IEE                  E IEEE Canada Newsletter / Bulletin de IEEE Canada alletin 

This Issue's Content:

News of Interest
   - IEEE Canada Board of
   - Section Events
   - Conferences
   - Awards & Recognition
   - IEEE News
   - Non-IEEE News
Upcoming Events
   - New Brunswick
   - Montreal
   - Ottawa
   - Toronto
   - Winnipeg
   - Calgary
   - Other
Submission Information


(for non-IEEE Canada members)
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Issue: May 2007                                                           IEEE Canada News Central


News of Interest

Ø      IEEE Canada Board of Directors

-     2007 Spring IEEE Canada Board of Directors Meeting
-     IEEE Canada President-Elect 2008-2009 Candidates
-     IEEE Canada Forms Fellow Nomination Assist Committee
-     Renew Your Membership for 2007
-     Membership Dues in Special Circumstances


Ø      Section Events

-     The Vancouver Chapter of the IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) has been nominated for "Outstanding Chapter Award 2007"


Ø      Conferences

-     Electrical Power Conference 2007 (EPC 2007) - "Renewable and Alternative  Energy Resources"
-     The 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering -  CCECE08
-     2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics  IEEE/SMC'2007
-     6th International Conference for Upcoming Engineers (ICUE 2007)
-     The 2007 Large Engineering Systems Conference On Electric Power  Engineering (LESCOPE'2007)
-     Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada


Ø      Awards & Recognition

o       Senior Member Upgrades

-     March 2007 IEEE A&A Panel meeting

o       Newly Elected IEEE Senior Member Featured in this Issue

-     Slim Boumaiza
-     Cheng Li
-     Yves-Alain Peter
-     Rafik A. Goubran
-     Fabrice Labeau


Ø      IEEE News

-     Management Society to Become Council
-     Questions Sought for President-Elect Candidates
-     Computer Society Scholarship Now Accepting Applications
-     Special Offer for Canadian Employers. Post Your Open Position on the IEEE Job Site Free of Charge*!
-     Employers - Post Your Summer Internship Jobs on the IEEE Job Site at No Charge!


Ø      Non-IEEE News

-     Canadian Firm Bids To Be First To Offer Video Cell Calling
-     Canadian And Us Universities Partner To Develop Tech Program That Addresses Aging User Needs
-     Jobs at


News of Interest

Ø     IEEE Canada Board of Directors

2007 Spring IEEE Canada Board of Directors Meeting

IEEE Canada Spring Board of Directors meeting will be held at the Sheraton Wall Centre in Vancouver, BC, on April 20 - 22, 2007. Representatives from all Canadian IEEE Sections will review current activities and discuss strategic plans to enhance organization's performance. IEEE Canada Board meeting will be held in conjunction with CCECE07 20th Anniversary Conference.

IEEE Canada President-Elect 2008 - 2009 Candidates

IEEE Canada Board of Directors has nominated the following candidates for the IEEE Canada President-Elect 2008-2009:

-          Rob Anderson

-          Om Malik

-          Hilmi Turanli

Candidates’ profiles and statements will be published in the next Newsletter.


IEEE Canada Forms Fellow Nomination Assist Committee

Dr. Bob Hanna, President IEEE Canada has set up a committee to help IEEE Canada members with the Fellow Member grade nominations. The objectives of the Fellow Nomination Assist Committee are:


- Assist in Fellow Nomination Process

- Review nomination form and provide guidance

- Assist in finding Fellow Member references.


The members of the Fellow Nomination Assist Committee are:


- Dr. Mo El-Hawary, Area East,

- Dr. Ray Findlay, Area Centre,

- Dr. Om Malik, Area West,


A power point presentation giving a brief description of the Fellow Grade and the nomination process is being placed on the IEEE Canada website for the information of the members.


Renew Your Membership for 2007

There's still time to renew your 2007 membership if you haven't already done so. Remember, IEEE membership can connect you with professionals who can open doors to many opportunities. Use your IEEE Web Account and password to renew online at


Membership Dues in Special Circumstances

IEEE realizes that economic circumstances may impact some members' ability to pay the full amount of IEEE membership dues. For this reason, the following special circumstance categories have been established. Special circumstances are not available to Student members. Only one category may be claimed in any year.

