electricity. A link to a 45 minute presentation by Dr. Stachel is available in our website, it describes WE CARE Solar's mission and system. IEEE Canada has established the Humanitarian Initiatives Committee (HIC) to promote IEEE core value of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity; raising awareness of how IEEE Canada can best use its strengths and relevant technologies to address societal problems; providing leadership, encouragement, and support to Sections and Chapters interested in humanitarian initiatives; identifying and inventorying humanitarian activities across Canada; and coordinating activities with IEEE worldwide humanitarian committees and initiatives. We are looking forward to your participation. Free E-book Titles and Access to Archived Webinars to All IEEE MembersIn response to Section Congress recommendation, the IEEE is offering e-books and webinars free to all IEEE members. Check out the free e-books and archived webinars at: IEEE Career servicesLooking for a new job? Check out the following site! The IEEE Members give a "Thumbs up!" for the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program Administered by Marsh U.S. ConsumerFind out how Members feel, what they're saying and other feedback compiled from a recent survey conducted on current life and health insurance participants. Plus, learn about all the newest improvements and service features designed to make the program even better for Members. Learn More. Auto Insurance Rates Update, from The PersonalWhen it comes to home and auto insurance, it pays to shop and compare prices. Did you know that The Personal reviews their home and auto insurance rates for IEEE members to make sure you're always getting a competitive price? If you have not yet received a quote from The Personal, there's never been a better time to take advantage of this IEEE member benefit. If you have received a quote in the past, we encourage you to get a new quote to see how much you could save today. For a home or auto insurance quote, call 1-888-476-8737 or visit Certain conditions apply. Your Life is On Your Computer. Back it UpMozy is offering IEEE members its online backup services at an exclusive discounted rate. Protect your most important business documents, home movies, photos, music and other digital information stored on your computer. Mozy securely backs up all of your data off-site so in case of hard drive crash, lost laptop or virus so you can easily restore what's most important. Every photo, document, or song. Safe with Mozy. Visit to get started. IEEE MasterCard® credit cardEvery time you use your card for a purchase, a financial contribution will be made to the IEEE on your behalf! Plus you can enjoy the benefits of:
Around-the-clock fraud protection Unparalleled 24-hour customer service To learn more about this exciting opportunity simply call 1-877-428-6060 and reference priority code CIGI. Member Benefit - HPNew! HP introduces web site for IEEE Members in Canada >Members in Canada can now shop at Attention: IEEE Members in British Columbia, CanadaIEEE and Marsh U.S. Consumer announced that, effective 10 November 2010 IEEE Members in British Columbia, Canada are again eligible for the following insurance plans underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company:
Group Term Life Insurance Group 10-Year Level Term Life Insurance Group 20-Year Level Term Life Insurance Group Level Term Life to Age 65 Group Term Life with Living Benefits Insurance Group Disability Income Insurance Group Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance The aforementioned insurance plans are now available in all Canadian provinces except Quebec. IEEE-sponsored insurance plans are also offered in the United States and Puerto Rico. [Note: In order for insurance plans to be admissible in any jurisdiction, the underwriter and broker must be approved for compliance with all government regulations, and approval dates may vary.] Continued membership in IEEE is required in order to be eligible for coverage in these exclusive plans. New York Life Insurance Company has received the highest possible ratings for financial strength from some of the industry's leading rating agencies: A++ by A.M. Best, Aaa by Moody's, AAA by Standard and Poor's and AAA by Fitch.* To learn more about the plans listed above including plan features, cost, eligibility, renewability, limitations, terms of coverage and exclusions visit or call 1-800-493-IEEE (4333). Administered by: Marsh U.S. Consumer, 12421 Meredith Drive, Urbandale, IA 50398 Underwritten by: New York Life Insurance Company, 51 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10010 on Policy Form GMR *Source: Third Party Ratings Report as of 7/7/10., click on the "About New York Life" link, then click on "What the Rating Agencies Say" for the most up-to-date rating information. ©Seabury & Smith, Inc. 2010
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight Winners of IEEE Canada AwardsCongratulations to the award winners! Achievement Awards
Bochmann, Gregor
Gruver, William
Deen, Jamal
Power Engineering
