IEE E IEEE Canada Newsletter / Bulletin de IEEE Canada alletin |
Page en Français This Issue's Content: News of Interest - Awards & Recognition - IEEE Canada Board of Directors - Section Events - Conferences - IEEE News - Message from the Editor Submission Information
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Issue: January 2008 IEEE Canada News Central   Happy New Year!
- IEEE Canada announces its 2008 Major Award Winners
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors - Message from the Region 7 Director and President of IEEE Canada- IEEE Canada Committee Chairs 2008- Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Winter 2008- IEEE Canadian Foundation announces Seven McNaughton Centre Grants to IEEE Student Branches across Canada
- IEEE IAS Electrical Safety, Technical and Mega Projects Conference- Vancouver Chapter of the IEEE Computer Society- Section Event Links
- CCECE 2008 - The 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering- CNSR 2008 - The Sixth Annual Conference on Communications Networks and Services Research- ISTAS 08 - IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society- WICSA 2008 - Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture- IEEE Conference Search
- Regional Activities Board (RAB) renamed to Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA)
- Your New Editor
IEEE Canada announces its 2008 Major Award Winners
Colin Franklin, a Member of IEEE residing in the Ottawa Section, is retired from a long and distinguished career in Canada's space program. He is being awarded the A.G.L. McNaughton Gold Medal (IEEE Canada's highest award) for his contributions as a pioneer of the Canadian space program and a semiconductor circuit innovator. Witold Pedrycz, a Fellow of IEEE residing in the Southern Alberta Section, is Professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of Alberta. He is being awarded the Silver Medal in Computer Engineering and Science for world?class leadership in computational intelligence and fuzzy systems. Simon Haykin, a Fellow of IEEE residing in the Hamilton Section, is Distinguished University Professor at McMaster University. He is being awarded the R.A. Fessenden Silver Medal (Telecommunications) for pioneering contributions to radar and wireless communications. Roy Billinton, a Fellow of IEEE residing in the South Saskatchewan Section, is Emeritus Professor at the University of Saskatchewan. He is being awarded the Silver Medal in Electric Power Engineering for pioneering research and application of reliability concepts in electric power systems. Kim Roberts, a Member of IEEE residing in the Ottawa Section, is Director of Optical Transmission at Nortel. He is being awarded the Silver Medal (Outstanding Engineer) for continuous outstanding contributions to the field of optical communications. Andreas Antoniou, a Fellow of IEEE residing in the Victoria Section, is Emeritus Professor at the University of Victoria. He is being awarded the Silver Medal (Outstanding Engineering Education) for outstanding contributions to engineering education in Canada. Bruno DiStefano, a Senior Member of IEEE residing in the Toronto Section, is President of Nuptek Systems Ltd. He is being awarded the W.S. Read Gold Medal (Outstanding and Sustained Service to IEEE Canada and the Institute) in recognition of service to the profession & IEEE. Saman Adham, a Senior Member of IEEE residing in the Ottawa Section, is Senior Director of Engineering at LogicVision Canada Inc. He is being awarded the J.J. Archambault Eastern Canada Merit Award (Silver Medal) for the conception, design, & operation of the webinar program of IEEE Canada. Janet Bradley, a Member of IEEE, resides in the Hamilton Section. She is being awarded the M.B. Broughton Central Canada Merit Award (Silver Medal) for outstanding dedication and service to IEEE Canada and Student Activities. David Gregson, a Senior Member of IEEE residing in the Victoria Section, is Chief Engineer and Manager of Advanced Engineering for Questar Tangent Corporation. He is being awarded the E.F. Glass Western Canada Merit Award (Silver Medal) for promotion of IEEE Canada student activities and the establishment of student awards. We invite you to join us at the awards banquet in May to meet and celebrate with these accomplished individuals - for more details and information on purchasing tickets, please visit the conference website at
Ø IEEE Canada Board of Directors Message from the Region 7 Director and President of IEEE Canada
I just wanted to share with you my short-term goals which I hope we can achieve together during 2008. The IEEE Section Congress' 2008 Related Goals are the highlights of the year. IEEE Canada will showcase its achievements over the past twenty five years at a Sections Congress 2008 that will bring us in Quebec City a representation of over 300 IEEE Sections worldwide with total participation of over 1000 guests. I am appointing a Task Force to work with Section leaders to identify and document major achievements at the Section and Regional levels such as Milestones, Awards...etc. I would like to see the Region create a brochure and posters that will be made available for all participants at Sections Congress. In addition, IEEE Canada will celebrate the achievements of its volunteers by creating a commemorative pin to be awarded in 2008 to key leaders identified by our Region, Areas, and Sections. On the Training and Professional Development side, I note that 2008 is the first year of the transition of our Regional Activities Board to one which is focused on members and their needs. We will sponsor a major one-day training session for our Regional Committee members at the up-coming Spring Meeting to explain in detail the actions and desired outcomes from the Members Geographical Activities Board (MGAB). The training will be lead by the creators of the model who will articulate its aims, objectives, and key implementation highlights. IEEE Educational Activities Board's Professional Trainers will be conducting two days of Teachers Workshops during the summer of 2008. We expect to involve school guidance counselors, high school students and interested engineers. Regarding Professional Development Presentations, we are considering the production of a DVD incorporating first rate professional productions of up to five presentations. The Distinguished Speakers Tours will be continued with the target being three tours for the Region in 2008. Each Area is requested to complete one tour during the year. And we need to continue offering at least three Webinars during the year 2008. Regarding Members Benefits: We need to continue our efforts regarding IEEE Canada Senior Members Elevation for 2008. I believe that a goal of 150 member elevations is achievable. Also, IEEE Canada should aim to equal or exceed this past year's excellent representation of 12 candidates awarded the Fellow Grade from the ranks of its Senior Members. The 2008 IEEE Canada Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE'08) will take place at Niagara Falls, Ont., May 4-7, 2008. Visit the Conference Website: ( I look forward to see you there and celebrate with you our achievements at the Gala Awards Dinner. The IEEE-Canada Electronic Newsletter will be produced on a monthly basis and will focus on your important news and information exchange. Please provide the Newsletter Editor Brent Petersen of UNB with your articles and news items. The publication of The IEEE Canadian Review will proceed at three issues per year. This also needs your participation by submission of articles to the Editor for consideration. A message from an Area Chair as well as from a Committee Group Chair in addition to the President's message will be included in each issue. Please pay close attention to the cut-off dates. I look forward to your suggestions and to work with you as a team to achieve our goals to make IEEE Canada the best region in IEEE.
