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Issue: November 2012 IEEE Canada News Central
- IEEE President Election Results 2013
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors - IEEE Canada Awards and Recognition- Renew Your Membership for 2012- Membership Dues in Special Circumstances
- IEEE Canadian Foundation Report- Donate by IEEE Membership Renewal- McNaughton Learning Resource Centre Grant applications- Important Dates and Grant Application Deadlines
- Kitchener Waterloo Section posts upcoming events online- HamiltonSection posts upcoming events online- Kingston Section posts upcoming events online- London Section posts upcoming events online- New Brunswick Section posts upcoming events online- South Alberta Section posts upcoming events online- Winnipeg Section posts upcoming events online- Northern Canada Section posts upcoming events online- North Saskatchewan Section posts upcoming events online- Vancouver Section posts upcoming events online- Montreal Section posts upcoming events online- Ottawa Section posts upcoming events online- Toronto Section posts upcoming events online
- Montreal Section awarded Chapter of the Year by Communications Society- IEEE Canada on Facebook!
- Electrical Engineer needed for textile manufacturing- Opening: tenure-track position in Software Engineering: University of Regina- Positions available from Engineering Careers!
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight - Dr. Ray Findlay receives honorary degree from Memorial University- 2012 IEEE Canada J.J. Archambault Eastern Canada Service Medal: Elmer Bourque- 2012 IEEE Canada M. B. Broughton Central Canada Service Medal: Patrick Finnigan- Obituary for: Ossama Iskandar
- The Personal - Home and Auto Group Insurer for IEEE members- Your Life is On Your Computer. Back it Up- MBNA Credit card for Members of IEEE- Canada- Canada Professional Liability Insurance- IEEE Member Group Insurance Program-Celebrating 50 years!- November is Life Insurance Awareness Month!
- 3rd Climate Change Technology Conference (CCTC 2013)
- Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada- All IEEE Conferences in Canada
IEEE President Election Results 2013The ballots have been counted and the polls are out. Congratulations to the winners! Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors IEEE Canada Awards and RecognitionCommittee seeks nominations for IEEE Canada awards and for other awards that are available to IEEE Canada members including those from the EIC and the IEEE Member & Geographic Activities Board. Nomination Forms and guide lines can be found at the web page . Please note that the deadline for IEEE Canada 11 Major Awards nominations is December 7th, 2012 while the deadline for EIC Medals and Fellow nominations is December 15th , 2012. If you have any questions, please contact the ARC Chair at: (until December 31st, 2012) or (from January 1st, 2013). Renew Your Membership for 2012You can start renewing your membership for 2012. Remember, IEEE membership can connect you with professionals who can open doors to many opportunities. There are also many online resources available to members (e.g. online books and publications). Use your IEEE Web Account and password to renew online at Membership Dues in Special CircumstancesIEEE realizes that economic circumstances may impact some members' ability to pay the full amount of IEEE membership dues. For this reason, the following special circumstance categories have been established. Special circumstances are not available to Student members. Only one category may be claimed in any year. IEEE Canadian Foundation ReportsThe IEEE Canadian Foundation (ICF) awards scholarships, McNaughton Learning Resource Centre grants, special grants, and endowed grants, scholarships and prizes. These scholarships and grants assist young engineers and engineering students in Canada to develop practical skills. The ICF grants helped establish and upgrade IEEE McNaughton Learning Resource Centres in 33 Canadian Universities and Colleges across Canada. The McNaughton centres enhance the learning experience of engineering students. At its Sept. 12 meeting, the ICF Board approved two Special Grants and one Travel Grant. Mike Jiao, Student Team Leader of Bayview Secondary School, Richmond Hill, Ontario, received a one-time Special Grant of $1000 in support of the Bayview Secondary School First Robotics Team. Bethany Mitchell, Carleton University student and Carleton Ballistics Group team leader, was awarded a one-time Special Grant of $1000 to support the Carleton Ballistics Group entry in the international CanSat competition held in Burkett, Texas to design-build-fly a can-size satellite. Mojtaba Vaezi, student of McGill University, obtained a one-time Vehicular Technology Travel Grant of up to $1200 to attend and present his paper at the 2012 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2012-Fall, held 3-6 Sep. in Québec City. Donate by IEEE Membership RenewalThe IEEE Canadian Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the IEEE in Canada, is happy to accept your contributions when you renew your IEEE membership in the fall each year. Just select the IEEE Canadian Foundation as your choice when you complete your annual IEEE membership renewal form (paper or web version). Please note that this method enables you to make a contribution to the IEEE Canadian Foundation General Fund only. To make a contribution to one or more of our other funds, please consider donating online or donating by mail. If you are a Canadian IEEE Life Member and wish to participate in our Canadian Life Member Fund "Thank You" program, please view this web page. McNaughton Learning Resource Centre Grant applicationsQualified student branches are encouraged to start preparing now to submit comprehensive, well justified applications and to ensure time to arrange the three required letters of support all by the November 15 deadline. Applications that seek to create new Centres or revitalize Centres that time has passed by are especially welcome. The Project Completion Reports were submitted for two ICF Special Grants awarded in 2012. 1. Communicate Your Research Conference was successfully organized, and hosted an audience of 100 engineering students from McGill and Concordia universities and featured renowned science communicators as invited speakers. The student participants benefited from advice on how to improve skills in communicating their research work to a broad audience, both orally and in writing. After the conference, students not involved in the summer research expressed interest in contributing to Technophilic Magazine - the student voice of science, engineering & technology, started at McGill University in 2009. 2. The robotics team "Gears of Glebe" formed of grade 9-12 high school students of Glebe Collegiate Institute in Ottawa, successfully competed in Toronto FIRST West robotics competition and Toronto VEX competition. During these competitions the students met and interacted with other students. Each student gained better understanding of engineering and more real life experiences than any classroom could provide. Team members improved their management, leadership, organization and engineering skills that will serve them in their future. Important Dates and Grant Application DeadlinesImportant Dates for McNaughton Centre Grant Applications(awarded once each year at the ICF December Board meeting):
