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Numéro: Octobre 2014 IEEE Canada News Central
Ø Conseil des directeurs de l'IEEE Canada - Renouvellement des membres pour 2015- Frais pour les membres selon des circonstances spéciales
- Donner à IEEE lors de votre renouvellement d'adhésion- IEEE Canadian Foundation Needs Your Support- IEEE Canadian Foundation Initiative/Campaign "20 for 20"- IEEE Canadian Foundation - Submission
- London Section celebrates 70th birthday- Section Events Online
- IEEE Canada Intergenerational Workshop- Call for CJECE Associate Editors- Call for Book Chapters "Recent Advances on Computational Intelligence in Defense and Security"
- New online tool - IEEE RésuméLab- Positions disponibles dans Carrières en génie!
- Winners of 2014 IEEE Canada Stadent Branch Website contest
- Dr. Jamal Deen elected as next President of The Academy of Science of the Royal Society of Canada- Dr. Bin Wu awarded Engineering Excellence medal from PEO and OSPE- Dr. John Bandler honored with McMaster University’s Faculty of Engineering Research Achievement award
- The Personal - Home and Auto Group Insurer for IEEE members- Carte de crédit MBNA pour les membres de l'IEEE- Canada- Assurance responsabilité professionnelle de Canada- IEEE Members Save Big with the UPS® Members Benefit Program- New Professional Liability eTool for IEEE Members-ProLiabilitySmart
- CCECE 2015
Ø Conférence et lieu de travail - Conférences Canadiennes de l'IEEE à venir- Toutes les conférences de l'IEEE au Canada
Ø Conseil des directeurs de l'IEEE Canada Renouveller votre adhésion pour 2015C'est le temps de renouveler votre adhésion pour 2015, nous vous prions de le faire dès que possible. Souvenez-vous, l'adhésion à l'IEEE vous permet de rejoindre les professionnels, ce qui peut vous ouvrir les portes sur beaucoup d'occasions. Il y a aussi beaucoup de ressources en ligne disponibles pour les membres (des livres en ligne et des publications par exemple). Utilisez votre Compte Web IEEE et votre mot de passe pour renouveler en ligne au Frais pour les membres selon des circonstances spécialesIEEE se rend compte que des circonstances économiques peuvent avoir un impact sur la capacité de certains membres à payer les frais d'adhésion à l'IEEE. C'est pourquoi, les catégories spéciales suivantes ont été établies. Ces conditions spéciales ne sont pas disponibles pour les membres étudiants. Seulement une catégorie peut être utilisée et ce n'importe quand. Ø Fondation canadienne de l'EEE Donner à l'IEEE via le renouvellement de votre adhésionLa Fondation canadienne de l'IEEE, le bras philanthropique de l'IEEE in Canada, est heureuse d'accepter vos contributions lorsque vous renouveller votre adhésion à l'IEEE l'automne de chaque année. Simplement sélectionner la Fondation canadienne de l'IEEE comme choix lorsque vous complétez votre formulaire de renouvellement d'adhésion annuelle à l'IEEE (version papier ou web). SVP notez que cette method vous permet de faire une contribution au Fonds general de la foundation canadienne de l'IEEE seulement. Pour faire une contribution à un ou plus de nos autres fonds , svp considérez faire un don en ligne ou par la poste. Si vous êtes member à vie canadien de l'IEEE et vous désirez participer à notre programme "Merci" de notre Fonds Membre à vie canadien, svp visitez cette page web. IEEE Canadian Foundation Needs Your SupportIs somebody close to your heart graduating this year from a Canadian University or College engineering or science? In recognition of their success, consider a donation to the IEEE Canadian Foundation (ICF) to support the vital role IEEE has in the professional development of so many students. Get an early start on your 2013 donations - your donation to ICF, a Canadian registered charity, is tax deductible. IEEE Canadian Foundation Initiative/Campaign "20 for 20"In 2014, IEEE Canadian Foundation (ICF) marks its 20th anniversary as a foundation in the present form. This occasion is a reminder of the importance to continue supporting ICF by donating online or donating by mail. Your support of the ICF $20 for 20th anniversary recognition will help expand the ICF General Fund lead programs across Canada:
Sholarships for outstanding undergraduate IEEE engagement McNaughton Learning Resource Centre Grants for enhancing the learning experience of students at Canadian universities and colleges Special Grants for new and innovative projects th advance IEEE's core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity For the first time contributors, please review the success stories and ICF tack record on the ICF website. For recurring contributors, please consider this $20 incremental to your regular donation - special for the ICF 20th aniversary recognition. A brief history of IEEE Canadian Foundation (ICF) After Revenue Canada granted ICF charitable foundation status, ICF started operating under its new status in January 1994. Prior to that, the ICF existed in other forms. More about the ICF history can be found at many small charities succeed in operating for only a few years, the ICF 20th