Naval and Maritime Technology in Canada
Led by Guest Editor Dr. David G. Michelson, a special edition of IEEE Canadian Review featuring "Naval and Maritime Technology in Canada" is now available. Please visit for your electronic copy.
IEEE XTREME 17.0 was successfully held across the Region 7 during 27-28 October 2023. This year there were 75 registered teams in the Region 7. This is the highest team count in the last five years, and almost doubled from last year.
Total 169 participants from 19 student branches took part in one of the world’s largest programming contests. We also had 56 registered proctors in our region, which is also a significantly high number.
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IEEE Canada A.G.L. McNaughton Award
Congratulations to Dr. Yun Sun, Professor, University of Toronto who received the 2023 Award at the IEEE Toronto Section AGM. Recipients of this gold medal are outstanding Canadian engineers recognized for their exemplary contributions to the engineering profession. Dr. Sun is recognized for outstanding contributions to the engineering profession and pioneering contributions to robotics and automation at micro-nano scales.
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McNaughton Biography – Second Edition, IEEE Canada
IEEE Canada has (re)published the definitive biography of General A.G.L. McNaughton who we remember with our most prestigious award, the A.G.L. McNaughton award for exemplary contributions to the engineering profession and also the IEEE Canada McNaughton Learning Resource Centres at Student Branches across Canada.
Andrew George Latta McNaughton (1887-1966) was a Canadian patriot who served his country with prodigious energy as an engineer, scientist, inventor, soldier and statesman for over fifty years. He is remembered by most as a military man who later became a member of the Canadian Cabinet, assuming the post of Minister of Defence. His many other contributions to Canada are generally not realized. Canadian electrical engineers who are aware of the IEEE Canada McNaughton Gold Medal but are perhaps not familiar with all of General McNaughton's scientific and engineering achievements, will be impressed and proud to count him one of their own.
His wide interests and contributions extended into civil, mechanical, aeronautical and geological engineering. In leadership and diplomatic positions in the Canadian military, National Research Council and United Nations, he demonstrated the characteristic enthusiasm he devoted to all his undertakings.
Net proceeds from this book support the philanthropic programs of the IEEE Canadian Foundation.
Educational Resources
IEEE eLearning 50% Discount Toolkit
Are you looking to enhance your skills, advance your career, or explore new interests? Look no further! We're excited to announce an extra 50% off eLearning discount just for members like you. As a valued member, you now have access to this exclusive discount on our extensive catalog of online courses. With a variety of topics ranging from digital transformation and machine learning to 5G and blockchain technology, there is something for everyone. This is your chance to invest in yourself and take control of your learning journey. Sign in with your IEEE Account today to start exploring and take advantage of these incredible savings. Completion of courses award CEUs and PDHs. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unleash your full potential!View full list of courses included in this offer. Go to and sign in with your IEEE personal account (the same account you use to purchase/renew your IEEE membership).
IEEE educational activities continue to offer online instruction and IEEE's pre-university educational resources may be of assistance to families of students whose classroom activities have been disrupted. Home-schooling parents and students can explore the IEEE TryEngineering database to learn about a wide variety of concepts.
Understanding that technology and history are not mutually exclusive subjects, IEEE REACH provides history teachers and remote learners with free educational resources that situate science, technology, and engineering in their social and humanistic contexts.
Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes
New Special Grant Announcements
Memorial University: Formula 1 SAE Electric
This project is the design, fabrication, and testing of a half-scale electric Formula 1 car. The team will be responsible for the drawings, CAD work, some fabrication, testing, and finally competing in the competition. Apart from the car itself, the project will allow students to participate in fundraising, sponsorship, and grant donations. As well the team hopes to form professional relationships to help in areas where the team may not be experienced. As well as coordinating events on behalf of the team, these events aim to bring students together while promoting the design teams of the university. -
University of Toronto: NewHacks 24 Hr Event
NewHacks is a distinctive hackathon tailored for newcomers in the hacking community. Over 24 hours, participants will work on projects, with evaluations based on set criteria by industry professionals. The event not only promotes technical skills but also provides networking opportunities with industry experts and potential employers.
