IEE                  E IEEE Canada Newsletter / Bulletin de IEEE Canada alletin 

This Issue's Content:

News of Interest
   - IEEE Canada Board of
   - Section Events
   - Conferences
   - Awards & Recognition
   - IEEE News
   - Non-IEEE News
Upcoming Events
   - New Brunswick
   - Montreal
   - Ottawa
   - Toronto
   - Winnipeg
   - Calgary
   - Other
Submission Information


(for non-IEEE Canada members)
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Issue: August 2007                                                           IEEE Canada News Central


News of Interest

Ø      IEEE Canada Board of Directors

-     IEEE Canada President-Elect 2008 - 2009 Candidates
-     IEEE Canada President-Elect 2008 - 2009 Candidates - Bios and Position Statements

o    Robert L. Anderson

o    Om Malik

o    Hilmi M. Turanli

-     IEEE Canada - TELUS Innovation Award
-     IEEE Canada Awards
-     Translation Volunteers Needed


Ø      Section Events

-     Power System Stability and Control Course
-     Activities of the Signal Processing Chapter of the IEEE Toronto Section in 2006 - 2007


Ø      Conferences

-     Electrical Power Conference 2007 (EPC 2007) - "Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources"
-     2nd International Conference on Access Networks
-     Microwaves and Photonics in Access Networks - MicPAN 2007
-     The 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering -  CCECE08
-     Photos from the 20th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE07)
-     Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada


Ø      Awards & Recognition

-     IEEE Toronto Section Recipient of the 2006 RAB Section Sustained Membership Growth Award
-     2006 RAB Student Branch Membership Growth Award - Ecole Polytechnique-University
-     RAB Section Membership Growth Award - S. Alberta Section
-     George Eleftheriades Awarded 2008 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award
-     Senior Member Upgrades
-     Newly Elected IEEE Senior Member Featured in this Issue

o    Fatah Chetouane

o    Daniel Fischer

o    Juri Jatskevich

o    Robert Schober


Ø      IEEE News

-     Call for IEEE Fellow Nominations
-     Newly Redesigned IEEE Job Site!
-     Challenge: Engineering Breakthroughs for the Next Hundred Years
-     Questions Sought for President-Elect Candidates
-     Special Offer for Canadian Employers. Post Your Open Position on the IEEE Job Site Free of Charge*!


Ø      Non-IEEE News

-     Engineers Canada - New Name, Same Services
-     Internationally Educated Engineers: Licensed, Mobile, Employable



News of Interest

Ø     IEEE Canada Board of Directors

IEEE Canada President-Elect 2008 - 2009 Candidates

IEEE Canada Board of Directors has nominated the following candidates for the IEEE Canada President-Elect 2008-2009:

-          Rob Anderson

-          Om Malik

-          Hilmi Turanli

This is an election year for IEEE Canada. We encourage you to vote when you receive your ballot from IEEE.


IEEE Canada President-Elect 2008 - 2009 Candidates - Bios and Position Statements

- Robert L. Anderson (Rob Anderson)

For complete biography and position statement, please click here.




Calgary, Canada

Rob is part owner of a business and management consulting firm in Calgary, SIMMARIX Inc.  Rob is the Director of Market Development where he uses his knowledge of the energy and technology industries to seek out and develop prospective business opportunities. 

 Prior to joining SIMMARIX, Rob worked for ENMAX Corporation, the electric utility for his home city of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  During his eleven-year career with ENMAX Corporation, Rob held a variety of positions in management, customer service, engineering and contracts management.


Rob Anderson - Position Statement (excerpt)

The biggest challenge facing IEEE is its membership base.  IEEE Canada must continue to explore ways to attract new membership and retain existing members. Members and non-members need to perceive a value in belonging to IEEE.  This can be achieved through the following: carry out a review of the regions current service offerings to its members to ensure they are delivered as efficiently and effectively as they can be, expand IEEE Canada ties with other technical and non technical societies, and perhaps reviewing of existing affiliations to better benefit IEEE.  Finally, the region needs to strengthen it ties with other IEEE entities (sections, chapters and technical societies) by co-sponsoring or developing activities at the local level. 


- Om Malik


For complete biography and position statement, please click here.