Wish you All the Best Ferial
IEEE Canada Committee Chairs 2008
Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Winter 2008
Dear Readers, Here is our first issue of 2008, a special issue devoted to the best papers of the ì2007 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing,î a separate editorial summarizes the highlights of that conference. With the new year and the new volume 33 starting, some changes will take place at the CJECE. One of the two Co-Editor - X. Maldague - will shortly be replaced while W. Kinsner will stay in place for one more year in order to provide a transitional continuity. It is a policy of IEEE Canada to change the editorial team every five years, we were appointed in 2003. X. Maldague will now serve as IEEE Canada Publication Chair. After five years, it is also time to summarize our achievements. Eighteen issues were published (some double which is no longer the case since our issues now roll out of the press promptly at each season). We also celebrated the 30th anniversary of the CJECE. Several special issues were published during that period:
- 30.1 (Winter 2005): Invited papers on the 30 years ahead of us - 30.2 (Spring 2005): Special issue on multimedia computing and communications - 31.2 (Spring 2006): Special issue on MEMS research in Canada - Special issues on CCECE 04 (29.4), CCECE05 (30.4), CCECE06 (31.4), CCECE07 (32.4), where CCECE stands for Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computing Engineering Starting with issue 32.3 (Summer 2007), the French title was harmonized with the English one to avoid confusion with title of others IEEE Canada publications. Moreover, starting with volume 30 (Winter 2005), our publications were labeled by the publication season rather than by the publication month, thus reflecting better the availability period of the issues. In total, we received 217 papers during that period, 65 (30 %) were published, 44 (20 %) were withdrawn, 39 (18 %) were rejected and 69 are still in the evaluation pipeline. The average publication time was down to 13 months (for 2006) from 18 months previously. We also received 5313 emails for a total size of 480 553 kBytes! Perhaps of more interest is the journal impact factor for the CJECE. For memory, the journal impact factor (JIF) is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past two years have been cited in the journal citation report year (see: For 2006, our JIF is up to 0.357. In our editorial of volume 30.4 (of Fall 2005), we reported a figure of 0.264. Our goal at that time was to increase our JIF, it looks like we are heading in the good direction surely thanks to the quality of the published papers and to our special issues! We think all those figures reveal and healthy journal well integrated within its community here in Canada and abroad (many subscriptions and papers come from outside Canada). The goal of the new editorial team will be to continue in that direction and also push further the marketing of CJECE as one of the best ECE archival journal in Canada. Although CJECE is general in nature, we do believe the best is to come, stay tuned and send us your best papers! Meanwhile, we wish you the best for the New Year. Please click here for the abstracts, in English and French, of the Winter 2008 (vol. 33.1) issue of the Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. X. Maldague + W. Kinsner IEEE Canadian Foundation announces Seven McNaughton Centre Grants to IEEE Student Branches across Canada
The successful IEEE Student Branches, listed from west to east, are at the University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, University of Saskatchewan, McMaster University, Carleton University, Concordia University, Carleton University, and the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. These are all "upgrade grants" - intended to help our students maintain or improve their existing centres (formally known as IEEE McNaughton Learning Resource Centres) by replacing or extending the life of obsolete equipment. These grants range from $832 to $2500 for a total of about $10,000. Each application for a grant must be accompanied by three "letters" of support from; the IEEE Student Branch Counselor (a faculty member) whose role is to oversee the student management of the centre and confirm that the students have raised a minimum of 25% towards the cost of upgrading (the foundation reimburses up to 75% of the submitted receipts), the department chair whose role is to guarantee support for the student branch activities, and the dean whose role is to guarantee the space and basic services needed for the continuing operation of the centre. Applications are received once each year by the November 15 deadline and considered at the board's December meeting. These centres are intended to enhance the learning experiences of IEEE student members at Canadian universities and colleges, as well as encouraging IEEE membership and activities, and interaction between the IEEE Student Branch and the local IEEE Section. Ted Glass (1975-76 Winnipeg Section Chair and 1978-79 Canadian Director) created the first centre at the University of Manitoba in 1979 in memory of General Andrew G. L. McNaughton, one of Canada's most distinguished electrical engineers. Since 1980, the foundation has provided about $390,000 in McNaughton Centre grants. There are about 30 such centres at universities and colleges across Canada. More information is available at Finally, I close by thanking those of you who responded to my last message in which I asked you to support our foundation by donating online using the link from our home page - your response was very gratifying and enables us to offer grants such as the ones described above. If you have not donated over the last 12 months, please visit our website (see link just above) and make your donation - you will receive a tax receipt right away. Bob Alden, IEEE Canadian Foundation President
IAS Electrical Safety, Technical and Mega Projects Conference