IEE E IEEE Canada Newsletter / Bulletin de IEEE Canada alletin |
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Issue: April 2009 IEEE Canada News Central
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors - Message from the IEEE Canada President
- Montreal Section examines switched systems- Ottawa Section evaluates stability in electrical power systems- Ottawa Section hosts radar workshop- Toronto Section hosts distinguished lecture on cognitive radio- Hamilton Section engineers green products and technologies- Vancouver Section recognizes human actions from video data- Vancouver Section studies current interruption in atmospheric air
- Montreal Section hosts Region 7 Teacher In-Service Program Meeting- University of Waterloo host radio systems one-day course- Invitation to CCECE 2009 in St. John’s, Newfoundland- New Home and Auto Group Insurance Program
- 2009 TELUS Competition to be held in Mississauga- 2009 Student Congress to be held in Mississauga- IEEE Summer School in Biometrics: Technologies, Systems and Applications
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight - 2009 IEEE Canada Industry Leadership Award: Lorry Wilson
- IEEE Toronto International Conference – Science and Technology for Humanity- IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications- Symposium on Engineered & Natural Complex Systems, IEEE TICSTH 2009- Request for proposal to host EPEC 2010
- Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada- IEEE Power and Energy Society 2009 General Meeting- All IEEE Conferences in Canada
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors Message from the IEEE-CanadaDear IEEE Canada Members,
The most exciting news is that after an extensive search that involved the IEEE Board of Directors is that we now have a new Executive Director. We are really lucky with the choice of Jim Prendergast, who accepted the offer and will assume the position by April 6th, 2009. Here in our local news, the IEEE-Canada ExCom just approved a new proposal submitted by the Chair of the Publication Committee Xavier Maldague rearenging the Canadian Review (CR) Editorial structure by adding a new managing Editor Amir Aghdam who will work with the Editor in Chief Eric Holdrinet. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Eric who devoted much of his time over the years to make the C.R. most successful. Also many thanks go to the publication committee chair Xavier Maldague and his team for their continuing excellent work on the Canadian Journal, as many thanks to go to the past Chair Witold Kinsner for his superb job and contribution to the publication committee for many years. On Friday, May 1st, we are scheduling a one-day training session for Sections Volunteer Leaders which is Sponsored by IEEE-Canada. These sessions will be informative and given by knowledgeable experts. Our National Conferences CCECE'09 and EPEC'09 are both in progress. Please join us very soon at the CCECE'09 Awards night on May 4 th. in St John's NFL and share the Celebration with many IEEE Awards recipients. Seven awardees will receive Achievement Awards and four will receive Service Awards. This is in addition to eleven who have already been elevated to the Fellow grade of Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) and they were recognized at the EIC Gala Dinner held on March 7th, 2009 in Ottawa. Many thanks go to the chair of the Awards Committee Bob Alden and his team who made this happen with great success. Well done! Member Benefits have a high priority for IEEE Canada. The Personal Insurance Company is offering special rates on Home and Car insurance for our members as you will see elsewhere in this issue. A special thanks go to the team of IEEE Member Benefits Services. It is now official that, the Montreal and Boston IEEE Sections have become Sister Sections, thanks to the efforts of the Sections Chairs and IEEE Region -1 Director Michel. Finally, the Pre-College Education Workshop project with IEEE- EAB is being held in Montreal on May 15-16, 2009 under the leadership of both Montreal and Ottawa IEEE Sections. I note that, the IEEE Foundation has established a new fund which will provide unique opportunities to make a real difference to developing areas. Through the awarding of grants, The Humanitarian Technology Fund supports projects that provide technological solutions to problems in various parts of the word. The Humanitarian Technology Fund is accepting donations online. You may direct your questions to I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for a happy, healthy Easter holiday to you and your families. Dr. Ferial El-Hawary, P.Eng., F.IEEE, F.EIC, F.MTS Montreal Section examines switched systems with inputs and outputsApril 24, 2009, 4:30 PM, @ Concordia University, Room EV 003.309 Dr. Daniel Liberzon (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) will discuss systems that combine continuous nonlinear dynamics with isolated switching events. Building on earlier work that dealt with stability of such switched systems, in this talk we want to go beyond stability and discuss system behavior in the presence of inputs and outputs. Particular topics to be discussed are: observability and LaSalle theorems; input-to-state stability; and inevitability. For more