April 2021 Issue
Call for Nominations for Outstanding Section Awards
Each year, the MGA Outstanding Section Awards are presented to one large, one medium, and one small Section (across all Regions), to recognize their excellent work and successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE for the benefit of the public. The recipient Sections are acknowledged for maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries. Three awards are presented, as follows:- Large Section = 1,501 or more members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year;
- Medium Section = 501-1,500 members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year;
- Small Section = 500 or fewer members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year
Link: Submit nomination for Outstanding Section Awards. -
Call for Nominations for Friend of IEEE MGA Awards
These awards are designed to specifically recognize support provided to IEEE and its members by firms, divisions of firms, or individuals. Nominators can submit individuals or organizations for a Friend Award at the supporting or sustaining level.
More info: Learn more about the Friend of IEEE MGA Awards
Link: Submit nomination for Friend of IEEE MGA Awards
More Information: Please contact mga-awards@ieee.org
Deadline: Nominations for this award may be submitted at any time during the year.
IEEE Member Benefit for April 2021
The Personal Auto and Home Insurance Program
The Personal Auto and Home Insurance Program As a member of IEEE in Canada you get access to exclusive home and auto insurance rates with The Personal that are not available to the general public. As a group insurer, The Personal offers customized coverage, priority service, and a seamless experience every step of the way. For more information, please visit this link.
Articles and Resources
IEEE educational activities continue to offer online instruction and IEEE's pre-university educational resources may be of assistance to families of students whose classroom activities have been disrupted. Home-schooling parents and students can explore the IEEE TryEngineering database to learn about a wide variety of concepts.
Helping Students Learn via Online Delivery: Considerations for Pandemic Pedagogy
Online Networking 101: Five Etiquette Tips for Successful Engagement
The no-contact temperature screening systems can be off as much as four degrees, according to IEEE Senior Member Erik Beall. Continue Reading.
Scholarships and Prizes
IEEE Canadian Foundation Grants
- IEEE McNaughton Learning Resource Centre Grants
- Eligibility: Canadian IEEE Student Branches.
- Purpose: To enhance the learning experiences of IEEE student members at Canadian Universities and Colleges, as well as encouraging IEEE membership and activities, and interaction between the IEEE Student Branch and the local IEEE Section.
- Deadline: November 15, 2021
- Link: http://www.ieeecanadianfoundation.org/EN/cen_grnt.php
IEEE Power & Energy Scholarship Plus Initiative
- Eligibility: The IEEE Canadian Foundation in Canada supports the IEEE Power & Energy Scholarship Plus Initiative. University/college or community college undergraduate student in power engineering.
- Purpose: The PES Scholarship Plus Initiative provides scholarships and real world experience to qualified undergraduates who are interested in power and energy engineering careers.
- Deadline: June 30, 2021
- Link: http://www.ee-scholarship.org/
- IEEE Canadian Foundation Special Grants
- Eligibility: An IEEE Student Branch, an IEEE Section, an IEEE Canada Committee, a non-IEEE entity such as a high school, or in rare cases an individual, all in Canada.
- Purpose: To partially fund one-time new and innovative projects that advance IEEE's core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence to benefit humanity.
- Deadlines: August 15, 2021 and November 15, 2021.
- Link: http://www.ieeecanadianfoundation.org/EN/sp_grnts.php
- IEEE Canada Vehicular Technologies Travel Grants
Two travel grants each year, each one not to exceed $1,200.
- Eligibility: IEEE Student Members in good standing in a Canadian University or College (at a college, undergraduate or graduate level).
- Purpose: To support IEEE student members to attend and present a paper at a Vehicular Technologies Conference or other IEEE Conference related to Vehicular Technologies.
- Deadline: August 15, 2021 and November 15, 2021.
- Link: http://www.ieeecanadianfoundation.org/EN/vt_award.php
IEEE Canadian Foundation
Donate to IEEE Canadian Foundation
The IEEE Canadian Foundation, the philanthropic partner of IEEE Canada, is ready to accept your
To make a contribution to one or more of our funds, please consider donating online or donating
by mail.
On-line gifts may be designated to any one of the following funds of the IEEE Canadian
Foundation at
- General Fund – supports IEEE McNaughton Learning Resource Centres across Canada, related Scholarships, and Special Grants.
- Canadian Life Members Fund – supports activities of interest to life members, potential engineers, and engineering students.
