IEE E IEEE Canada Newsletter / Bulletin de IEEE Canada alletin |
Page en Français This Issue's Content: News of Interest - IEEE Canada Board of Directors - Your News - Students' Corner - Our Members in the Spotlight - Call for Papers - Conferences - Sad News Upcoming Events - New Brunswick - Montreal - Ottawa - Toronto - Winnipeg - Calgary - Other Submission Information
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Issue: November 2008 IEEE Canada News Central
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors - CCECE'08 was a Success- IEEE-Canada (R-7) was well presented in Singapore (R-10)- Call for Nominations for Director Elect- Nominations are sought for IEEE Canada Major Awards- 25-Year Snapshot of IEEE Canada Achievements
- Vancouver Industry Applications Chapter Organizes a Tour of Powertech- IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting- Ottawa Section and Minneapolis MN Section Collaborate
- UOIT wins fourth place in the IEEE Student Branch Website Competition
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight - Newly elevated IEEE Canada members to Senior Status- Marc A Rosen becomes President of Engineering Institute of Canada- Brian Avent PES Outstanding Engineer
- 2nd Climate Change Technology Conference (May 12-15, 2009)- IEEE Green Technology Conference
- Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada- All IEEE Conferences in Canada- CCECE'09- Sensor Web Automation Network Workshop- Proceedings of Symposium on Alternate Energy and Global Synergy published
Ø Sad News
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors CCECE'08 was a Success
On behalf of IEEE-Canada, I would like to take this opportunity and thank CCECE'08 organizing Committee Members who devoted their time to volunteer working which added to the success of this Conference. Thank you all for your team work
IEEE-Canada (R-7) was well presented in Singapore (R-10)
On behalf of IEEE-Canada, I would like to take this opportunity and thank CCECE'08 organizing Committee Members who devoted their time to volunteer working which added to the success of this Conference. Thank you all for your team work Ferial as well presented the IEEE Board at the dinner IES/IEEE Joint Medal of Excellence Award. This is a joint event every three years between the Institute of Engineers Singapore and IEEE. Call for Nominations for Director ElectNext year, 2009, IEEE Canada will elect a Director-Elect. The Director-Elect will serve for a six year term starting January 1, 2010; two years as Director-Elect, two years as Director and two years as Past Director. During two years as Director-Elect, the successful candidate may be asked to serve on one or more Member Geographic Area Board committees including attendance at IEEE Board meetings and participate in IEEE Canada activities as a member of all three governing boards (IEEE Canada, Executive and Steering Committees) During the two years as Director, in addition to the previous responsibilities, the successful candidate will serve on the IEEE Board of Directors; the Engineering Institute of Canada's Board and conduct all IEEE Canada business. As Past Director, the successful candidate will be IEEE Canada's representative and member of the IEEE Canada Foundation Board and may serve on one or more IEEE committees. In the IEEE world, IEEE Canada is Region 7. As Past President and Past Region Director it is my duty to find suitable candidates and conduct the screening process for the Director-Elect position. According to the IEEE Canada by-laws, the next Director-Elect will come from the Canada Central Area. The purpose of this note is to inform you about the election and provide you with an overview of how the screening process works. Typically potential candidates are nominated by their respective Section, however self-nominations are allowed. The candidates must hold IEEE Senior Member grade and ideally have served on one or more Region Committees. Potential candidates are required to submit an IEEE biography outlining their involvement in IEEE activities along with a position statement. Potential candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with IEEE Canada's Bylaws and Operations Manual ( and IEEE Member Geographic Area Bylaws and Operations Manual ( IEEE Canada's Steering Committee will conduct telephone interviews with all potential candidates who meet the requirements to run for Director-Elect in February 2009. The candidates will be allotted a 15-minute time slot. The first 5-minutes will allow the candidates to introduce themselves and state why they are running and how they can make a difference. The next 5-minutes the candidate will answer a common set of questions prepared by the Steering Committee. For the final 5-minutes the Steering Committee may ask additional and specific questions to the candidate on their experience and suitability. Strict time limits will apply to the call. After all candidates have been interviewed, the Steering Committee will rank the candidates and pick a minimum of two, maximum of three candidates for Director-Elect. The names will be submitted to IEEE for final screening, i.e. eligibility to run for office. The Past President will notify the candidates of the outcome of the screening results. Finally, the selected candidates will be invited to IEEE Canada's Spring Meeting in St. John's (1-3 May) to address the Region Committee and take questions on their candidacy from IEEE Canada's Board. IEEE Canada will provide the candidates with an allowance to cover their travel expenses. Should you be interested in nominating a potential candidate or self-nominating, please forward a statement of interest along with a biographical sketch outlining your IEEE activities stating your qualifications for office to with a copy to before January 16, 2009. IEEE Canada will notify the qualified candidates of the date and time of their telephone interview with the Steering Committee. . Petition Candidate - IEEE allows for petition candidates. Candidates must get valid signatures from 2% of the IEEE Canada voting members as of December 31, 2008. The numbers will be confirmed based on December 31, 2008 membership statistics. To be eligible to run as a petition candidate, IEEE must receive the petition and signatures prior to June 15, 2009. IEEE will verify that the petition candidate has satisfied IEEE requirements to run as a petition candidate. Robert A. Hanna Nominations are sought for IEEE Canada Major AwardsPlease consider nominating or endorsing a Canadian IEEE member for one of the following awards in either of the following two categories. Achievement
