June 2020 Issue


Happy International Women in Engineering Day!

IWE2020 Reposted from IEEE’s LinkedIn:
International Women in Engineering Day is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the women engineers who are innovating to #ShapeTheWorld. So many of our greatest technological achievements exist due to their work, inspiring future generations of girls in STEM. #INWED20
~~IEEE on LinkedIn

Also, checkout the great article by Engineers Canada:
This year, the world has been shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is why we chose to shine the spotlight on women in engineering who have marshalled their skills and resources to help Canada overcome the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic.
~~INWED 2020: How women in engineering are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic

2020 IEEE Medal & Recognition Recipients Honored Online

This year, in light of the global health emergency and pervasive travel restrictions, IEEE made the difficult decision not to hold the in-person IEEE Honors Ceremony. Instead, the 23 diverse 2020 IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients will be honored in a series of online promotions.

Visit the Awards’ Facebook and Twitter social media platforms to see a continuing series of posts highlighting each 2020 recipient.

Watch videos about each award recipient and learn more about their accomplishments on the Awards Channel on IEEE.TV.

Flip through the digital 2020 IEEE Awards Booklet.

The Awards Program is also partnering with the IEEE History Center to promote the 2020 recipients on their Engineering and Technology Wiki. Q&As with these recipients will be posted there in the months to come.

Plans are being made to recognize the 2020 recipients at the 2021 IEEE Vision, Innovation, and Challenges Summit & Honors Ceremony.

Stay tuned for updates about the online promotions.

2020 IEEE Canadian WIE Prize Winner – Leanne Dawson of IEEE Southern Alberta Section

Leanne_Dawson IEEE Canada Women in Engineering Prize for 2020 in the amount of $1,000 was awarded to Leanne Dawson of IEEE Southern Alberta Section. The purpose of this prize is to recognize excellence in young women engineering professionals and to support the Women In Engineering programme within IEEE in Canada. The prize is sponsored by the Judy Clift Fund which was established to honour a gracious individual who believed strongly in gender equality.

Leanne Dawson received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. Degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Calgary (UofC) in 2013 and 2016, respectively. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical Engineering at the UofC. Both her M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses have been focused on researching the implementation of Dynamic Thermal Line Rating, using machine learning to analyze large weather data sets in the Electric Power Industry. She has already published journal and conference papers on this subject.

In addition to her research work, Leanne has also been a very active volunteer. Among her numerous volunteering activities at the UofC, she was VP-Academic for Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate (ECEG) Board, 2015 – 2017, and she has been Academic Support Committee Chair at the Graduate Students' Association since 2019, organizing workshops to promote academic development of graduate students and being responsible for planning the annual graduate student research conference. On the IEEE side, she has been Chair of the Women in Engineering at the UofC IEEE Student Branch since 2017, and Secretary of the IEEE Southern Alberta Section since 2019.

New IEEE Medal Named in Honor of Computer Scientist Frances E. Allen

IEEE will present a new medal—the IEEE Frances E. Allen Medal—for the first time at the 2022 IEEE Honors Ceremony. IBM sponsors this medal, the second in honor of a female, named for the IBM Fellow and computing pioneer. Nominations for this award will open in December 2020.

IEEE Member Benefits for June 2020

Member Benefit Logo Weblink
Accelerate Your Career with Virtual Leadership Development
The ACE: Leadership By Influence Program is a unique opportunity to learn with and from other fellow professionals in a safe, confidential, and trustworthy setting.
Exclusive discount of 15% to IEEE members.
Use discount code: IEEE15. This code may be redeemed one time by one individual on any one ACE Leadership By Influence course.
Offer ends 30 November 2020
accelerate-your-career For more
information, visit:
Additional information on COVID-19 updates from Member Discounts partners:

Articles and Resources

IEEE Educational Resources

IEEE Computer Society ComputingEdge Newsletter

ComputingEdge is your free source for highly relevant news and research on all aspects of computing technology. This monthly digest republishes the top technology content from our 12 premier magazines, emphasizing current trends across the technology spectrum to keep you up to date on the newest developments regardless of your area of specialty.

Call for nominations: IEEE TFA's, Herz Staff Award, and Medals & Recognitions

The IEEE Awards Board (AB) administers the highest medals, awards, and recognitions presented by IEEE. The IEEE Technical Field Awards are awarded for contributions or leadership in specific fields of interest of the IEEE. IEEE Medals embrace significant and broad IEEE interests and purposes.

Nominations are due 15 January annually for the IEEE Technical Field Awards and the IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award and 15 June annually for IEEE Medals and Recognitions

All are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields. Nomination guidelines, award-specific criteria, and components of a nomination form can be downloaded from https://www.ieee.org/about/awards/information.html and http://www.ieee.org/about/awards/recognitions/recognitions_herz.html . All nominations must be submitted through the online nomination portal.

For more information visit www.ieee.org/awards or e-mail awards@ieee.org.

IEEE Canadian Foundation

Special Grants cover virtual activities and events

Special Grants from the IEEE Canadian Foundation can cover virtual as well as in-person activities and events. Special Grants support new and innovative initiatives of interest to the IEEE Canada community.

By all means, make first use of collaborative tools made available to you from IEEE, such as Collabratec, Webex or Google (Hangouts) Meet, or those from your school/work environment. Beyond those, IEEE Student Branches and other groups are encouraged to apply imagination to what might be possible and achievable in the present COVID-19 situation.

Or perhaps there are initiatives that could start early as virtual then reasonably anticipate developing into hybrid or in-person, hands-on activities when the time is right.

Projects that benefit or engage more people or have a broader impact on society will normally be given preference. Projects that are part of student’s normal course requirements (e.g. capstone design projects) will not normally be funded.

Submissions for the next round of Special Grants are due August 15, 2020 with applicants notified of decisions by mid-September.

Learn more here: https://ewh.ieee.org/r7/cafoundation/EN/sp_grnts.php
Apply here: https://ewh.ieee.org/r7/cafoundation/EN/forms/sp_gr_app_e.php

IEEE Canadian Foundation 25/25 Campaign

2020 is IEEE Canada 25th Anniversary! IEEE Canadian Foundation 25/25 Campaign invites a first-time or incremental $25 gift to celebrate 25 years of IEEE Canada – IEEE Canadian Foundation successful work that benefited many IEEE members and nonmembers.

Double Your Gift to the IEEE Canadian Foundation

Your employer may have a charitable gift matching program. Typically, these programs match your personal contribution to registered Canadian charities. Each plan is different, and not always publicized, so please ask your HR department or look into your employee benefits. The IEEE Canadian foundation is a registered charity and operates under Canada Revenue Agency registration number 102450376RR0001.
You may be eligible to participate in your company's charitable gift matching program if you are a:
  • full time or part time employee,
  • pensioner/retiree,
  • spouse of an employee,
  • widow(er) of someone formerly employed at that company,
  • member of the Board of Directors.
If gift matching is available in your workplace, please spread the word with your IEEE colleagues there – and let us know about your experience.


Upcoming IEEE Standards Meetings


Date: 16 July, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (ET)
Speaker: Mini-Panel with Multiple Speakers
Topic: Promoting Science and Engineering in Canada
Registration: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/233884

IEEE Canada publishes news in a wide range of categories. Do you have news or a success story or other IEEE colleagues' achievements to share? Maybe you've heard of an upcoming event that we should all support. If you submit to, or publish a, Section newsletter, why not also submit to news@ieee.ca for national coverage?

IEEE Canadian Foundation

The Personal


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