New Vehicular Technology Travel Grant Announcements
- Chandan Chetri, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, “Critical Understanding of Temperature Gradient During Fast Charging of Lithium-ion Batteries at Low Temperatures”, IECON 2023
- Akash Samanta, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, “Rapid PCB Development using CO2 Laser and Galvo Scanner for Modular Battery Management Systems”, IECON 2023
IEEE Canadian Foundation
Streamlined Donation via IEEE Dues Renewal Shopping Cart
Your gift supports Scholarships, McNaughton Learning Resource Centres and Grants to new and innovative projects in Canada. It is easy to donate to the IEEE Canadian Foundation at Dues Renewal (including Life Member confirmation). At the Payment page, look for "Donate to IEEE", then click "View Donation Options", look down the list for IEEE Canadian Foundation. Receipts for Canadian tax purposes are produced by the IEEE Canadian Foundation early in the new year. Thank you for your support!Learn about the IEEE Canadian Foundation at
Giving through IEEE Dues Renewal
Each year at dues renewal, IEEE Canada members have an opportunity to transform lives by donating to support the IEEE Canadian Foundation scholarships, grants and awards to IEEE student members, IEEE student branches, and others in Canada. On the web or print renewal, look for "Donate Now", expand the list, and choose IEEE Canadian Foundation. Your gifts made this way are provided a Canadian charitable donation tax receipt from the IEEE Canadian Foundation, after information is conveyed to the Foundation from IEEE, expect early in the new year.
Canadian Life Members when affirming their continuing membership also have this option.
Every gift has impact and positive benefit to the IEEE Canada community.
Your Donor Advised Fund Can Support the IEEE Canadian Foundation
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a Canada Revenue Agency-approved granting structure that has become one of the most efficient ways for individuals, families, and corporations to manage their philanthropy. You may have or be considering a DAF to achieve long-term philanthropic and legacy goals. As a registered Canadian charity, the IEEE Canadian Foundation can receive directed gifts from your DAF. Please check with your DAF advisor or contact
IEEE Canadian Foundation Welcomes Donations of Cryptocurrency
Some 8% of Canadians hold cryptocurrency [Ontario Securities Commission, September 2022]. Crypto philanthropy is an emerging way for crypto users to make philanthropic donations.
Cryptocurrency giving seems like a natural fit for our members who are innovators in areas such as blockchain, fintech and digital assets. We are partnered with Canada Helps to quickly, reliably and safely process donations of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
To donate cryptocurrency to the IEEE Canadian Foundation and find out more about this giving method:
Workplace Giving Supports the IEEE Canadian Foundation
Your employer may facilitate workplace giving to socially beneficial causes including the IEEE Canadian Foundation. Matching of your gift may also be offered year round in support of corporate social responsibility or sometimes seasonally as a year end gesture of goodwill. Gifts may be processed though HR services such as Benevity or CAF America (yes, it also covers Canada). Details will be different at each employer so ask around – your gift to the IEEE Canadian Foundation may be magnified with your employer’s support.Dave Kemp Memorial Fund
The Dave Kemp Memorial Fund has been established in memory of Dave Kemp, serving Director of the IEEE Canadian Foundation, past IEEE Canada President/Region 7 Director and life-long volunteer and supporter of IEEE in Canada and internationally. This fund will support IEEE programs that match Dave's passions and interests, including Young Professional activities, volunteerism, engagement and student growth across Canada. Donations in honour of Dave may be made at of Securities to the IEEE Canadian Foundation – Invest in Scholarships and Grants to Canadians
A gift of securities is a very cost-effective way of supporting the IEEE Canadian Foundation, immediately or though a gift bequest in your will.
With a donation of publicly traded securities you will receive a charitable gift tax receipt for the full market value of your gift. This avoids you incurring Canadian capital gains tax since the securities are transferred intact to the Foundation.
Gifts of securities must be arranged by electronic transfer between your investment broker and the Foundation broker.
As you consider a gift of securities, we can work with you and your advisors to receive your gift. Please request our GIFT of Publicly Traded Securities form, available upon request from the Treasurer (