NDEE, Delhi Polytechnic, India, 1952;

M.E., University of Roorkee, India, 1962;

Ph.D., University of London, U.K., 1965;

DIC, Imperial College, London, U.K., 1965.
Punjab State Electricity Board, India, Engineer, 1953-61;

University of Windsor, Canada, Assistant Professor, 1966-68;

University of Calgary, Canada, Professor, 1968-97;

Professor Emeritus, 1997 -.

Factual Summary of Past Service to the IEEE: M’1966-SM’1969-F’1987-LF’2000


RAB Student Activities Committee, Member, 1978-80; Fellows Committee, Member, 1998-2001; Member Conduct Committee Hearing Panel, Member, 2000-02, 2004-06; Life Members Committee, Member, 2002-07; Chair, 2004-05.


Centennial Medal, 1984; Millennium Medal, 2000; Region 7; General AGL McNaughton Medal, 2001; WCC Merit Award, 1986; Power Engineering Society Recognized as Significant Reviewer, 2006. 


Om Malik - POSITION STATEMENT (excerpt)

As Region Director, my primary goals will be to:

- run programs in the most efficient and cost effective way so as to deliver quality

  and value.

- facilitate efforts at all levels in the Region to encourage growth in membership.

- encourage closer relationship between Sections, Chapters and their student

  branches for increased retention of graduating student members.

- become more responsive to the needs of the our diverse membership.

- improve existing services and introduce new programs which will benefit our


- emphasize the needs of our unique situation as one country Region.


- Hilmi M. Turanli

For complete biography and position statement, please click here, or visit his website:


Hilmi received his B. Sc. and M. Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey in 1976 and 1980. He earned his Ph. D. degree from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1984.

In 1986, Dr. Turanli started working for Manitoba Hydro as a Computer Applications Engineer, and later as an HVDC Planning Engineer for a number of years. His current industry position is Interconnections and Grid Supply Studies Engineer at Manitoba Hydro, which is a large power utility in Canada exporting power to other provinces and the mid-west United States. Hilmi has over 20 years of industry background including engineering and capital project planning experience. His extensive experience in teaching at universities and consulting to industry have given him the opportunity to solve some of the complex challenges of modern business.

In 1999, he was appointed as an Adjunct Professor at the Department of  Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba. His research interests involve the digital simulation of power electronics circuits, HVDC transmission, and power system planning.


Dr. Turanli is a Professional Engineer registered in the Province of Manitoba. He has been actively involved with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba (APEGM).

RAB (Regional Activities Board), 2006-07; RAB Vice Chair – Member Activities, 2006-07; RAB Enterprise Engineering Project AdHoc Committee, 2006; RAB FinCom (Finance Committee), 2006-07; RAB ARC (Awards Recognitions Committee), 2006-07; RAB MDC (Membership Development Committee), 2006-07; Tellers Committee, 2007 (withdrawn for

election), RAB FinCom, Corresponding Member, 1999-2003.

AWARDS: Section Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Growth of the IEEE Winnipeg Section, 2000; Fellow, Engineering Institute of Canada, 2001; Edward F. Glass Merit Award, IEEE Canada, 2006.


Hilmi M. Turanli - POSITION STATEMENT (excerpt)

My objectives include:

• Exposing a broader range of IEEE resources including technical, professional and

   soft skills to our Sections and Members.

• Getting more members active in Chapters, Sections and the Region.

• Exploring other avenues, such as advertising, job sites, on line courses and IEEE

  TV to serve our members better.

• Developing increased recognition of Section leaders and volunteers.



IEEE Canada - TELUS Innovation Award

Canadian researchers have and are continuing to greatly contribute to the advances in Electronics, Computing, and Communications Technologies. Today, fields like Nanotechnology and Photonics as well as interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary subjects are gaining in importance in the development of new engineering ICT solutions. TELUS Communications Incorporated wishes to stimulate the interest of Canadian IEEE student members in these fields by sponsoring the annual IEEE Canada TELUS Innovation Award. The first such awards were presented in September 2005.

The purpose of the IEEE Canada TELUS Innovation Award is to offer IEEE student members the opportunity to engage individually or as a team in a significant ICT project, such as their final year undergraduate project in an engineering or technology program, enter this project into the competition to have an opportunity to report, both, verbally and in writing on this project before a panel of industrial, academic and media experts. The project would have a strong design and/or research component with the emphasis on design that embodies the spirit of innovation and has strong application in industry in the foreseeable future.

