IEE E IEEE Canada Newsletter / Bulletin de IEEE Canada alletin |
Page en Français This Issue's Content: News of Interest - IEEE Canada Board of Directors - Your News - Students' Corner - Our Members in the Spotlight - Call for Papers - Conferences Upcoming Events - New Brunswick - Montreal - Ottawa - Toronto - Winnipeg - Calgary - Other Submission Information
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Issue: October 2008 IEEE Canada News Central
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors - Section Congress 2008 Memories- Nominations are sought for IEEE Canada Major Awards- News from the board room- Call for Nominations for Director Elect
- Vancouver Computer Chapter organizes various events on Agile- Toronto Section co-organizes an evening with Genius- Kingston Section forms a new Chapter
- University of Alberta Student Branch plans NSS 2008- Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation announces its 2009 scholarship program
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight - Newly elevated IEEE Canada members to Senior Status
- CISSE 08 (December 5-13, 2008)- 2nd Climate Change Technology Conference (May 12-15, 2009)
- Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada- All IEEE Conferences in Canada- IEEE Canada - Electrical Power and Energy Conference 2008 (EPEC 2008)- 5th Annual Product Safety Engineering Symposium- The 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques- CASCON 2008
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors Section Congress 2008 Memories
The opening ceremony included an invited speaker from TELUS. The closing ceremony included a short video highlighting the MGA Mission to Inspire, Enable, Empower, and Engage the participants. I invite you to view this video on at: and select the Sections Congress 2008 video titled, IEEE - Inspire. Enable. Empower. Engage. Also on are several other programs from Sections Congress 2008 including: • Sections Congress 2008 Opening Highlights I encourage you to visit and enjoy these presentations. I would also like to express our thanks to all of our sponsors, and specifically recognize our Diamond Level Sponsors of IEEE Sections Congress 2008: IEEE Foundation (
If you would like more information on our sponsors, please click on the links. Thank you all who volunteered working that added to the success and the people that have registered to make it happen. The memories of each day of Section Congress has been captured, you can access them directly at:
Nominations are sought for IEEE Canada Major AwardsPlease consider nominating or endorsing a Canadian IEEE member for one of the following awards in either of the following two categories. Achievement
New This Year- nominations are sought for the Industry Leadership Award (nominee does not need to be an IEEE member) To Nominate For any nomination, one nominator and two endorsers are needed, so think of a deserving candidate you know and two additional people who also know the candidate - then go to the IEEE Canada web site home page, click on "nominations" on the left side, read the information on that page and on the linked pages for any related details you need. Then fill out the web forms (also linked from that page) - there is also an option to use Word if needed but the web form is really easy to use. Deadline The deadline for the forms to be received is November 30 - so please get started now! Presenting The Awards Each award consists of a silver or gold medal, a hardwood plaque, and two tickets to the IEEE Canada awards banquet to be held on Monday evening May 4, 2009 at the Delta St. John's hotel in St. John's, NL during the annual Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Plan to come along and see your sucessful nominee honoured on the stage in a room full of many of Canada finest engineers (present and future) - it is always a superb event. Robert T.H. (Bob) Alden, Ph.D., P.Eng., LFIEEE, FEIC, News from the board roomIEEE Canada is pleased to announce that EPEC 2009 is to be held in Montreal and CCECE 2010 in Calgary. Call for Nominations for Director ElectNext year, 2009, IEEE Canada will elect a Director-Elect. The Director-Elect will serve for a six year term starting January 1, 2010; two years as Director-Elect, two years as Director and two years as Past Director. During two years as Director-Elect, the successful candidate may be asked to serve on one or more Member Geographic Area Board committees including attendance at IEEE Board meetings and participate in IEEE Canada activities as a member of all three governing boards (IEEE Canada, Executive and Steering Committees) During the two years as Director, in addition to the previous responsibilities, the successful candidate will serve on the IEEE Board of Directors; the Engineering Institute of Canada's Board and conduct all IEEE Canada business. As Past Director, the successful candidate will be IEEE Canada's representative and member of the IEEE Canada Foundation Board and may serve on one or more IEEE committees. In the IEEE world, IEEE Canada is Region 7. As Past President and Past Region Director it is my duty to find suitable candidates and conduct the screening process for the Director-Elect position. According to the IEEE Canada by-laws, the next Director-Elect will come from the Canada Central Area. The purpose of this note is to inform you about the election and provide you with an overview of how the screening process works. Typically potential candidates are nominated by their respective Section, however self-nominations are allowed. The candidates must hold IEEE Senior Member grade and ideally have served on one or more Region Committees. Potential candidates are required to submit an IEEE biography outlining their involvement in IEEE activities along with a position statement. Potential candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with IEEE Canada's Bylaws and Operations Manual ( and IEEE Member Geographic Area Bylaws and Operations Manual ( IEEE Canada's Steering Committee will conduct telephone