New This Year- nominations are sought for the Industry Leadership Award (nominee does not need to be an IEEE member) To Nominate For any nomination, one nominator and two endorsers are needed, so think of a deserving candidate you know and two additional people who also know the candidate - then go to the IEEE Canada web site home page, click on "nominations" on the left side, read the information on that page and on the linked pages for any related details you need. Then fill out the web forms (also linked from that page) - there is also an option to use Word if needed but the web form is really easy to use. Deadline The deadline for the forms to be received is November 30 - so please get started now! Presenting The Awards Each award consists of a silver or gold medal, a hardwood plaque, and two tickets to the IEEE Canada awards banquet to be held on Monday evening May 4, 2009 at the Delta St. John's hotel in St. John's, NL during the annual Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Plan to come along and see your sucessful nominee honoured on the stage in a room full of many of Canada finest engineers (present and future) - it is always a superb event. Robert T.H. (Bob) Alden, Ph.D., P.Eng., LFIEEE, FEIC, 25-Year Snapshot of IEEE Canada AchievementsIEEE Canada marks its 25 anniversary this year! A snapshot of this 25-year period, has been captured in a living document. This brochure includes IEEE Canada's Section growth, organizational developments and remarkable records of administrative change. You can download the brochure here. Vancouver Industry Applications Chapter Organizes a Tour of PowertechNovember 14, 2008 1-3 PM Sponsored by Vancouver IAS/PES Joint Event , a tour of Hydrogen technology facility of Powertech has been organized. Powertech Labs Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of BC Hydro and is recognized internationally for its expertise in testing compressed hydrogen fuel storage systems used on-board vehicles, and for its design and operation of hydrogen fill stations and fuel delivery systems. Powertech Labs' Hydrogen & CNG group provides compressed natural gas and compressed hydrogen system design verification for the automotive industry as well as certification testing of hydrogen and CNG cylinders and components to all major standards. IEEE Power and Energy Society General MeetingJuly 26-30, 2009 The IEEE Power & Energy Society is holding its 2009 General Meeting in Calgary. For more information on this event visit the web site provided above.
Ottawa Section and Minneapolis MN Section CollaborateIn the hope of building stronger organizations, the executive of the two sections agreed to communicate and share experiences, plus collaborate and cooperate in future events. The agreement took place at the 2008 IEEE Sections Congress held in Quebec City past month, where during informal discussions we found we were working on similar goals and activities such as engineering in medicine and biology, reliability, and industry and student outreach.
UOIT wins fourth place in the IEEE Student Branch Website CompetitionR7's Student Activities Committee is pleased to announce that University of Ontario Institute of Technology's (UOIT) website has won fourth place in the Global Website Competition. UOIT will receive $250 for their Student Branch for placing fourth!
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight Newly elevated IEEE Canada members to Senior StatusThe A&A meeting is in October. Elevations' data was not available at the time of this publication. Marc A Rosen becomes President of Engineering Institute of Canada
EIC is an umbrella organization for twelve Canadian engineering societies:
EIC's vision is "engineering for a prosperous, safe and sustainable Canada," and its mission is to develop and promote continuing education, initiate and facilitate interdisciplinary activities and services, lead member societies in defining and building the future of engineering and advocate the values and benefits of engineering. EIC's history stems back to 1887. Information on EIC is available on its web site EIC is governed by a national council consisting of an elected executive, President, President-elect, Past President and Treasurer, as well as twelve board members (one each from the member societies). EIC provides Canadian engineers the possibility of intersociety cooperation in areas such as advocacy, interaction with other organizations and the mounting of multidisciplinary events. A noteworthy example is EIC's Second Canadian Conference on Climate Change Technology, which will occur May 12-15, 2009 in Hamilton. "I look forward to helping the Engineering Institute of Canada advance the profession of engineering in Canada," stated Dr. Rosen. "EIC has some exciting initiatives planned for the near future that will bring Canada's engineering societies and organizations together. For instance, EIC is a key participant in the National Engineering Summit to be held in Montreal in May 2009. That event seeks to describe how engineers can lead Canada's future and to define the new engineer in society." All our congratulations to Dr. Rosen! Brian Avent PES Outstanding EngineerBrian graduated from UBC in 1967 and has been working on various aspects of BC Hydro's substations for almost 41 years. He started in Protection Design, moved to Protection Planning within the System Planning function and then moved to work on various aspects of station equipment and station planning. Over that time he has worked on a range of projects from remote site diesels rates as small as 75 kW to major generating stations rated at 100's of MW and from 4 kV distribution circuits to major 500 kV system expansion. His work has covered the range of projects from AC to HVDC as well as modern power electronic system compensation equipment referred to as Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS). The Outstanding Engineer Award was established in 1994 by the PES Executive Board to recognize outstanding technical, professional and society contributions on behalf of power engineer profession. All our congratulations to Brian!