- Technology for Humanity Fund – supports new and innovative projects that seek to apply technology for the benefit of humanity.
- Vancouver Section Scholarship Fund – supports scholarships awarded by the IEEE Vancouver Section.
- The IEEE PES Canadian Scholarship Fund – supports scholarships in undergraduate electric power programs in Canada.
- The IEEE Canadian Foundation Nick Cercone Graduate Scholarship in Computer Science Fund – supports a scholarship in Computer Science, a field of studies of interest to IEEE.
- Kingston Section Scholarship Fund – supports scholarships awarded by the IEEE Kingston Section.
- Raymond D. Findlay Annual Undergraduate Scholarship – supports a national scholarship recognizing leadership and professionalism.
- If you are a Canadian IEEE Life Member and wish to participate in our Canadian Life Member Fund “Thank You” program, please view our webpage.
IEEE Canadian Foundation is a registered charity in Canada and a public foundation. All Canadian individual donors receive CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) approved tax receipts. The IEEE Canadian Foundation remains committed to supporting our programs, donors and grantees. Thank you for your ongoing support during these unusual and challenging times. Please visit ICF Facebook page
IEEE ANTEM 2021 Conference
ANTEM is a premier event in antennas and applied electromagnetics. It provides an ideal forum and venue for networking, exchanging ideas, and identifying future trends and developments. The technical sessions will be host to a well-balanced, comprehensive program with topics in antennas, propagation, and electromagnetics. Following tradition, the symposium will have both oral and poster sessions. ANTEM will be offered with remote access options, as well as in-person events. Additionally, there will be distinguished lecturers and special sessions with contemporary topics at the leading edge of antenna and electromagnetics technology.
Some important dates:
- Conference Registration Deadline: June 1, 2021
- Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2021
- ANTEM 2021 website: https://antem2021.ieee.ca/
Call for papers: 2021 5G World Forum
The 2021 IEEE 4th 5G World Forum (5GWF’21) seeks contributions on how to nurture and cultivate future network technologies and applications beyond 5G, and how they can benefit society. This will be a virtual event similar to 5GWF’20, but we are also planning an in- person event in Montreal, Canada (around 13 October) that will be an official part of 5GWF’21. Physical attendance is not expected or required for authors and presenters.
- Website: https://ieee-wf-5g.org/call-for-papers/
- Sign up for alerts about the event.
IEEE Montréal Keynote Event: Universal Noise Centric Decoding
- Date: May 13, 2021
- Time: 06:00 PM (ET)
- Duration: 2 hours
- Speaker: Professor Muriel Medard
- Registration: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/268217
The Importance of Standards
This IEEE Tech Talks webinar will explore the important role technical standards play to bring innovation to market, to escort technical development of products and solutions, to set requirements for the manufacturing process, and to harmonized solutions of innovation at the market. Examples of how IEEE standards are applied for long time business success will also be discussed.
- Date/Time: May 27, 2021 at 9:00 AM (ET)
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Speaker: Hermann Koch, Moderator: Paul Nikolich
- Registration: https://bit.ly/3goPy3N
Upcoming Event: 5G Deployment Course Series (Part Two)
Wireless technologies have become a fundamental part of daily life in the 21st century. In order to function, wireless devices need to connect to cellular sites that provide good coverage both outdoors and indoors. To do that increasingly requires placement of sites closer to populated areas–creating new challenges for both the wireless industry and local governments.
Join IEEE as it hosts a two-part paid course series entitled “Bridging the 4G/5G Gap: Telecommunications Roadmap for Implementation” presented by David Witkowski as he provides historical and technical context, risk vs. reward tradeoffs and what is needed for 5G integration in today's world.
- Date/Time: June 9, 2021 at 1:00 PM (ET)
- Duration: 2 hours
- Link: Click here for more information.
Academic Research in International Standardization
In many international standards, theoretical knowledge is needed to define requirements and give test procedures to prove that the requirements are fulfilled. Academia at universities, institutes, or test laboratories are contributing their research work to support standards development. This IEEE Tech Talks webinar provides an overview of the important role academic research plays in the standards, as well as examples from two IEEE Societies on how academia contributes to standardization for benefits on both sides.
- Date/Time: June 14, 2021 at 9:00 AM (ET)
- Duration: 1 hour
- Speaker: Hermann Koch, Guest speaker: Prof Sakis Meliopoulos, Moderator: Edward Au
- Registration: https://bit.ly/2QDz8tw