This year competition will take place in Edmonton, Alberta, and will coincide with the IEEE Canada ExCom meeting. A panel of judges from across Canada has selected 9 finalists who will give their presentations in Edmonton.

Up to $10,000 in cash awards plus travel and accommodation for qualifying teams is generously being funded by TELUS Communications Incorporated. More details are available on the IEEE Canada student web site at



IEEE Canada Awards


IEEE Canada Awards were presented at the IEEE Canada Awards Banquet held in conjunction with the annual conference in Vancouver, April 2007 - complete brochure
- Achievement Awards
   McNaughton Gold Medal - Dr. Raymond D. Findlay -
   Fessenden (Telecommunications) Medal - Dr. Vijay Bhargava - details
   Power Medal - Dr. Herman W. Dommel - details * new in 2007
   Computer Medal - Dr. Nicolas D. Georganas - details * new in 2007
   Outstanding Engineer Award - Dr. Barna Szabados - details
   Outstanding Engineering Educator Award - Dr. David V. Plant - details
- Service Awards
   W.S. Read Outstanding Service Award - Celia Desmond -
   Eastern Canada Merit Award - Dominic Rivard - details
   Central Canada Merit Award - Vilayil I. John - details
   Western Canada Merit Award - Denard Lynch - details
- Other Awards
  IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann Award - Dr. Md Azizur Rahman -




Translation Volunteers Needed


Need translation volunteers. 

Please contact Christian Pepin at


Traducteurs bénévoles recherchés. 

SVP contactez Christian Pepin à


Christian Pepin

R7 IEEE translation activities Chair



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Ø     Section Events


Power System Stability and Control Course


The IEEE PES/IAS Southern Alberta Section is proud to present Power System Stability and Control Course with Dr. Prabha Kundur at the University of Calgary August 21-24, 2007. This course will provide a comprehensive overview of power system stability and control problems including:

*           Basic concepts;

*           Physical aspects of the phenomena;

*           Methods of analysis;

*           Examples of incidents of system instability;

*           Challenges to the secure operation of present-day power systems;

*           Comprehensive approach to enhancing system security


Dr. Kundur has a long record of service and leadership in the IEEE. He has chaired numerous committees and working groups of the IEEE Power Engineering Society, and was elected a Fellow of the IEEE in 1985. He is the immediate past-chairman of the IEEE Power System Dynamic Performance Committee, and is currently the PES Vice-President for Education/Industry Relations. He is the recipient of several IEEE awards, including the Nikola Tesla Award in 1997 and the Charles Concordia Power System Engineering Award in 2005.


Course Fee:

IEEE Member - $1,590 (includes GST)

Non-IEEE Member - $2,120 (includes GST)


To register, please mail a cheque (payable to: IEEE Southern Alberta

Section)  to the following address:



C/O Shamir S. Ladhani

ENMAX Power Corporation

141 - 50 Avenue SE. Calgary, Alberta. T2G-4S7


Please include your IEEE Membership number, e-mail address, and daytime

phone number.


Activities of the Signal Processing Chapter of the IEEE Toronto Section in 2006 - 2007


The Signal Processing (SP) chapter of the IEEE Toronto Section became a standalone chapter in August 2005. The mission of the SP Society is to advance and disseminate state-of-the-art scientific information and resources; educate the signal processing community; and provide a venue for people to interact and exchange ideas.  The SP Society's field of interest includes the theory and application of filtering, coding, transmitting, estimating, detecting, analyzing, recognizing, synthesizing, recording, and reproducing signals by digital or analog devices or techniques. The term "signal" includes audio, video, speech, image, communication, geophysical, sonar, radar, medical, musical, and other signals.

The SP Chapter of Toronto Section is one of the five such chapters in Canada (region 7). The Chapter is chaired by Dr. Sri Krishnan, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ryerson University. Dr. Sri Krishnan is also the Region 7 representative in the Chapters' Committee. Mr. Karl Martin a PhD student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto is the Vice-chair of the Chapter. Dr. Lian Zhao, an Associate Professor in Ryerson University is the Chapter's secretary. The Toronto Section chapter currently has around 120 members.

In the past two years the Chapter held around 20 technical meetings with topics covering a wide spectrum of signal processing theory and practices in communication systems, medical technologies, multimedia systems, biometrics, and nanotechnologies. The speakers were from a diversified background, and included a good mix of leading academic and industrial researchers and practitioners.