2nd Climate Change Technology Conference (May 12-15, 2009)Deadline: September 18, 2008 Papers are sought on the topics of Impacts, Monitoring, Modeling, Mitigation, Adaptation, Bio-refining, Education, Standards, Policy and Regulation. Interested authors/panellists are invited to submit a proposal in English or French for a paper, poster paper or presentation. Paper manuscripts will be subject to peer review. Proposals should include: 1. The title and an abstract (< 400 words) providing a synopsis of the central theme Proposals should be submitted, by September 15, 2008, via the Conference website at or sent by mail, Fax or e-mail to: Mr. Eric Williams IEEE Green Technology ConferenceApril 16-17, 2009 College of Engineering
The conference organizing committee is requesting submissions from across The state, region, and nation for this opportunity to share the thoughts and plans for meeting the challenge of a changing global energy calculus. Join us in this effort by sending your submissions to: Dr. Richard Gale
Upcoming IEEE Conferences in CanadaIAS 2008 EPEC 2008 DIGITEL 2008 ESTMP 2008 Invitation to CCECE 2009 in St. John's, NewfoundlandDeadline to receive proposals: December 5, 2008 The Newfoundland and Labrador Section is very proud to be hosting the 22nd Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), which will be held at the Delta St. John's and the St. John's Convention Centre May 3-6, 2009. This annual flagship conference of IEEE Canada serves as an excellent opportunity for researchers and professionals in the IEEE fields to meet and present their work. The theme for CCECE '09 is "From Electrons to Oceans: Innovation at Many Scales." St. John's is one of the oldest cities in North America with a rich history and distinctive culture. Only minutes from the most easterly point in North America, St. John's has the sophistication of a modern city and the "friendliness" of a small town. A welcome reception for all delegates will be held Sunday evening at The Rooms. We will offer pre-conference tutorials. The Conference sessions themselves, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, will be conducted in the conference facilities at the Delta St. John's with plenary sessions and meals in the St. John's Convention Centre. In addition, an active and enticing social program will be offered to all attendees, partners, and guests. The conference committee is co-chaired by Dr. Wally Read and Dr. John Quaicoe, and the technical committee is led by Dr. Eric Gill and Dr. Dennis Peters. Experienced, enthusiastic, and dedicated volunteers from the Section round out the organizing committee and will help to ensure that the conference is very successful. Following the lead of CCECE '08, the conference will be structured into a seven mini-symposia in the areas of Circuits, Devices and Systems; Control and Robotics; Communications and Networking; Computers, Software and Applications; Ocean Engineering; Power Electronics and Energy Systems; and Signal and Multimedia Processing. A full paper review process will be used to ensure that the conference is of very high technical quality. The deadline to receive papers and tutorial proposals is Friday, December 5, 2008. For further details please refer to Call for Papers at We predict that CCECE 2009 will be an unforgettable experience - an overwhelming technical and financial success that also offers a wealth of activities and networking opportunities for delegates. We hope to see you in May! For further information and updates see the conference website at Sensor Web Automation Network WorkshopNovember 3, 2008 The theme for this workshop is Collaborative R&D in Distributed Sensor Webs: Perspectives and Priorities and will identify key challenges, priorities and opportunities to accelerate Canada's internationally competitive progress in R&D for distributed sensors, geosensor networks, and sensor webs. The 'tink-tank' style workshop will develop a national R&D roadmap that identifies priorities, common directions, key challenges and collaborative research opportunities in Distributed Sensors. It will also help build our national research capacity by forging stronger relationships within the R&D community, both domestically and internationally, in order to launch new funded collaborative initiatives. The workshop agenda includes: internationally recognized keynote speaker presentations and panel discussions to share experience and set context; themed, facilitated breakout sessions to develop recommendations; and a networking reception to build relationships and new initiatives. Result of the workshop will be developed into a report and distributed to participants, funding agencies, government officials, and professional societies. Please visit our workshop web site for more details. Sincerely, Proceedings of Symposium on Alternate Energy and Global Synergy publishedOn July 15, 2008, a highly successful one-day Symposium on Alternate Energy and Global Synergy was hosted by Ryerson University, co-sponsored the IEEE Toronto Section (represented by the WIE Affinity Group). The symposium proceedings and presentation slides have been made available here. All IEEE Conferences in Canada
Sad News
In 2000 David received Reginald A. Fessenden Award from Celia Desmond. Our sincere condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace.
  I look forward to receiving news/article(s) from your sections and/or yours or other IEEE colleagues' achievements for the newsletter. Please forward any such correspondence by the 20th of the month to the Editor at             |
IEEE Canada Newsletter – November 2008 Bulletin de IEEE Canada – Novembre 2008
update /2008.11.03 dernière mise à jour |