information: Ottawa Section evaluates the impact of renewable energy resources on the stability of electrical power systemsApril 17, 2009, 6:30 PM, @ Algonquin College, Room T129 Renewable energy resources for electric power generation are gaining momentum as the next great green hope to substitute for less environmentally-friendly electrical energy sources. This trend places new challenges to the electric system operator in assuring both angle and voltage stability of the system. This need becomes more significant with the increase in penetration levels of renewable generation sources. At this seminar, the generator types and their dynamic performance and interactions with electric grid will be discussed. Reference will be made to situations where special devices and mitigation technologies are deployed successfully. Speaker: Prof Mo El-Hawary, IEEE Fellow, Dalhousie University. See for more information. Ottawa Section holds radar workshopApril 21, 2009, 7:30 PM, @ The Crowsnest, Naval Officer Mess Dr Zhen Ding (DRDC Ottawa): A review of the current technical solutions and future trends for multiple target tracking and data fusion is given. Applications are presented from Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) with HF Surface Wave Radar and Above Water War (AWW) for navy ships. The presentation is divided into three sections: firstly, two tracking problems are described and illustrated by a single sensor (radar) tracking example. Solutions for handling target maneuvers and false measurements are discussed, respectively. Then, the two problems are extended to a system with multiple sensors where data fusion becomes critical. Various architectures and algorithms for data fusion are discussed. Finally, a few recent achievements and some unresolved issues are presented. See for more information. Toronto Section hosts distinguished lecture on cognitive radioApril 3, 2009, 3:00 PM, @ University of Toronto, Bahen Centre for Information Technology, Room BA 1180 To set the stage for the motivation behind Cognitive Radio, Prof. Simon Haykin (McMaster Univeristy) will begin the lecture by speaking on the Computer and the Mind. Interest in Cognitive Radio has grown exponentially in the past four or five years, largely because of the potential this new and exciting transformational technology offers in solving the spectrum underutilization problem and lives. See for more information. Hamilton Section engineers green products and technologiesApril 7, 2009, 8:30 AM, @ Toronto Congress Centre A complimentary, half-day seminar by National Instruments. National Instruments provides a wide range of measurement and automation tools that can help engineers and scientists design, develop, and improve products and technologies resulting in environmental and economic benefits. See for more information. Vancouver Section recognizes human actions from video dataApril 16, 2009, 2:30 PM, @ Simon Fraser University, Rm ASB 9705 The development of automatic methods for recognizing human actions is a challenging computer vision problem. Robust solutions to this problem would facilitate a variety of applications in automated surveillance, such as gathering statistics on pedestrian behaviour or improving safety in assisted living facilities. In this talk, Prof. Greg Mori (Simon Fraser University) will present work towards solving this problem. The focus will be on methods that use motion cues for recognizing human actions. The first is an efficient method for learning motion cues that can discriminate between actions, using the AdaBoost algorithm. A second model uses the hidden Conditional Random Field (hCRF) to learn a representation for motion parts in conjunction with whole-body templates. Finally, a "bag-of-words" model will be described for video sequences that can be used for detecting unusual combinations of actions. See for more information. Vancouver Section studies current interruption in atmospheric airApril 21, 2009, 12 PM, @ BC Hydro Building, Southpoint Auditorium Air-break disconnect switches are intended to be used as isolators. However, especially in North America, they are commonly used to interrupt transformer magnetizing, capacitive and loop currents. Each of these switching duties involves a free-burning arc in air and is unique in its own way in terms of arc behaviour and the arc-circuit interaction. Based on recent and ongoing research, the presentation will explain this behaviour and interaction in practical terms and will be richly illustrated with video clips of actual field and laboratory switching events both successful and unsuccessful. Speaker: David Peelo (ZE Power Engineering Inc.) See for more information. Montreal Section hosts Region 7 Teacher In-Service Program MeetingThe purpose of the Teacher In-Service Program is to help IEEE members improve the teaching of engineering and engineering design in pre-university schools (primary schools, middle schools and high schools). In this workshop, IEEE members will learn how to work with teachers of pre-university schools, and how to conduct hands-on sessions for these teachers on engineering topics. The teachers will then use these sessions on a regular basis with their own students. Registration Deadline: Friday, 3 April 2009 Meeting Location: Marriott Chateau Champlain, Montreal, QC, Canada Meeting Schedule:
