January 2021 Issue
IEEE Member Benefit for January 2021
Proceedings of the IEEE
The IEEE member discount code is available for purchasing single issues of Proceedings of the IEEE in print at at the IEEE Pub Store.
IEEE members can also sign up for an annual subscription to Proceedings of the IEEE at the following discounted rates:
Print: $57
Electronic: $50 (Student Member: $42)
Print + Electronic: $68
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For more information, visit: https://www.ieee.org/membership/discounts/secure/proceedings-of-the-ieee.html
Get Involved with IEEE HAC/SIGHT!
There are many benefits to engaging in humanitarian technology and sustainable development activities at IEEE, such as the opportunity to learn and develop professional skills, connection and community with like-minded IEEE members around the world, working toward a greater purpose, and making a real difference!
Join the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) and IEEE SIGHT to get involved. You can become an IEEE SIGHT member; form a SIGHT Group to assess needs in your local community, apply for financial resources, and implement a sustainable technological solution; volunteer on a Committee; or help share these opportunities with others who may be interested. HAC and SIGHT also offer free, online resources on the IEEE Learning Network (ILN) and SIGHT website to equip participants with a basic understanding of humanitarian technology and sustainable development topics. Questions? Write to sight@ieee.org
IEEE Future50 Student Discount Toolkit
New and renewing IEEE students and graduate students can now save 50% on their membership dues. Use promo Code FUTURE50 during online check-out for joining or renewing your IEEE membership.
Articles and Resources
IEEE educational activities continue to offer online instruction and IEEE's pre-university educational resources may be of assistance to families of students whose classroom activities have been disrupted. Home-schooling parents and students can explore the IEEE TryEngineering database to learn about a wide variety of concepts.
Helping Students Learn via Online Delivery: Considerations for Pandemic Pedagogy
Online Networking 101: Five Etiquette Tips for Successful Engagement
IEEE Canadian Foundation
Summary of IEEE Canadian Foundation Grants Awarded in 2020
IEEE Canadian Foundation had another good year for philanthropic activities in 2020 in spite of the challenging COVID-19 circumstances.- In 2020, IEEE Canadian Foundation Scholarships valued at $5,000 each, totaling $15,000, were awarded to:
- Robert Conrad of the University of Ottawa
- Alexandria Shields of the University of Saskatchewan
- Aashna Narang of Carleton University
- McNaughton Learning Resource Centre Grants
No grant applications were received due to the COVID-19 disruption to campus and student activities.
NOTE: 2020 marked the 41st anniversary of the first McNaughton Centre established at the University of Manitoba by Ted Glass! - IEEE Canadian Foundation Special Grants with a total of $12,900
In 2020, IEEE Canadian Foundation provided a one-time Special Grant in support of:- Memorial University Subsea Resident Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.
- University of Waterloo Midnight Sun Solar Powered Vehicle.
- UBC Whistler Blackcomb Rocketry Avionics.
- UBC Agrobot Agricultural Robot Design, Build, Compete.
- First Robotics All Female Team; Robot Development, Competition.
- Western University FSAE Electric Vehicle Design, Build, Compete.
- Memorial University WonderHack NL 2.0.
- Western University WeSat Nano Satellite Competition.
- UBC Thunderbots 4th Gen Soccer Robot.
- UBC Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Competition.
- University of Saskatchewan Big Brother/Big Sister STEM Outreach.
- Endowed Awards totaling $19,500:
- Annika Benson of Dalhousie University awarded Dr. Raymond D. Findlay Scholarship valued at $1,000.
- Leanne Dawson of the Southern Alberta Section awarded the 2020 IEEE Canada Women in Engineering Prize valued at $1,000.
- Maram Yousef of the University of Calgary awarded IEEE Canada Power Quality Scholarship valued at $1,500, sponsored by the Alberta Power Quality Conference Fund.
- Omer Abubaker of the University of Ottawa awarded Gargantini-Strybosch Scholarship valued at $5,000.
- Various IEEE Canada Region and Section Awards valued at $11,000.
- IEEE Power and Energy Society Scholarship Plus in Canada
The PES Scholarship Plus Initiative supports the most promising future engineers in power and energy. Recipients are high-achieving undergraduate students in electrical engineering programs who have committed to exploring the power and energy engineering field. Canadians may choose to donate to the IEEE PES Canadian Scholarship Fund to support this initiative in Canada via the IEEE Canadian Foundation.