anniversary, and still going stronger, is a remarkable achievement of the Foundation. It was made thanks to the continual support of many ICF donors/contributors over the past two decades and a large number of ICF volunteers and IEEE Canada members. This sustained success in providing benefits to IEEE Canada students, recognition and awards to IEEE Canada members, and to the engineering community in Canada is a cause worth celebrating. IEEE Canadian Foundation - SubmissionSpecial Grant Report In Dec. 2013, IEEE Canadian Foundation provided a one-time Special Grant to the University of British Columbia (UBC) students for their International Field Trip 2014 as an enhanced educational opportunity. This field trip to France and Germany took place in early May 2014, and incorporated visits to universities, research institutes, and some of the leading companies. Twenty UBC students, four Simon Fraser University (SFU) students, and Dr. David Michelson, a professor at UBC, participated in the field trip. Some of the preliminary contacts with the institutions abroad were established by Dr. Michelson, and the students appreciated having a faculty accompaniment. The UBC Go Global exchange program and UBC and SFU engineering co-op programs were promoted to universities and companies which were visited. The students had a rare opportunity to learn first hand about the university life and research work in Europe. They discussed possible co-op terms and two students already accepted one year internships at Lantiq Semiconductors in Munich, Germany. Eighteen participants are returning students, and they will share their newly acquired experiences from this successful field trip with others. (Click on images to enlarge.) Reminder of Nov. 15 as a deadline for the IEEE Canadian Foundation grants
London Section celebrates 70th birthdayThe IEEE London Section, established on 31 October, 1944 turns 70 this month. Happy Birthday! The celebration as well as the Section AGM will be also held on November 8 at the Delta London Armouries. Details and registration at Section Events OnlineVeuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section Kitchener Waterloo: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section Hamilton: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section Kingston: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section London: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section New Brunswick: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section South Alberta: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section Winnipeg: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section Northern Canada: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section Northern Saskatchewan Sectio: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section Vancouver: Vous trouverez le bulletin de la section de Montréal de l'IEEE (Numéro 6, Janvier 2012): Le comité exécutif de la section de Montréal de l'IEEE aimerait remercier tous ses contributeurs et éditeurs. The previous issues (# 5, Nov. 2011) can be accessed through:Le numéro précédent (# 5, Nov. 2011) se trouve à : Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section Ottawa: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section Toronto: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section St-Maurice: Veuillez vous référer au lien ici-bas concernant les plus récentes activités de la section Canadian Atlantic:: IEEE Canada Intergenerational WorkshopImpressions from the collaborative 2014 IEEE Canada Student, Young Professionals Congress and Women in Engineering Congress, and the – first ever – IEEE Canada Intergenerational Workshop held in September in Mississauga. Enthusiasm, passion for IEEE, commitment and, yes, some great fun dominated the agenda. The participants discussed, learned, shared their best practices and issues. They strategized for the future and tackled a wide scope of topics like
How to successfully integrate volunteering into an already busy professional and private life. Planning collaborative initiatives between Students, Young Professionals and Women In Engineering. Developing and delivering an engaging IEEE experience/program for the IEEE members, the community and the volunteers at the local level – for Students, for Women In Engineering, for Young Professionals. WIE celebrating 20 years and a new WIE International Leadership Conference The rational for the change from GOLD to Young Professionals – it enables raising awareness among early-career IEEE members and the engineering community. IEEE volunteer tools, reporting, funding, awards and competitions, and new programs like the IEEE Centre for Leadership Excellence (CLE) the IEEE ResumeLab the Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (IEEE SIGHT) the Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) Call for CJECE Associate EditorsThe Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CJECE) board is currently looking for Associate Editors in the areas of computers, sofrware, communications, information theory, and signal