In 2006-2007 the Chapter also invited two SP Society Distinguished Lectures: Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo from the University of Southern California and Dr. Aggelos K. Katsaggelos from the Northwestern University.  In the 2006 Annual General Meeting and Awards Banquet of Toronto Section, the Chapter Chair, Dr. Sri Krishnan was recognized with the "Chapter Chair of the Year" award in recognition of his exemplary service with the SP Chapter of IEEE Toronto.

In future, the Chapter is planning for more seminars, distinguished lectures, and workshops from experts from industries and academic researchers. For details stay tuned to the SP chapter website If you are interested in volunteering for the Chapter, please contact the Chapter Chair using the following email address:



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Ø     Conferences


Electrical Power Conference 2007 (EPC 2007) - "Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources"

This conference will take place on Oct. 25 – 26 in Montreal , Quebec . The paper submissions process has now been closed after a larger-than-expected number of papers was submitted to the conference. The submitted extended abstracts are now being reviewed and authors will be notified shortly. An impressive list of 6 internationally renowned plenary speakers has been recruited for the conference. Other events, such as a Workshop on Distributed Generation are being organized. A special event for students is being planned and the Dean from Concordia University will be the chief guest at this event. A number of major exhibitors and sponsors are now assisting with this conference. All the pieces are falling into place and we are hoping for a very successful event.

Topics of interest to the conference include the following:


  • Wind
  • Solar
  • Ethanol
  • Hydrogen
  • Bio-thermal
  • Small Hydro
  • Fuel Cells
  • Wave & Tidal Power


  • Energy Storage
  • Smart Networks
  • Smart Networks Reliability
  • Smart Networks Protection
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Conservation
  • Technology Trends
  • Clean & Renewable Energy Markets

General Conference Chair is Dr. Vijay Sood

For more information please visit:



2nd International Conference on Access Networks

 August 22-24, 2007
Ottawa Marriott Hotel, 100 Kent St., Ottawa


The aim of the annual International Conference on Access Networks (AccessNets) is to provide a forum that brings together scientists and researchers from academia as well as managers and engineers from the industry and government organizations to meet and exchange ideas and recent work on all aspects of access networks and how they integrate with their in-home counterparts. Details:


Microwaves and Photonics in Access Networks - MicPAN 2007

The first international workshop on ‘Microwaves and Photonics in Access Networks’ (MICPAN) will be held Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2007 in Ottawa, Ontario.

The MICPAN Workshop is a part of the second Access Networks Conference.

The workshop chair is Dr. Xavier Fernando, Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Chair, IEEE COMSOC Toronto Chapter.

There will be exciting key note speeches, technical presentations and networking opportunities available in this workshop. The workshop will cover all aspects of optical and microwave techniques for broadband multimedia access networks; either wired or wireless.

Microwaves and photonics play important roles in multimedia access networks, especially in IEEE 802.16 (WIMAX), DSL, HFC, video-over-fiber, fiber-wireless, voice over cable, radio-over-fiber, free-space-optical and optical-wireless systems. Microwave photonics enable RF distribution over passive optical network (PON) and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) either coarse or dense can be added to boost the capacity of these networks.

The Access Net conference is technically sponsored by IEEE COMSOC and IEEE

Ottawa Section.

For more information please visit:



The 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering – CCECE08

Niagara Falls, Ontario

May 4 - 7, 2008


The 2008 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2008) will be held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada from May 4-7, 2008. CCECE 2008 provides a forum for the presentation of electrical and computer engineering research and development from Canada and around the world.


Conference Chair is Dr. Sri Krishnan; Technical Program Chairs are Dr. Alagan Anpalagan and Dr. Bob Dony.


There will be eight mini symposia and papers are invited, in French or English.



Photos from the 20th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - CCECE07

The 20th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering was held at the Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel, Vancouver in April 2007. Well over 400 contributions were presented in 96 sessions over three days. In addition to the usual strong representation of areas such as Communications, Computers, Power, Signal processing and VLSI, there were sessions on Biomedical Engineering, Nano and Micro Systems and Software Engineering.

Here’re some pictures from the conference.








Student Paper Award

Student Paper Award

Gaurav, Mamun, Ashok, Majid (back), Umesh and Praveen (from left to right)



Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada

 All IEEE Conferences in Canada - please use this link.