Recently announced recipients were:- 2020/2021 PES Scholarship Plus
- Maisha Nasim, University of Saskatchewan
- Samia Sami, University of Saskatchewan (also John W. Estey Outstanding Scholar Award)
- 2020 Anne-Marie Sahazizian Scholarship
- Maisha Nasim, University of Saskatchewan
- Samia Sami, University of Saskatchewan
- 2020/2021 PES Scholarship Plus
- In 2020, IEEE Canadian Foundation Scholarships valued at $5,000 each, totaling $15,000, were awarded to:
Scholarship/Grant/Prize Submissions due March 15, 2021
- IEEE Canadian Foundation Scholarships,
- R. Findlay Scholarship,
- Power Quality Scholarship,
- Special Grants,
- Women in Engineering Prize,
- VT Travel Grant,
- Alden Scholarship,
- Gargantini-Strybosch Scholarship,
- Cercone Scholarship (now biennial, plan ahead for due April 30, 2022).
See our website www.ieeecanadianfoundation.org or ask your Student Branch Counsellor.Donate to IEEE Canadian Foundation
The IEEE Canadian Foundation, the philanthropic partner of IEEE Canada, is ready to accept your contributions. To make a contribution to one or more of our funds, please consider donating online or donating by mail. On-line gifts may be designated to any one of the following funds of the IEEE Canadian Foundation at https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/id/503/ :- General Fund – supports IEEE McNaughton Learning Resource Centres across Canada, related Scholarships, and Special Grants.
- Canadian Life Members Fund – supports activities of interest to life members, potential engineers, and engineering students.
- Technology for Humanity Fund – supports new and innovative projects that seek to apply technology for the benefit of humanity.
- Vancouver Secon Scholarship Fund – supports scholarships awarded by the IEEE Vancouver Section.
- The IEEE PES Canadian Scholarship Fund – supports scholarships in undergraduate electric power programs in Canada.
- The IEEE Canadian Foundation Nick Cercone Graduate Scholarship in Computer Science Fund – supports a scholarship in Computer Science, a field of studies of interest to IEEE.
- Kingston Secon Scholarship Fund – supports scholarships awarded by the IEEE Kingston Section.
- Raymond D. Findlay Annual Undergraduate Scholarship – supports a national scholarship recognizing leadership and professionalism.
If you are a Canadian IEEE Life Member and wish to participate in our Canadian Life Member Fund “Thank You” program, please view this web page: http://ieeecanadianfoundation.org/EN/don_lmf.php.IEEE Canadian Foundation is a registered charity in Canada and a public foundation. All Canadian individual donors receive CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) approved tax receipts.
The ICF Facebook page can be reached at: https://www.facebook.com/ieeecanadianfoundation
The IEEE Canadian Foundation remains committed to supporting our programs, donors and grantees. Thank you for your ongoing support during these unusual and challenging times.
ANTEM 2021
IEEE ANTEM 2021 will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The symposium and meeting are co-sponsored by the IEEE Canada and the IEEE Winnipeg Section. Technical co-sponsorship includes IEEE AESS, AP-S, and MTT.ANTEM is a premier event in antennas and applied electromagnetics. It provides an ideal forum and venue for networking, exchanging ideas, and identifying future trends and developments. The technical sessions will be host to a well-balanced, comprehensive program with topics in antennas, propagation, and electromagnetics. Following tradition, the symposium will have both oral and poster sessions. ANTEM will be offered with remote access options, as well as in-person events. Additionally, there will be distinguished lecturers and special sessions with contemporary topics at the leading edge of antenna and electromagnetics technology.
The world has experienced major changes in the last year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to the Conference Theme, “Making Space.” Several specialized topical sessions will be introduced to the conference under this theme:
- Design and application of antennas and radiating systems to eliminate touch requirements.
- Antenna miniaturization to reduce antenna dimensions.
- Antennas designed for space applications (e.g., satellites and cubesats)
Some important dates:
- Paper Submission Deadline: March 1, 2021
- Conference Registration Deadline: June 1, 2021
- Conference Date: August 8 - 11, 2021
Please check out the ANTEM 2021 website for more details: https://antem2021.ieee.ca/