IEE E IEEE Canada Newsletter / Bulletin de IEEE Canada alletin |
Page en Français This Issue's Content: News - IEEE Canada Board of Directors - Your News - News of Interest - Our Members in the Spotlight - Call for Papers - Conferences Upcoming Events - New Brunswick - Montreal - Ottawa - Toronto - Winnipeg - Calgary - Other Submission Information
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Issue: February 2011 IEEE Canada News Central
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors - Call for Nominations... IEEE Director-Elect- Call for Nominations... IEEE 's Leaders in 2012- Anniversaries for the Montreal and Vancouver Sections- IEEE Introduces IEEE Technology News - Looking for Editors- Renew Your Membership for 2011- Membership Dues in Special Circumstances
- HamiltonSection posts upcoming events online- Kingston Section posts upcoming events online- New Brunswick Section posts upcoming events online- South Alberta Section posts upcoming events online- Winnipeg Section posts upcoming events online- Vancouver Section: Introduction to FTTx receivers front end design
- 2011 Ottawa Photonics Week - IEEE Photonics Society Ottawa Chapter- Humanitarian initiatives: Student Design Competition 2010-2011- Runnymede Collegiate seeks help to enter the Canadian FIRSTRobotics Competition- Free E-book Titles and Access to Archived Webinars to All IEEE Members- IEEE Career services- IEEE Members give a "Thumbs up!" for the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program Administered by Marsh U.S. Consumer- Auto Insurance Rates Update, from The Personal- Your Life is On Your Computer. Back it Up- IEEE MasterCard® credit card- Member Benefit - HP- Attention: IEEE Members in British Columbia, Canada
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight - IEEE members from Kitchener Waterloo receive NSERC grants
- The 5th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference- IEEE Canada Women in Engineering National Conference 2011- Workshop on Connecting Engineering Applications and Disaster Management- International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems- IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference
- Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada- All IEEE Conferences in Canada
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors Call for Nominations... IEEE Director-ElectWe have received three excellent qualified nominations (for IEEE Canada Director Elect 2012-2013) before losing the Nominations dead-line of January 20. Currently, we are following on the Nominations Process to proceed with a Conference Call interview by IEEECanada Steering Committee as of early February. Ferial El-hawary
Call for Nominations... IEEE 's Leaders in 2012Here are 4 Nominees Sought for IEEE's Leaders in 2012: The IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee is looking for people with the skill, passion, and perspective to serve in 2012 as IEEE corporate officers or on committees of the IEEE Board of Directors. For more information, visit: Please forward any nominations to me for ASAP. Also, self-nomination is encourage. Ferial El-hawary
Anniversaries for the Montreal and Vancouver SectionsCongratulations to these two sections for their distinguished history and accomplishment over the years! Vancouver - 100 years IEEE Introduces IEEE Technology News - Looking for EditorsIEEE Xplore currently includes nearly 3 million articles; and 200,000 articles are added annually. How can anyone know what is worth reading among those articles? Well, IEEE Technology News will help. It will bring to IEEE members and the global community the top 1000 of the most interesting, timely, and newsworthy articles. A beta version of IEEE Technology News is available now. It is a web-based publication which is also viewable on mobile devices. It will provide its subscribers with condensed versions of about 20 newly-posted articles each week - with links to the full articles in IEEE Xplore. The condensed versions are in layman's language so that nonspecialists, students, news media reporters, etc. will be able to understand them. IEEE Technology News is advertiser supported. It is free; anyone may subscribe - at Please subscribe and provide feedback to the volunteers behind this new publication. John Vig, 2009 IEEE President, conceived the idea and took the lead in developing it with the assistance of fellow volunteers Anil Roy (India) and Gus Gaynor (USA). They brought together IEEE Publications, Technical Activities, Spectrum, and other staff and volunteers to brainstorm, develop a proposal and plan for the launch of IEEE Technology News. This effort included receipt of a $25,000 Seed Grant from the IEEE New Initiatives Committee (NIC) in May 2010 followed by a Phase II NIC proposal for full-funding. IEEE surveys show that "remaining technically current" is the number 1 reason for joining IEEE. In today's global economy IEEE Technology News offers a channel for not only keeping abreast of one's own discipline but also for gaining an understanding of other technologies. Content is derived from IEEE's more than 500 conference proceedings and 800 journal issues published annually. To guarantee quality, the articles will go through a four-stage process: the appropriate papers will be selected by volunteer associate editors, the condensed versions will be written by professional technical writers, the condensed versions will be edited