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Ø     Awards & Recognition

IEEE Toronto Section recipient of the 2006 RAB Section Sustained Membership Growth Award

The IEEE Regional Activities Board (RAB) recognized the IEEE Toronto Section as a recipient of the 2006 RAB Section Sustained Membership Growth Award for their continued success for attracting and retaining Outstanding Leadership and their results in IEEE Membership Development Activities for the period of 2004 to 2006 in Region 7.

2006 RAB Student Branch Membership Growth Award - Ecole Polytechnique-University


On 15 June 2007, the IEEE Regional Activities Board (RAB) recognized Ecole Polytechnique-University of Montreal as a recipient of the 2006 RAB Student Branch Membership Growth Award for their success for Outstanding Leadership and Results in IEEE Membership Development Activities for the IEEE Montreal Section in Region 7.

Each year a Student Branch in each Region is recognized as having achieved the highest rate of growth.  The greatest level of growth is based on a composite rating, considering the highest percentage of increase in membership and highest increase in new elections relative to other Student Branches within each Region. Each recipient shall receive an animated graphic noting this achievement which can be displayed on the Section’s Website.



RAB Section Membership Growth Award - S. Alberta Section


On 15 June 2007, the IEEE Regional Activities Board (RAB) recognized the IEEE Southern Alberta Section as a recipient of the 2006 RAB Section Membership Growth Award for their success for Outstanding Leadership and Results in IEEE Membership Development Activities for Region 7.

Each year a Section in each Region is recognized as having achieved the highest rate of growth.  The greatest level of growth is based on a composite rating, considering the highest percentage of increase in membership and highest increase in new elections relative to other Sections in good standing within each Region. Each recipient shall receive an animated graphic noting this achievement which can be displayed on the Section’s Website.


George Eleftheriades Awarded 2008 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award

Professor George Eleftheriades (FIEEE), University of Toronto, IEEE Toronto Section has been recognized with the 2008 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award, a prestigious IEEE Technical Fields Award given to only one person in any given year.
The IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award recognizes outstanding early to mid-career contributions to technologies holding the promise of innovative applications. The citation for Professor Eleftheriades' award is: "For pioneering contributions to the science and the technological applications of negative-refraction electromagnetic materials."


Senior Member Upgrades

The following members were upgraded to Senior Member status at the May 2007 IEEE Admission and Advancement Panel meeting.


Montreal Section



Toronto Section



Toronto Section



Toronto Section



Vancouver Section



Vancouver Section




Newly Elected IEEE Senior Member Featured in this Issue

Fatah Chetouane

New Brunswick Section


Professor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moncton.

- Ph.D. Control & Computer-Aided Manufacturing (INPG, 1999)
- M Eng. Control & Computer-Aided Manufacturing (INPG, 1995)
- Engineer Automatic control systems (ENPA, 1994)

- Automatic control, Compu. Aided Manufacturing ( CAM)
- Manufacturing process management (MPM)

- Simulation, Performance Measures.


Daniel Fischer

Toronto Section

Dr. Daniel Fischer
is currently a Senior Engineer in the Transmission and Distribution Technologies business at Kinectrics, Ontario. Over the last two decades, he contributed to the design and implementation of advanced signal processing techniques that improved the monitoring and performance of the transmission and distribution networks. Dr. Fisher successfully applied modern Artificial Intelligence methodologies to a wide array of failure detection systems responsible for detecting underground power cable oil leaks, generator overheating, and hydro dam structure degradation. Dr. Fisher has extensive experience in both hardware and software design of systems having strong real time requirements.  Dr. Fisher has a B.A.Sc. in Engineering Science and a M.A.Sc. in Electrical Engineering both from the University of Toronto, and a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from McMaster University.  He is a registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario.


Juri Jatskevich

Vancouver Section

Assistant professor, University of British Columbia

Ph.D., Purdue University, ECE, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 1999
M.S.E.E.,  Purdue University, ECE, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 1997
B.S.E.E.,  Ukrainian National Agricultural University (UNAU), Kiev, Ukraine, 1994

Juri Jatskevich received the Electrical Engineering Degree (B.S.E.E) from Ukrainian National Agricultural University, Kiev, in 1994, where he worked as a Research Engineer and Lecturer in the Electrical Machinery Division from 1994 to 1995. He became a graduate student at Purdue University in 1995, where he received M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in 1997 and 1999, respectively. Since 1998, he also had been working as a consultant for P.C. Krause and Associates Inc., (PCKA), developing software and computer models of power-electronic based systems and electrical machines for distributed simulations. After receiving the Ph.D. degree Dr. Juri worked at Purdue first as a post-doctoral Research Associate and then as a Principle Research Scientist. In August 2002 he joined the faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia.