interviews with all potential candidates who meet the requirements to run for Director-Elect in February 2009. The candidates will be allotted a 15-minute time slot. The first 5-minutes will allow the candidates to introduce themselves and state why they are running and how they can make a difference. The next 5-minutes the candidate will answer a common set of questions prepared by the Steering Committee. For the final 5-minutes the Steering Committee may ask additional and specific questions to the candidate on their experience and suitability. Strict time limits will apply to the call. After all candidates have been interviewed, the Steering Committee will rank the candidates and pick a minimum of two, maximum of three candidates for Director-Elect. The names will be submitted to IEEE for final screening, i.e. eligibility to run for office. The Past President will notify the candidates of the outcome of the screening results. Finally, the selected candidates will be invited to IEEE Canada's Spring Meeting in St. John's (1-3 May) to address the Region Committee and take questions on their candidacy from IEEE Canada's Board. IEEE Canada will provide the candidates with an allowance to cover their travel expenses. Should you be interested in nominating a potential candidate or self-nominating, please forward a statement of interest along with a biographical sketch outlining your IEEE activities stating your qualifications for office to with a copy to before January 16, 2009. IEEE Canada will notify the qualified candidates of the date and time of their telephone interview with the Steering Committee. . Petition Candidate - IEEE allows for petition candidates. Candidates must get valid signatures from 2% of the IEEE Canada voting members as of December 31, 2008. The numbers will be confirmed based on December 31, 2008 membership statistics. To be eligible to run as a petition candidate, IEEE must receive the petition and signatures prior to June 15, 2009. IEEE will verify that the petition candidate has satisfied IEEE requirements to run as a petition candidate. Robert A. Hanna Vancouver Computer Chapter organizes various events on AgileOctober 27, 2008 "Best" really depends on context - and this introduction to software "best" practices will focus on the evaluation and integration of the practices that constitute many of today's "Agile" methods. One of the interesting observations made by members of the software community is that "what is old - is new again" when it comes to Agile. Another observation is that "best" is not universally applicable and boundary conditions do apply - due to variations in customers, competition, context, culture, tools, scale and scope - of the systems developed. On October 27, Steven Fraser from CISCO Research, San Jose will give a talk titled: "Software Best Practices, Agile Deconstructed". Toronto Section co-organizes an evening with GeniusNov. 6, 7 and 8, 2008 He discovered alternating current, wireless and radio. And no, he is not Marconi. In fact, in 1943, the Supreme Court granted full rights to Tesla for the invention of radio, nullifying the claims of Marchese Gugliemo Marconi who had patented a two-tuned-circuit design and a more practical four-tuned-circuit modeled after Tesla's. Marconi's patent on the invention of radio was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court because Tesla's work predated it (Case #369, 6/21/43). Nikola Tesla is known as the forgotten genius although we know him too well through his inventions. In a unique event, IEEE Toronto Section and PEO have organized an evening with Tesla! This one-man play about Tesla's life is written by J. Michael Newlight and Frank Tabbita, with Frank Tabbita as Nikola Tesla. The play already had a number of successful performances in the USA, Europe, Australia and Vancouver, Canada. People from all walks of life - artists, dancers, new agers, musicians, janitors, lawyers - have enjoyed An Evening With Genius. Kingston Section forms a new ChapterA Control Systems, Engineering in Medicine and Biology, and Robotics and Automation (CS/EMB/RA) Joint Societies Chapter within the IEEE Kingston Section has been formed. Upon the support of Section members with a signed petition and the approval of the societies Presidents and IEEE Canada Director, the Chapter was formed on May 29, 2008. The Chapter is currently being chaired by Prof. K. Hashtrudi-Zaad.
University of Alberta Student Branch plans NSS 2008November 21, 2008
IEEESB presents the 3rd annual Networking Super Session (NSS), an informal student-industry mixer. This catered event brings together students and representatives from local and regional companies in areas relevant to ECE and related disciplines. We're aiming for attendance of 150 students and 50 industry representatives. Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation announces its 2009 scholarship programThe Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation is proud to announce its 2009 Scholarship Program. There will be 14 scholarships available this year ranging from $2,500 to $15,000 for women in engineering at the undergraduate, master's and PhD levels. Undergraduates can apply to: the five $5000 CEMF Undergraduate Engineering Scholarships with one scholarship given in each region of Canada - Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairies and British Columbia to a Canadian Aboriginal woman studying engineering in an accredited program. At the master's level, there is the $10,000 Vale Inco Master's Engineering Scholarship and the $10,000 AMEC Master's Engineering Scholarship-both are open to women studying in any field of engineering. Both scholarships come with a summer job opportunity. Finally there is the exceptional $15,000 Caludette MacKay-Lassonde Scholarship offered to a woman working on her PhD in engineering. All scholarships are awarded based on leadership, extracurricular activities and the ability to act as a role model for other women to pursue career in engineering, rather than on academic achievement.