·         Minimum Income Provision

·         Retired Provision

·         Unemployed Provision

·         Permanently Disabled


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Ø     Section Events


The Vancouver Chapter of the IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) has been nominated for "Outstanding Chapter Award 2007"

The Vancouver Chapter of the IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) has been nominated for “Outstanding Chapter Award 2007” for their high performance during the calendar year 2006.  Chapter achievement has been demonstrated by the strength of its technical and educational programs. Our technical subjects are presented by renowned experts in power system engineering including the experts from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Rutgers University-NJ, BC Hydro, BCTC, Powerex, AREVA.


The Vancouver PES Chapter has recognized that the outstanding performance of our Chapter is very important to our community at a time when reliable power supplies become increasingly critical to modern infrastructure.  The IEEE Vancouver Power Engineering Society (PES) Chapter goal is to promote the power industry in BC and to be the leading forum for the exchange of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy in BC. The Chapter has presented a wide variety of short technical presentations, seminars and social events. The PES Banquet, dedicated to “Wind Farms Connecting to the Grid” was the most successful event of the Vancouver Section 2006 (75 IEEE members attended the Banquet including world renowned experts in Power System Engineering, Dr. Hermann Dommel and Dr. Praba Kundur). PES has supported the continuing education program of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC). The Chapter has also involved the Independent Power Producers of British Columbia (IPPBC) in educational sessions. 

The chapter has been actively promoting power engineering to students and junior engineers as part of its activities. These activities include arranging tours of power engineering companies for undergraduate students, advocating new power engineering courses at local universities and promoting closer relationships between the Vancouver chapter of the PES and the student chapters of the IEEE. This strategy has paid off, in that the majority of the 23 new members who joined PES in 2006 were GOLD members. Between this and the active mentoring being performed by PES members, we believe that we are making a difference and proactively working to bring more engineers into the power field.  

Meliha Selak, IEEE Vancouver Section, Power Engineering Society Chapter Chair



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Ø     Conferences


Electrical Power Conference 2007 (EPC 2007) - "Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources"


This conference will take place on Oct. 25 – 26 in Montreal, Quebec. The conference is organized and sponsored by IEEE Canada, IEEE Montreal Section and IEEE Ottawa Section. Call for papers has been issued. Topics of interest to the conference include the following:


  • Wind
  • Solar
  • Ethanol
  • Hydrogen
  • Bio-thermal
  • Small Hydro
  • Fuel Cells
  • Wave & Tidal Power


  • Energy Storage
  • Smart Networks
  • Smart Networks Reliability
  • Smart Networks Protection
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Conservation
  • Technology Trends
  • Clean & Renewable Energy Markets


General Conference Chair is Dr. Bob Hanna, P.Eng, FIEEE, FEIC, President of IEEE Canada and IEEE Director (Region 7), President of RPM Engineering.

For more information please visit:


The 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering – CCECE08

Niagara Falls, Ontario

May 4 - 7, 2008


The 2008 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2008) will be held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada from May 4-7. CCECE 2008 provides a forum for the presentation of electrical and computer engineering research and development from Canada and around the world.

Conference Chair is Dr. Sri Krishnan, Ryerson University; Technical Program Chairs are Dr. Alagan Anpalagan, Ryerson University and Dr. Bob Dony, University of Guelph.


There will be eight mini symposia and papers are invited, in French or English, including but not limited to the following topics:


• Biomedical Engineering, Chair: Karthi Umapathy, UHN-Toronto

• Circuits, Devices and Systems, Chair: Stefano Gregori, U. Guelph

• Communications and Networking, Chair: Murat Usyal, U. Waterloo

• Computer Systems and Applications, Chair: Eddie Law, Ryerson U.

• Control and Robotics, Chair: K. Hashtrudi-Zaad, Queens U.

• Emerging Areas, Chair: Shahram Shahbazpanahi, UOIT

• Power Electronics and Systems, Chair: Bin Wu, Ryerson U.

• Signal and Multimedia Processing, Chair: Vijay Parsa,U.Western Ontario



2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics IEEE/SMC'2007

October 7-10, 2007

Montreal, Quebec                            

The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2007) provides an international forum that brings together those actively involved in areas of interest to the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, to report on up-to-the-minute innovations and developments, to summarize the state of-the-art, and to exchange ideas and advances in all aspects of systems engineering, human machine interface, and emerging cybernetics.



6th International Conference for Upcoming Engineers (ICUE 2007)

May 28 - 29, 2007
Ryerson University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


The International Conference for Upcoming Engineers (ICUE) is a conference composed of paper presentations by graduate and undergraduate students, design project demonstrations, tutorials, keynote addresses, industrial participation and social gatherings. ICUE 2007 focuses on emerging technologies in the field of wireless communications and digital electronics and other prominent engineering fields.