by a technical editor, and a final review will be performed by the IEEE Technology News Editor-in-Chief. An Editorial Board of nine people under the leadership of the Editor-in-Chief will be responsible for meeting the goals and guiding operations. Associate editors are needed for selecting the articles to be condensed. If you are a technical expert, preferably an IEEE Fellow, who regularly reads IEEE publications, please apply to be an associate editor, include a brief statement of qualifications, and specify the publication(s) you are willing to cover. The job is easy; i.e., when you read a new article that is especially interesting, important or newsworthy, send a message to, identify the article, and include a short explanation as to why the article is worthy of inclusion in IEEE Technology News. The Editorial Board looks forward to launching IEEE Technology News in 2011. Beta testing is projected to begin in early 2011. For a preview, please visit, and subscribe at on your computer or mobile device. Comments and applications for associate editor may be sent to Renew Your Membership for 2011You can start renewing your membership for 2011. Remember, IEEE membership can connect you with professionals who can open doors to many opportunities. There are also many online resources available to members (e.g. online books and publications). Use your IEEE Web Account and password to renew online at Membership Dues in Special CircumstancesIEEE realizes that economic circumstances may impact some members' ability to pay the full amount of IEEE membership dues. For this reason, the following special circumstance categories have been established. Special circumstances are not available to Student members. Only one category may be claimed in any year. HamiltonSection posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Hamilton Section: Kingston Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Kingston Section: New Brunswick Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the New Brunswick Section: South Alberta Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the South Alberta Section: Winnipeg Section posts upcoming events onlinePlease refer to the following link for the latest activities hosted by the Winnipeg Section: Vancouver Section: Introduction to FTTx receivers front end designMonday, February 21, 2011, 7 to 9 pm, BCIT Burnaby campus SW3-1750, Vancouver, B.C. This donated presentation was not funded nor published before. It is based upon previous work of Avi Brillant that is presented in his book Digital and Analog Fiber Optic Communications for CATV and FTTx Applications. A SPIE ISBN: 9780819467577 John Wiley and Sons ISBN: 978-0-470-26276-4 Publication Book Companies In this very technical presentation we will cover the basic considerations which a design engineer needs to take into account to design a fiber to the home front end. It is highly recommended to search and learn a little bit more about the subject before attending in order to be able to gain the maximum benefit from this event. Speakers: Avigdor Brillant is a Senior Staff Engineer in Qualcomm Israel. He is involved with wireless video IC architecture and system design for LTE, DVB-H / DVB-T / T-DMB ISDB-T / FLO standards. Prior joining Qualcomm he served as a Senior Technical Contributor in Marvell - DSPC previously Intel - DSPC in Petach Tikwa Israel, where he was involved with advanced architectures of CMOS RFICs solutions for cellular applications for 2.5G and 3G. 2011 Ottawa Photonics Week - IEEE Photonics Society Ottawa ChapterIEEE Photonics Society Ottawa Chapter invites you to join us in Ottawa, Canada from May 16-20, 2011 for an exciting week of Photonics events. There will be three major international photonics conferences in conjunction with an extensive product showcase. All events will be held in downtown Ottawa, close to major heritage, culture attractions, restaurants and entertainments. The week is set to coincide with the Ottawa Tulip Festival, an annual floral, art and entertainment event. The three conferences are: Photonics North 2011 2011 ICO International Conference on Information Photonics 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors We look forward to meeting you in Ottawa. Kexing Liu, Ph.D., SM IEEE Humanitarian initiatives: Student Design Competition 2010-2011TITLE: Student Design Competition 2010-2011
ABSTRACT: We are proud to welcome Canadian students to the first HIC humanitarian student design competition. The competition is open to undergraduate and master students enrolled in a Canadian college or university. It provides a venue for students to show how design, creativity, and innovation can be used for the betterment of society and for the advancement of humanity; it is a practical experience of the constrains and conditions students will face in industry. An abstract of the winner's work will be published in one of the IEEE publications. Prizes will be awarded as follows: first prize, CND $1000; second prize, CND $700; third prize, CND $300. For this year's competition, we have decided to focus on improving or innovating parts of the WE CARE Solar's system ( Students interested in participating in a more general humanitarian topic are encouraged to submit a proposal to the IEEE Presidents' Change the World Competition ( WE CARE Solar promotes a safe motherhood and reduces maternal mortality in developing regions by providing health workers