Research Interests

Electrical machines, power electronics, drives, controls, distribution systems, power quality. Computer modeling and simulation, average-value modeling of power- electronic-based systems, distributed and parallel simulation.


Robert Schober

Vancouver Section

Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia

Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Wireless Communications

Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications

Member of the Communications Group

Member of the Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems

Research and teaching interests are in the broad area of wireless communications. Current research topics include space-time coding and processing, distributed diversity techniques, ultra-wideband (UWB) signaling, multiuser detection, noncoherent receivers, equalization, coded modulation, iterative processing, and adaptive algorithms.






- To check on the status of Senior Member applications:

- For the Nominate a Senior Member Initiative:

- To check how your Region, Section or Society is doing on Senior Member

   elevations and nominations:


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Ø     IEEE News

Call for IEEE Fellow Nominations

Nominations are being accepted for the IEEE Fellows class of 2009.  The rank of IEEE Fellow is the Institute’s highest member grade, bestowed on IEEE senior members who have contributed “to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology.”  The deadline for nominations is 1 March 2008.

Senior members can be nominated in one of four categories: application engineer/practitioner, research engineer/scientist, educator or technical leader.

The Fellows Web site contains additional information on the nomination process including access to the Fellows Nomination Kit, lists of Fellows who may be available as references as well as the history of the IEEE Fellows program. For more information visit the Fellows Web site.

So You Want to Nominate an IEEE Fellow...

Do you know an IEEE senior member you want to nominate for IEEE Fellow? To make the process a little bit easier, we've added a guide to help you understand how to complete this task. Read on at


Newly Redesigned IEEE Job Site!

Come visit the Newly Redesigned IEEE Job Site!
Features you're sure to visit time and time again:
- Read the latest news from The Wall Street Journal's
- Take our poll on this month's hot topic.

Check it out at:
Send us your feedback at


Challenge: Engineering Breakthroughs for the Next Hundred Years

Electrification. Air conditioning. Radio. The Internet. No one can doubt they are among last century's greatest engineering achievements. But can we predict the technical triumphs that will happen in this century? The U.S. National Academy of Engineering hopes it can, but it wants your help. IEEE President Leah Jamieson weighs in with a list of important challenges, detailing the central role the IEEE expects to play. Find out more at


Questions Sought for President-Elect Candidates

If you have a question about an IEEE issue that you would like to ask the IEEE President-Elect candidates, send it to <>. Answers by Marc Apter, Pedro Ray, and John Vig to selected questions will be broadcast on the IEEE Election Web site at during the voting period, which runs from 1st September through 1st November



Special Offer for Canadian Employers Post Your Open Position on the IEEE Job Site Free of Charge*!

The IEEE Job Site connects you with senior-level managers, top engineers and technology experts in every sector - the leaders shaping innovation and business. Make job offers to these top-notch candidates before your competitors know about them - free of charge*!

The IEEE Job Site:

·         Focuses on a potential audience of more than 2,000,000 engineers, tech professionals and senior-level managers worldwide

·         Delivers your postings instantly to registered IEEE members

·         Pre-qualifies candidates electronically within minutes

·          Prescreens job seekers with an interactive profile feature to identify the most
       qualified candidates for your unique requirements

·          Provides resumes matched to your needs quickly and cost-effectively

Join the hiring managers at more than 3,000 leading corporations - in fields ranging from ASIC design to aerospace and defense system development - that use the IEEE Job Site -

If you have any questions, e-mail at
*One free post per company referred by an IEEE Member



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Ø     Non-IEEE News


Engineers Canada — New Name, Same Services


The engineering profession in Canada has begun a new chapter in its history; the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE) will now be known as Engineers Canada.