The conference is co-sponsored by the IEEE Toronto Section.



The 2007 Large Engineering Systems Conference On Electric Power Engineering (LESCOPE'2007)

October 11-12, 2007

Montreal, Quebec


The Conference will provide an international forum for the participants to share knowledge, experience and new ideas and to discuss recent developments and practical applications in power engineering.


Engineers from around the world are gathered here to share ideas, thoughts, and findings in all areas of electric power engineering.  The Conference is providing an international forum for participants to share knowledge, experience and new ideas and to discuss recent developments and practical applications in power engineering.  Such topics are related to new developments in the application, operating experience, theory, design, control and analysis, in all areas of power engineering.

Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada

 All IEEE Conferences in Canada - please use this link.




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Ø     Awards & Recognition

o       Senior Member Upgrades

The following members were upgraded to Senior Member status at the March 2007 IEEE Admission and Advancement Panel meeting.



First Name

Last Name

Montreal Section



New Brunswick Section



Newfoundland-Labrador Section



Ottawa Section



Ottawa Section



Southern Alberta Section



Toronto Section



Vancouver Section





o       Newly Elected IEEE Senior Member Featured in this Issue


Slim Boumaiza

Southern Alberta Section

Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary

B. Sc. École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis 1997

M.Sc. École Polytechnique de Montréal 1999

Ph.D. École Polytechnique de Montréal 2004

Research Interests:

Dr. Boumaiza research interests involve multidisciplinary knowledge that covers several sub-fields of microwave engineering including:

  • Microwave and millimeter-wave solid-state devices and integrated circuits.
  • Nonlinear and linear RF circuits and systems characterization and behavioral modeling.
  • Automated RF and microwave measurement and instrumentation.
  • Design of high power and spectrum efficient linear RF amplifiers (Doherty, LINC, EER, etc)
  • Power amplifier linearization techniques (Baseband and RF Digital Predistortion, Feed-forward)
  • Software reconfigurable transceiver for 3G and behind wireless communication (Software Defined Radio RF Transceivers)
  • Hybrid Radio Frequency and Digital Signal Processing (RF/DSP) design of wireless communication transmitters.
  • Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) transceiver schemes.

Dr Boumaiza has already developed internationally recognized research activities in the field of RF/DSP (digital signal processing) mixed design of a wireless Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) base station and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) transmitters, characterization and behavioural modeling of nonlinear circuits, and linearization of the RF front-ends.

Dr Boumaiza ongoing research project aimed at the development of new reconfigurable wireless digital transceivers that will permit flexible, multi-standard, multimode, interoperable and low-cost wireless infrastructure. This involves several aspects of digital radio systems design, namely: software-enabled transceivers architectures, microwave circuits and system characterization and modeling, adaptive signal processing algorithms, and true proof-of-concept prototyping.

Over the last 3 years, Dr Boumaiza has published more than 30 transaction and conference papers in peer reviewed international and national journals and symposia. He has also presented three IEEE workshops on wireless transmitters characterization, modeling, and linearization.


Cheng Li

Newfoundland-Labrador Section

Assistant Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

received his B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in communications and electronics system, communications engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P.R.China, in 1992 and 1995 respectively. He worked at Baosteel Groups and Nokia China as communications engineer and network system group manager respectively.

He has been an assistant professor in the faculty since January 2003. Currently he is completing his PhD in computer engineering. The PhD research area is on multicast switching technologies for broadband communication networks.

Research Areas:

- Wireless Sensor Networks for Underwater Applications

- Digital Hardware and Reconfigurable Architecture for High-Speed Networks

- Software Defined Radio for Wireless Communications

- Multicast Switch Fabric Design for Broadband Packet Switching Networks

- Analytical Performance Evaluation for Switching Systems

- Pulse Shape Design for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Networks



Yves-Alain Peter

Montreal Section


Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Physics, Polytechnique Montréal

B.Sc., M.Sc., Dr. ès Sc. (Neuchâtel)

Research interests:

Design, fabrication and characterization of optical micro and nano systems. Optical MicroElectro Mechanical Systems (OMEMS) are multidisciplinary by essence. Their optical, electrostatic, mechanical design is based on analytical analysis and numerical simulations. The fabrication is based on micro and nano machining of silicon, using thin film layer deposition as well as dry (plasma) and wet etching. Nanofabrication of photonic crystals coupled with mobile MEMS devices, open the path to novel tunable nanophotonic devices. Applications of MEMS and NEMS are numerous: pressure sensors, accelerometers, inkjet printer heads, projection displays, astronomical telescopes (adaptive mirrors) as well as optical telecommunication and biology.