Deadlines for Special Grant and Vehicular Technologies Grant Applications Applications must be received by the Foundation by: Kitchener Waterloo Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Kitchener Waterloo Section: HamiltonSection posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Hamilton Section: Kingston Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Kingston Section: London Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the London Section: New Brunswick Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the New Brunswick Section: South Alberta Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the South Alberta Section: Winnipeg Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Winnipeg Section: Northern Canada Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Northern Canada Section: Northern Saskatchewan Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Northern Saskatchewan Section: Vancouver Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Vancouver Section: Montreal Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease find the IEEE Montreal Section Newsletter (Issue 6, January 2012): The IEEE Montreal Section ExCom would like to thank to all contributors and editors. The previous issues (# 5, Nov. 2011) can be accessed through: Ottawa Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Ottawa Section: Toronto Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Toronto Section: Montreal Section awarded Chapter of the Year by Communications SocietyThe Montreal Chapter will be honored in two ways: (1) an honorarium of $2000 and (2), the Chair (or representative) will be invited to attend IEEE GLOBECOM and be recognized publicly for the chapter's achievements at the Awards Luncheon ceremony scheduled onTuesday, December 4. Congratulations on the outstanding achievement! IEEE Canada on Facebook!By request a new IEEE Canada Facebook page has been created. Please join the group and get involved with discussions taking place. Electrical Engineer needed for textile manufacturingAs a leading global manufacturer of advanced textiles and materials, we are excited about our future and the role talented individuals play in our company. Our Perth Ontario site is currently recruiting for an experienced Electrical Engineer with experience in an industrial environment. The incumbent will prepare and review diagrams, layouts, schematic and control diagrams, load flow and short circuit analysis, ground grid design, lighting protection, heat tracing, arc-flash analysis, relay coordination and setting. The incumbent will coordinate with other disciplines and coworkers and assist with project management tasks as required. This is an opportunity that offers many personal development opportunities and possibilities for increased responsibilities for the right candidate. Your experience should include 3 - 5 years electrical engineering in an industrial Environment, and a familiarity with HAZOPD and all safety regulations. Your qualifications should include Electrical Engineering, experience in PLC / HMI software, and a strong technical capability and the ability to work in a team environment Please contact to apply or for further information regarding the position. Opening: tenure-track position in Software Engineering: University of ReginaApplications are invited for a tenure-track faculty position in the Software Systems Engineering program in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Regina. The preferred candidate should have the ability to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, and conduct research in the field of software engineering (including: Software Process, Requirements Analysis, Embedded Systems, Real-Time Systems, Distributed Computing, Software Agents, Internet and Multimedia Computing, Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering). Applicants should have an earned Ph.D. degree in Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Computer Science. The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to quality undergraduate and graduate teaching, growing the undergraduate program, and the development of an independent research program. Demonstrated leadership skills are an asset, and industrial experience is valued. Applicants should have the appropriate credentials for registration as a Professional Engineer in Canada. Applications can be submitted online at by October 31, 2012. Positions available from Engineering Careers!For more information: look up a job under the following link and input the corresponding Job ID. E.g. For job id: 1180117
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight Dr. Ray Findlay receives honorary degree from Memorial University
Dr. Raymond Findlay is one of only three Canadians to ever hold the presidency of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). For his contribution to the IEEE and engineering education, he will receive an honorary doctor of science degree at the 3 p.m. session of convocation on Oct. 19. Professor emeritus at McMaster University, Dr. Findlay obtained his B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. and PhD at the University of Toronto. He is a professional engineer (P.Eng., Ontario) and vice-president of JDRF Electromag Research, Inc., a company whose principal mandate is research and development. Prior to joining McMaster, Dr. Findlay taught and researched for 14 years at the University of New Brunswick. During one of those years he was a National Research Council of Canada Senior Industrial Research Fellow at General Electric Company in Peterborough, Ont. He has also been a research fellow at the University of Southampton, (U.K.), at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Sydney, Australia, and the Katholieke Universiteit, Belgium. His technical interests include low frequency electromagnetic fields and losses in electrical power devices in which he has more than 60 refereed journal publications and more than 140 refereed conference publications. He has supervised or co-supervised 12 PhD students to completion, and 29 master's degree students. Dr. Findlay is a fellow of both IEEE and the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), was awarded the Canadian Pacific Railway Engineering Medal from the Engineering Institute of Canada, the IEEE Regional Activities Board Innovation Award and the IEEE Millennium Medal, to name just a few of his awards. Honorary degree recipients are chosen by the Senate, the university's academic governing body, after a very careful examination of the grounds for their nomination. The honorary doctorate degree is designed to recognize extraordinary contribution to society or exceptional intellectual or artistic achievement. 2012 IEEE Canada J.J. Archambault Eastern Canada Service Medal: Elmer Bourque