Engineers Canada will continue to work in the same areas as CCPE has for the past 71 years: promoting Canada’s engineering profession; setting and assessing engineering education standards; facilitating the mobility of engineers within Canada and negotiating international agreements; as well as coordinating the development of practice standards in Canada.  The new business name, however, captures the energy of today’s engineer and better reflects the profession’s dynamic nature.

“Engineering has changed over the last twenty years,” says Tony Dawe, P.Eng., President of Engineers Canada.  “Technical skills are key but so too are team work, negotiation skills, problem solving and creativity.  It is important that our business name reflects who we are today.”

Through its members, the provincial and territorial engineering licensing bodies, Engineers Canada will continue to represent all engineers, from agricultural engineers to water resources engineers and all disciplines in between. 

“We respect the history of our previous name and so we wanted to be sure that we understood our members’ perspectives on changing it,” says Chief Executive Officer Marie Lemay, P.Eng., ing. “In the end, we were glad to find support for creating a new, memorable name that we know will help us promote engineering and thus help improve Canadians’ quality of life, health and economic prosperity.”



Internationally Educated Engineers: Licensed, Mobile, Employable

Of the thousands of immigrants arriving in Canada annually, many identify themselves as engineers. In 2001, of the 44 percent of skilled workers who identified an intended occupation at the time of immigration, 63 percent indicated engineering.  These international engineering graduates may be seasoned engineering professionals, recent engineering graduates or have worked in jobs that would be considered technologist, technician, architect or scientist positions in Canada. Regardless of which group they fall into, some arrive in Canada expecting to begin work as engineers but are unable to find engineering employment. 

The Canadian engineering profession has updated its licensing system to help the international engineering graduates integrate into the workforce and profession without compromising public safety or lowering professional standards.  At the provincial / territorial level, examples include a new way of assessing academic qualifications in Saskatchewan that eliminated their backlog of applicants and a new method of assessing experience in New Brunswick that reduced applicants’ waiting time. In Manitoba, applicants with more than 10 years of experience can do an interview as part of their academic assessment and thus not have to write exams, while in Ontario, new Canadian who apply for licensing within six months of their landing date, can do so at no cost.

At the national level, Engineers Canada (Engineers Canada is the business name of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers) is leading the establishment of an accurate, current database of recognized international degrees and institutions to be used consistently by the provincial and territorial licensing bodies. It is expected that the database will reduce duplication of effort, resulting in a reduced processing time for international engineering graduates’ applications.

Canadian companies make hiring decisions every day.  Each is looking for the best minds in the country to help build their businesses, expand knowledge and solve problems.  That person may be an engineer, licensed in Canada but trained internationally.  Licensed international engineering graduates are assessed to the same standards as each of Canada’s 160,000 professional engineers, and they are mobile, able to work in any part of the country.  Employers can hire these professionals with confidence, knowing that having a P.Eng. (or ing.) license means that the Canadian engineering system has validated their academic qualifications, experience and character.






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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events – Edmonton


Upcoming Events – Montréal

ICIAR 2007: International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition - (non-IEEE event)

August 22-24, 2007

Montréal, Québec, Canada

Electrical Power Conference 2007 (EPC 2007) - "Renewable and Alternative

Energy Resources"

October 25 – 26, 2007

Montreal, Quebec


2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics


October 7-10, 2007

Montreal, Quebec                    



October 11-12, 2007

Montreal, Quebec



Upcoming Events – Fredericton, New Brunswick


IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS 08)

June 26 - 28, 2008, Fredericton, New Brunswick



Upcoming Events – Ottawa


2nd International Conference on Access Networks

August 22-24, 2007
Ottawa Marriott Hotel, 100 Kent St., Ottawa
, Ontario


41st IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

October 8-11, 2007
, Ontario



Upcoming Events – Toronto

The 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - CCECE08

May 4 - 7, 2008,
Niagara Falls, Ontario



Upcoming Events – Vancouver


2007 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing

August 22-24, 2007

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada          


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Many IEEE Canada sections maintain their own listings of upcoming events:

Canadian Atlantic




Newfoundland and Labrador

New Brunswick

Northern Canada


Southern Alberta





For more IEEE conferences, visit IEEE Conference Search at


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Submission Information

You can send any submissions by email to the editor:
Alex Bot at

Please ensure you send in your submission by the 20th of the month

 IEEE Canada Newsletter – August 2007                  Bulletin de IEEE Canada – Août 2007

Last update /2007.08.09 dernière mise à jour

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