processing. The Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CJECE) is the flagship IEEE technical journal of the area in Canada. The CJECE (ISSN-0840-8688), issued quarterly, has been publishing high-quality refereed scientific papers in all areas of electrical and computer engineering since 1976 and is indexed in ISI and IEEE Xplore. Each Associate Editor (AE) is appointed on a 6-month probationary term to be extended to a 2-year term. AEs will receive a small number of papers each year in their general areas of expertise. Successful volunteer candidates will be required to secure a minimum of 3 independent reviews for each paper in 4 weeks. Interested researchers are invited to send their intents along with an up-to-date CV via email to s.yousefi at the domain or on LinkedIn. The CV is not required if the LinkedIn account contains the relevant information and the track record in research and publications. For more information, please visit here. Call for Book Chapters "Recent Advances on Computational Intelligence in Defense and Security"IEEE Computational Intelligence Society is calling for Book Chapters (CFBC) for the upcoming book entitled "Recent Advances on Computational Intelligence in Defense and Security". IMPORTANT DATES
New online tool - IEEE RésuméLabTo help you make a great first impression, IEEE partnered with OptimalResume, a career services company in Durham, N.C., to create IEEE RésuméLab, an online program that helps you with the many tasks needed for landing a job. This includes writing better résumés and cover letters, creating a portfolio or a video résumé, and improving your interviewing skills. Launched in January, IEEE RésuméLab is free to all IEEE members. Positions disponibles dans Carrières en géniePour plus d'information : vous pouvez rechercher un emploi sous le lien suivant        
Winners of 2014 IEEE Canada Stadent Branch Website contestThe winners of the 2014 IEEE Canada Stadent Branch Website contest are:
Congratulations on the achievement! Dr. Jamal Deen elected as next President of The Academy of Science of the Royal Society of CanadaMcMaster University's Dr. Jamal Deen has been elected President of the Royal Society of Canada's Science Academy. Dr. Deen, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, has published extensively in the areas of micro-, nano- and optoelectronics. He is a fellow of nine national academies and societies. Dr. Deen's expertise achievements have earned him numerous medals and awards, including IEEE Canada's Fessenden Silver Medal in 2011, the McNaughton Gold Medal (highest award for engineers) in 2013, as well as the Ham Education Medal in 2014. Dr. Bin Wu awarded Engineering Excellence medal from PEO and OSPEA Toronto-Section volunteer has been recognized by Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) and the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) for his outstanding research and extensive collaborations with industry. Dr. Bin Wu is a 2014 recipient of an Engineering Medal - Engineering Excellence, one of six categories of the Ontario Professional Engineers Awards program.
Dr. Wu's research and product development collaborations with industry have resulted in numerous technical and commercial successes. For example, his designs and innovations with Rockwell Automation's megawatt medium voltage (MV) drive products have helped to make the company one of the top three MV drive manufacturers in the world. He also teamed with Honeywell Aerospace Canada to develop next generation motor controllers for the aerospace industry; Lumacell to develop battery chargers and uninterruptable power supplies for the lighting industry; Allanson International to develop a digital protection module for neon lighting; Industrial Lighting to develop an HID lamp dimmer; Toronto Hydro to develop faster chargers and charging stations for electric vehicles; and Hydro One to develop microgrid technology. Within IEEE Canada, Dr. Wu has served as Technical Program Committee Chair or Power Symposium Chair for two CCECE conferences and an EPEC conference. As an Associate Editor of the IEEE Canadian Review since 2007 he has written/facilitated numerous articles in his field. Internationally, he was Technical Program Committee Co-Chair of the IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC) in 2011. Dr. Wu has served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics since 2005. He was elected FIEEE in 2008, and is also a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Engineering. The 2014 Ontario Professional Engineers Awards will be presented at a gala event on November 22 in Toronto. Dr. John Bandler honored with McMaster University’s Faculty of Engineering Research Achievement awardDr. John Bandler was recently recognized at the McMaster University Faculty’s annual Applause and Accolades celebration.
The Personal - Home and Auto Group Insurer for IEEE members
Carte de crédit MBNA pour les membres de l'IEEE- CanadaChaque fois vous utiliserez votre carte pour un achat, une contribution financière sera faite à l'IEEE en votre nom!