Friday, 15 May 2009 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Registration 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. TISP Meeting 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Reception 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Dinner Saturday, 16 May 2009 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Breakfast 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. TISP Meeting 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch For more information, please go to the following website : University of Waterloo host radio systems one-day courseUniversity of Waterloo, DC 1302, Friday, April 24, 2009 at 9 a.m. Please register by emailing Vera Korody at Registration is free. General Description Who Should Take This Course The course is intended for those interested in learning, or reviewing the fundamentals in present cellular radio systems, and the various elements that make up a complete radio product. The course will use the standards GSM, GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, HSPA+, and LTE as examples to illustrate radio design. The audience requires knowledge in linear and nonlinear electronic design. A general knowledge of microwave and analog design would be helpful, but is not absolutely required. Course Description (Subject to Change) About the Instructor - Tajinder Manku Dr. Tajinder Manku led the Radio Engineering team as an executive at Icera Semiconductor, and qualified the industry's first single-chip multi-standard 3G RF transceiver in products for Nokia, LG Electronics, and several others. The radio was qualified in a number of networks throughout the world. While managing the radio team, he also developed and managed the company's patent portfolio. Prior to Icera, Dr. Manku founded Sirific Wireless with the role of CTO. He developed the world's first integrated CMOS single-chip 2G, 2.5G, 3G, and 3.5G RF transceiver, which resulted in the acquisition of Sirific by Icera Semiconductor in May 2008. He has also led the development of a CMOS 4G LTE transceiver. Dr. Manku has published more than >100 papers and holds >50 patents. He has been a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Waterloo from 1995 to 2000 and holds a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo. Invitation to CCECE 2009 in St. John's, NewfoundlandThe Newfoundland and Labrador Section is very proud to be hosting the 22nd Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), which will be held at the Delta St. John's and the St. John's Convention Centre May 3-6, 2009. This annual flagship conference of IEEE Canada serves as an excellent opportunity for researchers and professionals in the IEEE fields to meet and present their work. A welcome reception for all delegates will be held Sunday evening at The Rooms. We will offer pre-conference tutorials. The Conference sessions themselves, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, will be conducted in the conference facilities at the Delta St. John's with plenary sessions and meals in the St. John's Convention Centre. In addition, an active and enticing social program will be offered to all attendees, partners, and guests. The conference committee is co-chaired by Dr. Wally Read and Dr. John Quaicoe, and the technical committee is led by Dr. Eric Gill and Dr. Dennis Peters. Experienced, enthusiastic, and dedicated volunteers from the Section round out the organizing committee and will help to ensure that the conference is very successful. Following the lead of CCECE '08, the conference will be structured into a seven mini-symposia in the areas of Circuits, Devices and Systems; Control and Robotics; Communications and Networking; Computers, Software and Applications; Ocean Engineering; Power Electronics and Energy Systems; and Signal and Multimedia Processing. A full paper review process will be used to ensure that the conference is of very high technical quality. For further details please refer to Call for Papers at The CCECE 2009 will be an unforgettable experience - an overwhelming technical and financial success that also offers a wealth of activities and networking opportunities for delegates. We hope to see you in May! For further information and updates see the conference website at New Home and Auto Group Insurance ProgramThe IEEE Financial Advantage Program is pleased to announce that The Personal Insurance Company is now a provider of home and auto group insurance to IEEE Canada members. One of Canada's largest group insurers, The Personal insures members and employees of over 550 organizations and has over 650,000 policies in force across the country. The advantages of this voluntary benefit include preferred rates not available to the general public, exceptional service, and personalized protection. IEEE Canada members*, their spouses and dependants** are eligible for this new program. To find out how much you can save, get a quote from The Personal by phone or on their Web site.
Take advantage of your home and auto group insurance plan.
Get a quote from The Personal
* One must be a member in good standing of the IEEE at the time of application and continue active membership in order to be eligible for the group rates.