In 1972, Elmer Bourque joined the IEEE New Brunswick section. His enthusiasm as a volunteer saw him elected as Section Secretary in 1981 for four consecutive terms, followed by five terms as Treasurer. Keen to share his passion for the profession with those just entering it, he was a frequent judge for paper competitions at universities and technical schools. He was elected Eastern Canada Council chair in 1997 for a three-year term. In 2003 he was appointed secretary for IEEE Canada. Following that he served as Member Services Chair, Region 7 representative to the Membership Benefits Committee, the Ethics Committee, and is currently a member of the board of the IEEE Canadian Foundation. Elmer's broader engineering activities include being a life member of APEGNB. His hobbies span tuning and maintenance of three large church pipe organs, playing the piano, and peddling his canoe-towed behind his bicycle-to the Saint John River to watch the eagles. 2012 IEEE Canada M. B. Broughton Central Canada Service Medal: Patrick Finnigan
An IEEE member for 30 years active in the Toronto Section, Pat led a successful effort by Section volunteers to have an IEEE Milestone plaque installed at Queen's Park, Toronto, honoring the "First External Cardiac Pacemaker," developed at the Banting Institute in 1950. He has been a mentor/referee for the Section's highly productive Senior Member campaigns. Pat has been co-chair of Toronto Life Members, organizing tours and talks, as well as sending out a special newsletter. He is secretary of the IEEE Region 7 Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) committee promoting science and engineering in K-12 schools, and has been instrumental in organizing numerous teacher workshops to demonstrate technology-related lesson plans. Pat has co-authored a number of software-related research publications and has served as a reviewer for IEEE Software. He has taught both IT and Astronomy courses at Seneca College. Pat is a member of PEO and OSPE and is also an active radio amateur, call sign VA3 ZIM. Obituary for Ossama Iskandar
A funeral mass was held at St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church, 2300 Burnhamthorpe Road West in Mississauga, on Wednesday October 10, 2012 at 12:30 p.m. Consistent with the wishes of the family, a donation has been made on behalf of the IEEE Canadian Foundation to the Canadian Diabetes Foundation in his memory. Online condolences may be made through We will miss our colleague and his considerable volunteer service. Sam, an IEEE Senior Member, was introduced to the IEEE Canadian Foundation in 2001 by Miro Forest. In 2004 he was elected Secretary and served in that position until his passing. Last April he added the responsibility of Webmaster while he also continued as the vice-chair of our Grants Committee. Prior to becoming Webmaster and as part of his work with our Grants Committee, Sam rewrote the coding for all of our web forms to use the new forms processor and produce the formatted output corresponding to grant request submissions. In this regard he worked closely with khan Luu, the IEEE EWH server manager, who assisted Sam in learning this new coding. His biography is available on our website at The Personal - Home and Auto Group Insurer for IEEE members
For more details, click here: A partnership that serves you well Preferred rates and more An accurate quote in minutes Get a Quote:
Get a home or auto insurance quote and you could be the winner of the $30,000 vacation of your dreams. And when you provide your renewal dates online, you could also win one of 40 instant prizes of $500! Certain conditions apply. Auto insurance not available in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or British Columbia due to government-run plans. No purchase required. Contest closes on December 31, 2012. The grand prize draw to take place on January 15, 2013. Complete rules available at: Your Life is On Your Computer. Back it UpMozy is offering IEEE members its online backup services at an exclusive discounted rate. Protect your most important business documents, home movies, photos, music and other digital information stored on your computer. Mozy securely backs up all of your data off-site so in case of hard drive crash, lost laptop or virus so you can easily restore what's most important. Every photo, document, or song. Safe with Mozy. Visit to get started. MBNA Credit card for Members of IEEE- CanadaEvery time you use your card for a purchase, a financial contribution will be made to the IEEE on your behalf! Plus you can enjoy the benefits of:
No annual fees Around-the-clock fraud protection Unparalleled 24-hour customer service To learn more about this card and to apply in English or in French, go to Canada Professional Liability InsuranceThanks to recent insurance carrier negotiations, IEEE members residing in Canada (except Quebec) now have access to a comprehensive and competitive alternative for their professional liability coverage. The new plan provides coverage for technology-related services and is ideal for Canadian members who are self-employed, moonlight, or work for a firm. For more information, visit: or call Erin Flett at 1-416-865-3353. This coverage is available to residents of Canada through R&Q Risk Services Canada Limited. Scott Saddington, Chief Executive Officer of R&Q Risk Services Canada Limited, acts as an agent with respect to residents of Canada. IEEE has selected Certain Lloyd’s Underwriters for this insurance program. Alternative insurance products may be available in the insurance market place. R&Q Risk Services Canada Limited is providing this single insurer option on behalf of IEEE. IEEE Member Group Insurance Program-Celebrating 50 years!