DeWinter, Frank
DeWinter Engineering,
Industry Leadership
Clark, Colin
Service Awards
Outstanding Service Husain,
Glass Western
Ingram, Lindsay
Broughton Central Luiken,
Archambault Eastern
Aghdam, Amir
Ottawa Section WIE event: Why mentor? Why be mentored?Submitted by: Andréa Bourdeau, WIE Chair, University of Ottawa,
The uOttawa and CarletonU IEEE Student Branch WIE groups wanted to present attendees with testimonials on in an effort to encourage women in engineering to seek mentors and to offer mentoring in turn. We invited Jennifer Ng Ain Kin (member of IEEE for over 21 years & IEEE volunteer for over 10 years), WonSook Lee (Ph.D., Associate Professor in SITE, the Faculty of Engineering, at uOttawa), and Jieyi Rong (recent graduate of the Electrical Engineering program at Carleton University and former Chair of Carleton University IEEE Student Branch) to give their insights, experiences and perspectives (both formal and informal) on mentoring. Prof Lee gave a presentation on the way which mentors aid in the mental growth of their protégés. Prof Lee addressed the importance of having defined goals and a timeline before asking someone to become a mentor and beginning that type of relationship; as this typically helps to ensure a successful mentorship experience. Lastly, Prof. Lee emphasized that one who offers mentorship typically benefits as much from the experience as a protégé. Ms. Ng Ain Kin has been involved with mentoring within the IEEE network. Interestingly, Ms. Ng's style of mentorship doesn't necessarily call for face-to-face interaction. Despite almost no real-time interactions, Ms. Ng's experiences with mentorship have been positive. Ms. Ng voiced that for most protégés, it's enough that their mentors offer sincere advice rather than parrot what some would perceive to be the "best" (mainstream) advice. Ms. Jieyi Rong, as new graduate, highly recommends finding a mentor with similar interests and learning from them. Ms. Rong argued that students are in a particularly good position to take chances and learn from other professionals' experiences. Therefore, she strongly encourages engineering students to try internship programs.. Indeed, this event on mentorship was made successful thanks to the intriguing and thought provoking testimonials that were offered and that left our attendees with three new perspectives on Why Mentor? Why Be Mentored? We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank WIE R7 for their support that has helped to make this event a success.
The 5th Annual IEEE International Systems ConferenceDate: April 4 - 7, 2011 Conference Objectives:
Applications-oriented topics on large-scale systems and system-of-systems in topics noted below Systems engineering, education, standards, processes and methodologies for the system-of-systems environment Research opportunities and results relating to system-of-systems Topic areas and complete submission details can be found at Important Dates:
Website: Photonics Conferences in OttawaPlease join IEEE Photoincs Society, IEEE Ottawa Section and IEEE Photonics Society Ottawa Chapter at the 2011 Ottawa Photonics Week: three world class conferences and an exhibition Ottawa Photonics Week (May 15-20, 2011)
IEEE IAS Electrical Safety WorkshopThe IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Workshop will be holding its 18th Annual Workshop in Toronto, ON, January 24 - 28, 2011. The workshop which is held in Canada every 5 years, will be held at the Sheraton Centre Toronto. The Call for Papers, attached, is open until May 1, 2010. The workshop is IEEE conference number 17140. The workshop website is The mission of the workshop is to provide an international forum for changing the electrical safety culture and serving to advance applications of technology, work practices, codes and regulations to prevent electrical incidents and injuries in the workplace. The 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer EngineeringDate: May 8- 11, 2011 CCECE provides researchers, students, and practicing professionals in the area of Electrical and Computer Engineering with a Canadian venue in which they can present the latest technological advancements and discoveries. It is also a valuable opportunity to network, exchange ideas, strengthen existing partnerships and foster new collaborations. CCECE 2011 will feature mini-symposia with papers presented from a broad range of areas in Electrical and Computer Engineering. There will be tutorial sessions in leading topics, plenary talks from senior executives in industry and academia, special sessions in hot topics, social programs, the IEEE Canada Awards and Banquet night, best student paper awards luncheon, and industrial exhibitions. Website: All IEEE Conferences in Canada
  I look forward to receiving news/article(s) from your sections and/or yours or other IEEE colleagues' achievements for the newsletter. Please forward any such correspondence by the 20th of the month to the Editor at             |
IEEE Canada Newsletter – January 2011 Bulletin de IEEE Canada – Janvier 2011
update 2011.01.06 dernière mise à jour |