with reliable lighting, mobile communication, and blood bank refrigeration using solar electricity. A link to a 45 minute presentation by Dr. Stachel is available in our website, it describes WE CARE Solar's mission and system. IEEE Canada has established the Humanitarian Initiatives Committee (HIC) to promote IEEE core value of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity; raising awareness of how IEEE Canada can best use its strengths and relevant technologies to address societal problems; providing leadership, encouragement, and support to Sections and Chapters interested in humanitarian initiatives; identifying and inventorying humanitarian activities across Canada; and coordinating activities with IEEE worldwide humanitarian committees and initiatives. We are looking forward to your participation. Runnymede Collegiate seeks help for their entry in Canadian FIRSTRobotics CompetitionGrade 9 to 12 students plus a cadre of dedicated teachers and technical mentors at Toronto's inner city high school Runnymede Collegiate are once again entered in the FIRST Robotics robot design and construction contest. Dan Pinero, teacher at Runnymede Collegiate and coordinator for the team said, "The Runnymede team last year placed 2nd to a team sponsored by a North American auto maker, a team with an estimated budget of 4 times that of Runnymede. With a little bit of support from the Engineering fraternity, we believe that our team can win the Canadian title and compete strongly in the world finals in Nashville later this spring." For the 7th year Runnymede's students will once again be entering a team in the FIRST Robotics Competition. FIRST was founded in 1989 to inspire young peoples' interest and participation in science and technology. Based in Manchester, New Hampshire, this not-for-profit public charity designs accessible and innovative programs that motivate young people to pursue education and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math, while building self-confidence, knowledge, and essential life skills. Complete information is available at Over a six week period, the Runnymede team will design and build a, 140 pound robot that it will design and build from the ground up to meet the requirements of this year's unique game. The costs to run the program are very high, in the $15 - 20,000 range. The cost of gearboxes for one robot alone is $800 and the team, for the first time in its history, is attempting to build two robots this year. The Runnymede team's website is The team is very fortunate to have had some of these expenses covered by both the Toronto District School Board and valued sponsors such as Thales, Concord Hardware, Hatch-Mott and MacDonald, and more. However, we still need additional financial support - about $10,000 of support. The bottom line is we need the help of the engineering community. We need your help with either a personal contribution, a corporate donation, your product or know how. In turn, we will organize a tax receipt for any donation over $25 and recognition in a proportional manner. We will continue to recognize our larger corporate supporters with logo placement throughout our t-shirts, promotional materials, robot and on site graphics. To put an individual perspective on the support that we need, $100 per team member is the target. Monetary donations need to be made as a cheque payable to the "Toronto District School Board - Runnymede Robotics". The cheque should be sent to Runnymede Robotics - Runnymede Collegiate, 569 Jane Street, Toronto, Ontario, M6S 4A3. If you are able to donate materials or supplies we would love to hear from you. Questions or suggestion may be directed to Bob Poldon, Sponsorship Coordinator at 416-209-0533 or Contact : Bob Poldon
Free E-book Titles and Access to Archived Webinars to All IEEE MembersIn response to Section Congress recommendation, the IEEE is offering e-books and webinars free to all IEEE members. Check out the free e-books and archived webinars at: IEEE Career servicesLooking for a new job? Check out the following site! The IEEE Members give a "Thumbs up!" for the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program Administered by Marsh U.S. ConsumerFind out how Members feel, what they're saying and other feedback compiled from a recent survey conducted on current life and health insurance participants. Plus, learn about all the newest improvements and service features designed to make the program even better for Members. Learn More. Auto Insurance Rates Update, from The PersonalWhen it comes to home and auto insurance, it pays to shop and compare prices. Did you know that The Personal reviews their home and auto insurance rates for IEEE members to make sure you're always getting a competitive price? If you have not yet received a quote from The Personal, there's never been a better time to take advantage of this IEEE member benefit. If you have received a quote in the past, we encourage you to get a new quote to see how much you could save today. For a home or auto insurance quote, call 1-888-476-8737 or visit Certain conditions apply. Your Life is On Your Computer. Back it UpMozy is offering IEEE members its online backup services at an exclusive discounted rate. Protect your most important business documents, home movies, photos, music and other digital information stored on your computer. Mozy securely backs up all of your data off-site so in case of hard drive crash, lost laptop or virus so you can easily restore what's most important. Every photo, document, or song. Safe with Mozy. Visit to get started. IEEE MasterCard® credit cardEvery time you use your card for a purchase, a financial contribution will be made to the IEEE on your behalf! Plus you can enjoy the benefits of:
Around-the-clock fraud protection Unparalleled 24-hour customer service To learn more about this exciting opportunity simply call 1-877-428-6060 and reference priority code CIGI. Member Benefit - HPNew! HP introduces web site for IEEE Members in Canada >Members in Canada can now shop at Attention: IEEE Members in British Columbia, CanadaIEEE and Marsh U.S. Consumer announced that, effective 10 November 2010 IEEE Members in British Columbia, Canada are again eligible for the following insurance plans underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company:
Group Term Life Insurance Group 10-Year Level Term Life Insurance Group 20-Year Level Term Life Insurance Group Level Term Life to Age 65 Group Term Life with Living Benefits Insurance Group Disability Income Insurance Group Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance The aforementioned insurance plans are now available in all Canadian provinces except Quebec. IEEE-sponsored insurance plans are also offered in the United States and Puerto Rico. [Note: In order for insurance plans to be admissible in any jurisdiction, the underwriter and broker must be approved for compliance with all government regulations, and approval dates may vary.] Continued membership in IEEE is required in order to be eligible for coverage in these exclusive plans. New York Life Insurance Company has received the highest possible ratings for financial strength from some of the industry's leading rating agencies: A++ by A.M. Best, Aaa by Moody's, AAA by Standard and Poor's and AAA by Fitch.* To learn more about the plans listed above including plan features, cost, eligibility, renewability, limitations, terms of coverage and exclusions visit or call 1-800-493-IEEE (4333). Administered by: Marsh U.S. Consumer, 12421 Meredith Drive, Urbandale, IA 50398 Underwritten by: New York Life Insurance Company, 51 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10010 on Policy Form GMR *Source: Third Party Ratings Report as of 7/7/10., click on the "About New York Life" link, then click on "What the Rating Agencies Say" for the most up-to-date rating information. ©Seabury & Smith, Inc. 2010
Ø Our Members in the Spotlight IEEE members from Kitchener Waterloo receive NSERC grantsThe federal science minister and an NSERC vice-president came to campus January 20 to announce $2.6 million in funding from NSERC's Strategic Project Grants Program for five university research projects, including four led by engineering researchers En-hui Yang, Weihua Zhuang and Kankar Bhattacharya of electrical and computer engineering and Boxin Zhao of chemical engineering. For more details:
The 5th Annual IEEE International Systems ConferenceDate: April 4 - 7, 2011 Conference Objectives:
Applications-oriented topics on large-scale systems and system-of-systems in topics noted below Systems engineering, education, standards, processes and methodologies for the system-of-systems environment Research opportunities and results relating to system-of-systems Topic areas and complete submission details can be found at Important Dates:
Website: IEEE Canada Women in Engineering National Conference 2011Date: April 30th, 2011 The IEEE Canada Women in Engineering National Conference (WIENC'11) titled Symposium on Future Friendly Technologies (SFFT) provides both male and female researchers, students, and practicing professionals in diverse range of engineering, science and technology with a valuable opportunity to network, exchange ideas, strengthen existing partnerships and foster new collaborations. The conference will also feature a multitude of guest speakers from senior executives in industry and academia, roundtable discussions, workshop, poster presentations, best poster award, and industrial exhibition booths. The conference will be a platform to network with colleagues in business, academia and government. An exhibition center will be held where you can talk to and network well-established companies in all areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Poster submission: For more information regarding submission guidelines, areas of submission, important dates, and the best poster award please visit the conference website: At the same time, we would kindly ask you to support the conference and be a Premium Sponsor or Sponsor for the event. For more information please contact: Workshop on Connecting Engineering Applications and Disaster Management24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - IEEE/CCECE 2011 Minimizing the risks and consequences of large-scale disasters is a key concern for a green future. Green future is also related to continuous human and social development and, therefore, working to minimize risks and consequences of unexpected large-area harmful events (e.g., forest fires, ruptured oil lines after an earthquake). The increasing complexity and interdependence of critical infrastructures demand more interdisciplinary initiatives. These have the potential of supporting disaster management by bringing technological and operational innovations to bear. The primary aim of the workshop is to promote an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss technologies and integrated solutions in all phases of disaster management: from prevention (e.g., risk mitigation) and protection (e.g., preparedness) to response and recovery. This workshop will open the door for further initiatives and collaboration related to engineering applications for disaster management. Submissions from academics, consultants, and practitioners are strongly encouraged. Detailed information and the list of topics to be covered can be viewed on Important Dates:
Website: International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent SystemsDate: June 21 - 23, 2011 The 2nd International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS 2011) is held in conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2011) in the beautiful city of Burnaby on the outskirt of Vancouver, Canada. It aims at providing a platform for researchers, engineers, academics and industrial professionals to present their recent research work and to explore future trends in various areas of autonomous and intelligent systems. The conference will address recent advances in theory, methodologies and applications in the ever growing field. The scientific program will include distinguished keynote and invited speakers and fully refereed contributions that will be published in a special volume of the Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. It will be indexed in major indexing databases. Selected articles will be considered for publication in the Int. Journal of Robotics and Automation and in the Int. Journal on Control and Intelligent Systems, among other journals. AIS 2011 will be organized into four tracks, with the list of technical areas in each track given below. Website: IEEE Electrical Power and Energy ConferenceDate: October 3-5, 2011 The annual Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC 2011) will take place in Winnipeg, MB, Canada from October 3 to 5, 2011. Located in the center of Canada, Winnipeg is a culturally diverse, creative and cosmopolitan city with a warm, welcoming spirit that will make a unique and unforgettable meeting and convention destination. The objective of EPEC 2011 is to provide a forum for experts in Electrical Power and Energy to disseminate their recent research outcomes and exchange views on the future research directions of these fields. We will also invite renowned experts to give keynote speeches. Bring your family with your research findings to EPEC2011, enjoy our programs and appreciate the history of Winnipeg. Website:
IEEE Canada TISP 2011 WorkshopHopefully, you will know by now that the Region 7 Teachers-In-Service-Program (TISP) has set Thursday and Friday, April 28 and 29, 2011 as the dates for our Biennial Workshop in Toronto. We are anticipating about 75 IEEE attendees from all across Canada, plus selected guests from the science teaching community.. It has been suggested that Section Chairs (or an alternate) from the six Ontario Sections should attend it they possibly can. Other members from your section should also be encouraged to join in. Note that the workshop organizers are prepared to pay the cost of the one over-night's stay at the hotel, plus reasonable traveling expenses. You should also note that the Region 7 Board Meeting has also been set for the same hotel on the overlapping dates of April 29 and 30, 2011. These dates have been deliberately selected to permit members from both groups to mingle together for informal "get acquainted" sessions at breakfast and lunch on April 29. The hotel has kindly arranged to set aside a section of their main dining room for our exclusive use for this purpose. Attached to this message is the official "Flyer" for the event, which sets out a brief summary of the proceedings. At the lower left hand corner of the flyer, is a box enabling you to register for the meeting. The registration form also makes clear the reimbursable expenses which the organizers are prepared to accept. Cut-off date for registration is April 7, 2011, but please do not leave it until the last minute. The attached Flyer lists Lynn Bowlby in Piscataway as the contact person for additional information. Looks like fun. Come and join us The 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer EngineeringDate: May 8- 11, 2011 CCECE provides researchers, students, and practicing professionals in the area of Electrical and Computer Engineering with a Canadian venue in which they can present the latest technological advancements and discoveries. It is also a valuable opportunity to network, exchange ideas, strengthen existing partnerships and foster new collaborations. CCECE 2011 will feature mini-symposia with papers presented from a broad range of areas in Electrical and Computer Engineering. There will be tutorial sessions in leading topics, plenary talks from senior executives in industry and academia, special sessions in hot topics, social programs, the IEEE Canada Awards and Banquet night, best student paper awards luncheon, and industrial exhibitions. Website: All IEEE Conferences in Canada
  I look forward to receiving news/article(s) from your sections and/or yours or other IEEE colleagues' achievements for the newsletter. Please forward any such correspondence by the 20th of the month to the Editor at             |
IEEE Canada Newsletter – February 2011 Bulletin de IEEE Canada – Février 2011
update 2011.02.10 dernière mise à jour |