2009 TELUS Competition to be held in MississaugaDate: September 1718, 2009 Student Congress to be held in MississaugaDate: September 1820, 2009 IEEE Summer School in Biometrics: Technologies, Systems and ApplicationsMay 24-30, 2009, @ University of Toronto The 2009 IEEE Emerging Technologies Summer Series is an ongoing set of intensive programs that expose "emerging" and cross-disciplinary fields to young scholars (i.e.: graduate students, post-docs and new faculty) at higher education institutions. Each offering includes core faculty of leading-edge scholars and practitioners, and facilitates exchange and personal interaction between these individuals and attendees. These programs have been specifically developed for the next generation of intellectual leaders responsible for shaping instruction and research in engineering degree programs. For more information:
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight IEEE Canada Industry Leadership Award: Lorry Wilson
Mr. Wilson was the former CEO of the Power Pool of Alberta before the merger of the Power Pool and the Transmission Administrator function into the AESO (Alberta Electric System Operator). He is involved in numerous innovative power system development projects in Canada and the United States including Sweet Grass Energy Solutions, Maritimes Energy Sharing Project and Empress Energy Solutions. A professional engineer with over 30 years of expertise in the power industry, Mr. Wilson received his degree in electrical engineering from the University of Saskatchewan. Upon graduation, he joined SaskPower, where he assumed management roles of increasing responsibility in various aspects of long-range system planning for generation and transmission. At his last position at SaskPower, Mr. Wilson was responsible for the overall coordination and operation of SaskPower's electric power systems. Mr. Wilson is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. He resides in Calgary, Alberta.
IEEE Toronto International Conference - Science and Technology for Humanity Important Dates
The TIC-STH conference is an international forum for state-of-the-art research across a broad spectrum of the IEEE science and technology fields of interest. The format of the conference is several parallel Symposia focusing on the advanced scientific and technological problems, especially of the interdisciplinary nature.
The Second IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications (IEEE CISDA 2009) Sponsored by The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Important Dates
Symposium on Engineered & Natural Complex Systems: Modeling, Simulation & Analysis To be held at CALL FOR PAPERS We cordially invite prospective authors to submit papers to the "Symposium on Engineered & Natural Complex Systems: Modeling, Simulation & Analysis" to be held at the TIC-STH 2009 conference in Toronto. This interdisciplinary Symposium provides forum to discuss the state-of-the-art research across a broad spectrum of the IEEE science and technology fields of interest and is not limited to the traditional IEEE areas. The Symposium topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
The accepted papers will be published in the IEEE TIC-STH 2009 Proceedings indexed by IEEE Xplore - Most Respected Scientific Full-Text Database.
All paper submissions will be peer reviewed, must conform to the IEEE TIC-STH 2009 submission policy and should be in English language: The Symposium provides an opportunity to Publish Lengthier Papers - Up to 6 (six) Pages With No Extra Fee. Additionally, high-value tutorials are included with registration. Important Dates
Request for proposal to host EPEC 2010Your Conference Advisory Committee, CONAC, is seeking RFPs from Sections interested in hosting the Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC) in the fall of 2010. To obtain a copy of the RFP contact A. Kash Husain at The RFP is due April 20th, 2009. Your proposal should include, as a minimum, information on the following points:
A Kash Husain
Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada2009 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) 2009 IEEE Commercial Power Systems (I&CPS) Annual Technical Conference 2nd Climate Change Technology Conference 2009 The 2009 Canadian Workshop on Information Theory 2009 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC) 2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting IEEE Power and Energy Society 2009 General MeetingJuly 26-30, 2009, Telus Convention Center, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Investment in Workforce and Innovation for Power Systems The IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting brings together an international group of practicing engineers, operators, planners, policy makers, economists, academics and others with interest in the field of electric power and energy. It thus provides an exceptional venue for learning about the latest developments in all aspects of electrical power and energy, and discussing issues with experts in related fields from all over the world. The conference will begin with a timely and valuable plenary session and will also include tutorials on a number of up-to-date topics in this area. Paper, panel and poster sessions will be scheduled, with top papers drawn from all committees to be featured in Super Sessions. Topics with the following focus:
For additional information about the meeting visit the website All IEEE Conferences in Canada
  I look forward to receiving news/article(s) from your sections and/or yours or other IEEE colleagues' achievements for the newsletter. Please forward any such correspondence by the 20th of the month to the Editor at             |
IEEE Canada Newsletter – April 2009 Bulletin de IEEE Canada – Avril 2009
update /2009.04.08 dernière mise à jour |