Rafik A. Goubran

Ottawa Section


Professor and Acting Dean (Faculty of Engineering and Design), Carleton University

Rafik A. Goubran was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1955. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the department of Electronics and Comunication Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, in 1978 and 1981 respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, in 1986.

In January 1987, he joined the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, where he is now professor and Chair.

He acted as a consultant to several industrial and government organizations including Nortel, Mitel, Bell Canada, Vienna Systems (Nokia), Revenue Canada, the Department of National Defense (DND), Bota Teleconferencing, Matcom, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), and Data Measurement Corporation, U.S.A.


His research interests include: Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and its applications in acoustics, speech processing, communications, and analytical chemistry. Voice transmission over IP (VoIP) and ATM networks. Current research projects deal with audio quality improvement in telephony, audio teleconferencing, acoustic echo and noise cancellation, adaptive filter structures, beamforming using microphone arrays, and narcotics detection using ion mobility spectrometry. Other interests include mobile communications, digital systems design, DSP hardware, multiprocessor architectures for DSP, and computer architecture.



Fabrice Labeau

Montreal Section


Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University


Associate Director
SYTACom, Centre for Advanced Systems and Technologies in Communications


Fabrice Labeau is an associate professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. He received the Electrical Engineer degree in 1995 from Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, and the Diplôme d'études spécialisées en Sciences Appliquées, orientation Télécommunications also from UCL in 1996. From 1996 to 2000, he was with the Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory of UCL. From January to March 1999, he was a visiting scientist to the Signal and Image Department (TSI) of ENST Paris. He received a Ph.D. degree in September 2000 from UCL. He was a TPC member for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference in the Fall of 2004, and for the EUSIPCO conference (2004 and 2005). He was part of the organizing committee of ICASSP 2004 in Montreal. He was the Technical Program Committee co-chair for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference in the Fall of 2006, in Montréal.


Research interests:

- Multirate systems and Filter banks

- Data transmission and compression

- Joint source-channel coding, error-correcting codes and multicarrier transmission

- Image processing.





- To check on the status of Senior Member applications:

- For the Nominate a Senior Member Initiative:

- To check how your Region, Section or Society is doing on Senior Member

   elevations and nominations:


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Ø     IEEE News

Management Society to Become Council


The IEEE Engineering Management Society is set to be the first society to become a council. EMS will start doing business as the IEEE Technology Management Council on 1 January, a change approved by the IEEE Board of Directors at its February meeting.


Typically, councils become societies, not the reverse. There were operational reasons—in part related to the society’s financial situation—and strategic reasons for making the transition to a council, says the society’s president, Tariq Durrani. Also, a 2006 IEEE survey showed that many IEEE members would participate in engineering and technology management-related activities but would probably not join a society that deals only with management.


By the end of February, 12 societies had joined the council: Aerospace and Electronic Systems; Circuits and Systems; Communications; Computer; Electron Devices; Industrial Electronics; Laser and Electro-Optics; Reliability; Signal Processing; Solid-State Circuits; Systems, Man, and Cybernetics; and Vehicular Technology. A representative from each of those societies will serve as a voting member on the council’s board of governors, which will oversee its publications, Durrani says.


Durrani says the council will continue to publish the Engineering Management’s Society’s Transactions on Engineering Management, the Engineering Management Review, and Engineering Management, the society’s newsletter. The council also will continue to sponsor the International Engineering Management Conference, and it will participate in the more than 60 EMS chapters throughout the world, which will be renamed Technology Management Council chapters, according to Durrani.


Questions Sought for President-Elect Candidates


If you have a question about an IEEE issue that you would like to ask the IEEE President-Elect candidates, send it to <>. Answers by Marc Apter, Pedro Ray, and John Vig to selected questions will be broadcast on the IEEE Election Web site at during the voting period, which runs from 1 September through 1 November




The Computer Society Richard E. Merwin Scholarship is currently seeking applications. The scholarship awards leaders in the IEEE Computer Society Branch Chapters who demonstrate promise in their professional efforts. Up to ten $4,000 awards will be awarded for one academic year starting in September. The application deadline is 31 May. To apply, or for more information, visit:


Special Offer for Canadian Employers Post Your Open Position on the IEEE Job Site Free of Charge*!