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight Newly elevated IEEE Canada members to Senior Status IEEE Canada Congratulates its 4 members elevated to Senior Member Grade at the May 2008 A&A meeting! (Editor apologizes for the incomplete list published in the July edition of News Letter). The next A&A meeting is in October.
For more information and to apply visit Senior Member place on the IEEE portal.
CISSE 08 (December 5-13, 2008)Paper submission deadline: October 15, 2008 International Joint Conferences on Computer Information and Systems and Engineering sponsored by University of Bridgeport and Technically co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and Communications Society (Connecticut Section) provides a virtual forum for presentation and discussion of the start of the art research on computers, information and systems sciences and engineering. The virtual conference will be conducted through the Internet using web conferencing. Authors will be presenting their PowerPoint, audio or video presentation using web conferencing tools without the need to travel. Conference sessions will be broadcast to all conference participants, where session participants can interact with the presenter during the presentation and (or) during the Q&A slot that follows the presentation. CISSE 2008 is the fourth conference in the series and only conference in the world to be completely conducted online in real time via Internet. 2nd Climate Change Technology Conference (May 12-15, 2009)Deadline: September 18, 2008 Papers are sought on the topics of Impacts, Monitoring, Modeling, Mitigation, Adaptation, Bio-refining, Education, Standards, Policy and Regulation. Interested authors/panellists are invited to submit a proposal in English or French for a paper, poster paper or presentation. Paper manuscripts will be subject to peer review. Proposals should include: 1. The title and an abstract (< 400 words) providing a synopsis of the central theme Proposals should be submitted, by September 15, 2008, via the Conference website at or sent by mail, Fax or e-mail to: Mr. Eric Williams
Upcoming IEEE Conferences in CanadaIAS 2008 EPEC 2008 DIGITEL 2008 ESTMP 2008 All IEEE Conferences in Canada
IEEE Canada - Electrical Power and Energy Conference 2008 (EPEC 2008)October 6-7, 2008 Theme: Energy Innovation
5th Annual Product Safety Engineering SymposiumOctober 20-22, 2008 Product designers and regulatory engineers - come and join your colleagues at the Fifth Annual Product Safety Engineering Symposium in beautiful Austin, Texas! Update your knowledge of regulatory issues and meet other engineers solving tough product safety problems on a daily basis. Take the iNARTE certification examination, or attend UL University's Hazard Based Safety Engineering course at the sessions following the symposium. Exhibitors will be showcasing safety products and services including product test services, instrumentation and certification, as well as consulting and engineering services. Exhibition space is limited, contact us as soon as possible for a booth! For more information or to register, please visit the Symposium web The 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation TechniquesOctober 25-29, 2008 You are invited to join us for the PACT 2008 Conference in Toronto. This year's PACT features 30 high quality papers (19% acceptance rate) and includes two keynote presentations. The first is from AMD's Norm Rubin on the potential of GPUs evolving into general compute engines. The second is from MIT's Saman Amarasinghe on what programmers can do to exploit multicore hardware. PACT brings together researchers from architecture, compilers, applications and languages to present and discuss innovative research of common interest. PACT features cutting-edge research on a broad range of topics, that include, but are not limited to: • Parallel architectures and computational models
CASCON 2008October 27-30, 2008 CASCON offers an amazing range of technology innovations as well as a showcase of research results. Come to browse the displays and talk to developers and researchers from industry and academia. This year CASCON will host CasconCamp, an activity inspired by DemoCamp. CasconCamp is an informal meeting where a succession of presenters demonstrate their work in front of an audience. Emphasis is put more on working code and technical details but less on PowerPoint slides which are BANNED!. Emphasis is also on social interaction; half of the presentation time is devoted to interaction and questions. This is an ideal venue for sampling some demos before going to visit their associated exhibits at the CASCON Technology Showcase.
  I look forward to receiving news/article(s) from your sections and/or yours or other IEEE colleagues' achievements for the newsletter. Please forward any such correspondence by the 20th of the month to the Editor at         |
IEEE Canada Newsletter – October 2008 Bulletin de IEEE Canada – Octobre 2008
update /2008.10.06 dernière mise à jour |