Pas de frais annuels Low introductory promotional rate Protection de fraude de vingt-quatre heures Service clients 24h/24 inégalé Pour en apprendre plus sur cette carte et pour en faire la demande, allez à
Assurance responsabilité professionnelle de CanadaGrâce aux négociations récentes avec des compagnies d'assurance, les membres de l'IEEE résidant au Canada (excepté le Québec) ont maintenant accès à une alternative complète et concurrentielle pour leur couverture au niveau de la responsabilité professionnelle. Le nouveau plan fournit une couverture d'assurance pour les services connexes à la technologie et est idéal pour les membres canadiens qui sont travailleurs indépendants, cumulent deux emplois, ou travaillent pour une société ou firme. Pour plus d'information, visitez: ou appelez Erin Flett au 1-416-865-3353. Cette assurance est disponible pour les résidants du Canada via R&Q Risk Services Canada Limited. Scott Saddington, cadre supérieur de R&Q Services Canada Limited, agit en tant qu'agent en ce qui concerne les résidants du Canada. IEEE a choisi les garants de Certain Lloyd pour ce programme d'assurance. Les produits alternatifs d'assurance peuvent être disponibles dans le marché de l'assurance. R&Q Risk Services Canada Limited fournit cette option d'assureur simple au nom de l'IEEE. IEEE Members Save Big with the UPS® Members Benefit ProgramIEEE members, take advantage of the UPS Members Benefit Program and save on a variety of UPS services! You'll receive 30% off small package shipments within Canada, to the U.S. and to worldwide destinations, 25% off imports into Canada, discounts starting at 70% off freight shipments and more. To get started today, visit or call 1-800-MEMBERS (1-800-636-2377), Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. EST. New Professional Liability eTool for IEEE Members-ProLiabilitySmartToday's business world can look like a lawsuit "war zone." Disgruntled former employees. Dissatisfied customers. Project errors leading to missed completion dates and cost over-runs. But there are some simple strategies you as a technology professional can put in place today-to help you and your firm avoid the headaches and expenses of a potential lawsuit tomorrow. They're outlined in an easy-to-use, interactive quiz on the NEW ProLiabilitySmart eTool. In addition to helping you understand strategies to protect your firm against a lawsuit, ProLiabilitySmart highlights the exclusive coverage available to technology professionals in Canada (excluding Quebec) through the IEEE-sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Plan, underwritten by Certain Underwriters at Lloyd's of London. To learn more, visit (3/13) ©Seabury & Smith, Inc. 2013        
CCECE 2015Date: May 3-6, 2015 The 2015 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from May 3rd to 6th, 2015. CCECE 2015 provides a forum for electrical and computer engineering research and development from Canada and around the world. All papers accepted by CCECE 2015 will be indexed by EI and included in IEEE Xplore. For detailed up-to-date information, please visit:
Upcoming IEEE Conferences in CanadaEngineering Symposium 2014 - Forensics EngineeringDate: Nov. 8th, 2014 The Peterborough Section is hosting an Engineering Symposium subjecting Forensics Engineering at McDonnel Street Activity Centre on November 8th. For more information including Symposium Venue, Technical Program and Social Program please go to here 2014 Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC)Date: November 12-14, 2014 Fourteenth annual Electrical Power and Energy Conf erence (EPEC 2014) will take place in Calgary, AB, Canada from November 12 to 14, 2014. The objective of EPEC 2014 is to provide a forum for the exchange of electrical applications technology rela ted to electrical power and energy generation, distribution systems and utilization. The focus for this year ’s conference will be on partnerships between industrial users and power providers by bringing togeth er industrial users, power providers, ma nufacturers, consultants and academia to discuss cutting edge topics of interest to all stake holders In addition to making technical contri bution to EPEC 2014, bring your family to enjoy the culturally diverse, creative and cosmopolitan city with a warm welcoming spirit. For detailed up-to-date information, please visit: Conferences
  J'attends avec impatience de recevoir vos articles de vos sections, les accomplissements de vos collègues IEEE ou les vôtres, ou encore des lettres d'information. Veuillez transmettre toute correspondance avant le 20 de chaque mois à l'éditeur au             |
IEEE Canada Newsletter – October 2014 Bulletin de IEEE Canada – Octobre 2014
update 2014.10.04 dernière mise à jour |