The new website offers improved navigation, enhanced customer service through BoldChat, educational articles, and interactive tools to allow members to easily access information for their specific needs. Interested in seeing more details on these website improvements? Just go to This program is administered by Marsh U.S. Consumer, a service of Seabury & Smith, Inc. d/b/a in CA Seabury & Smith Insurance Program Management. CA Ins. Lic. #0633005. AR Ins. Lic. #245544 November is Life Insurance Awareness Month!Just as you get regular checkups for your health, teeth, and even your car to minimize future problems, most financial experts recommend that you get an annual life insurance checkup so you're prepared for the future. Now-during Life Insurance Awareness Month-may be a good time to review the following: Do you have enough? Do you have enough life insurance to help adequately replace your income and other contributions you make to your family? Has anything changed in your life? Marriage, divorce, children, job changes, a new home and retirement, among others, can affect your life insurance needs. If something's changed, your life insurance requirements need to change too. How's the economy impacting you? Economic conditions have probably reduced the actual value of your life insurance. As a rule of thumb, if the cost of living has increased 3 percent since you last purchased coverage, your life insurance should increase by the same amount. No one wants to think about life insurance and checkups, but we need to if we have loved ones who depend on us. If your checkup shows that you need to add more coverage, you can take advantage of new rate reductions in the popular IEEE Member Group Term Life Insurance Plan. First, the plan's economical base rates were reduced 10 percent. Then, targeted rate reductions (an additional 13 percent for members under age 30; an additional 5 percent for 61-year-old members; an additional 10 percent for members aged 62 - 63; an additional 20 percent for members age 64) make the plan an even better value. Best of all, the plan's recent rate reductions are in addition to the 30 percent premium discount in effect through February 28, 2013. To access educational life insurance tools and more information* on life insurance plans available, visit * To learn about each plan's features, costs, eligibility, renewability, limitations, and exclusions. The IEEE Member Group Term Life Insurance Plan is available in the U.S. (except territories), Puerto Rico and Canada (except Quebec) and is underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company, 51 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10010 on Policy Form GMR. This coverage is available to residents of Canada (except Quebec) through Marsh Canada Limited. Stephen Fretwell, an employee of Marsh Canada Limited, acts as a broker with respect to residents of Canada. This program is administered by Marsh U.S. Consumer, a service of Seabury & Smith, Inc. d/b/a in CA Seabury & Smith Insurance Program Management. CA Ins. Lic. #0633005. AR Ins. Lic. #245544(9/12) ©Seabury & Smith, Inc. 2012        
3rd Climate Change Technology Conference (CCTC 2013)Date: May 27-29, 2013 The 3rd Climate Change Technology Conference (CCTC 2013) is a Canadian and international forum for the exchange of ideas for dealing with climate change. It is also an opportunity to keep abreast of emerging techniques and technologies for the mitigation of, and adaptation to, the impacts of climate change. The Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) and ten of its member societies are organizing CCTC 2013, which will be held on the campus of Concordia University in Montreal. The very success of our species has led to a situation in which this planet's finite resources must be considered in all future planning. This conference is dedicated to the study and exposition of the status and prospects of engineering in support of a bright future for humanity in the midst of a rapidly changing and uncertain environment, both physical and sociological due to climate change.
All IEEE Conferences in Canada
  I look forward to receiving news/article(s) from your sections and/or yours or other IEEE colleagues' achievements for the newsletter. Please forward any such correspondence by the 20th of the month to the Editor at             |
IEEE Canada Newsletter – November 2012 Bulletin de IEEE Canada – Novembre 2012
update 2012.11.13 dernière mise à jour |