The IEEE Job Site connects you with senior-level managers, top engineers and technology experts in every sector - the leaders shaping innovation and business. Make job offers to these top-notch candidates before your competitors know about them - free of charge*!

The IEEE Job Site:

·         Focuses on a potential audience of more than 2,000,000 engineers, tech professionals and senior-level managers worldwide

·         Delivers your postings instantly to registered IEEE members

·         Pre-qualifies candidates electronically within minutes

·          Prescreens job seekers with an interactive profile feature to identify the most
       qualified candidates for your unique requirements

·          Provides resumes matched to your needs quickly and cost-effectively

Join the hiring managers at more than 3,000 leading corporations - in fields ranging from ASIC design to aerospace and defense system development - that use the IEEE Job Site -

If you have any questions, e-mail at
*One free post per company referred by an IEEE Member

Employers - Post Your Summer Internship Jobs on the IEEE Job Site at No Charge!   


Hiring interns is the best way to attract new talent within your organization, while exposing them to the practical and valuable experience they will need when they graduate and join the industry workforce.  In addition, hiring interns also helps your company cost-effectively meet their short-term need for extra assistance in today's tight labor market.   


When you post your Summer Internship jobs on the IEEE Job Site, not only will it be free, but your job posting will also be promoted to IEEE Members via:                                                                                                                                                  

·     The IEEE Job Site Career Center                                     

·     IEEE Canadian Sections' Web Sites                                    

·     IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Mid East, Africa) Web Site                   

·     IEEE Latin America Sections' Web Sites                              

·     IEEE Leadership Wire (IEEE Newsletter sent to IEEE Volunteers)      

·     The Institute (Quarterly Newsletter - in Print & Online - available to all IEEE Members)             


To post your Summer Internship jobs on the IEEE Job Site at NO CHARGE,    

simply click here.  Then select Internship as your Job Type* in Screen 2 Post A Job) and enter Promo Code JSINT7 at the Checkout Screen.  But don't delay - This offer is only available from 3 April 2007 - 30 June 2007.       


If you have any questions, please contact us at                                                                                                                                                       

"Job Type - Internship" must be selected in order to qualify for this special promotion.



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Ø     Non-IEEE News

Canadian Firm Bids To Be First To Offer Video Cell Calling


Rogers Communications, Inc., will be the first wireless carrier in North America to offer video calling to cell phone subscribers via its new HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) network. The network allows wireless download speeds comparable to broadband high-speed wire-line service and will enable subscribers to use their cell phones much like Web cameras to complete video calls. The company, who is Canada's biggest wireless provider, will also offer access to various video and music services on its cell phones, including the top 50 video clips from YouTube every week. To read more, visit:



Canadian And Us Universities Partner To Develop Tech Program That Addresses Aging User Needs


To address the technological impact of an aging workforce, six universities from the United States and Canada agreed to spearhead an initiative that will strive to show college students the importance of learning accessibility concepts early. Professors at these universities aim to create and share coursework that plans to give students the skills to design software that can integrate people with special needs and disabilities. The ultimate goal is to develop an archive of learning materials that can be applied in regular computer programming classes. To read more, visit:,1759,2108201,00.asp?kc=EWRSS03119TX1K0000594





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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events – Edmonton


I2007 IEEE IAS Industry & Commercial Power System Technical Conference

May 6 - May 11, 2007
, Alberta



Upcoming Events – Montréal

International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics  

(ISSSE 2007)

July 30 - August 2, 2007

Montréal, Québec, Canada

ICIAR 2007: International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition - (non-IEEE event)

August 22-24, 2007

Montréal, Québec, Canada

Electrical Power Conference 2007 (EPC 2007) - "Renewable and Alternative

Energy Resources"

October 25 – 26, 2007

Montreal, Quebec


2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics


October 7-10, 2007

Montreal, Quebec                    



October 11-12, 2007

Montreal, Quebec



Upcoming Events – Ottawa


41st IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

October 8-11, 2007
, Ontario


20th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC-20) - (non-IEEE event)

June 17-21,2007
Ottawa, Ontario



Upcoming Events – Toronto


6th International Conference for Upcoming Engineers (ICUE 2007)

May 28 - 29, 2007
Ryerson University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Inaugural International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2007)

(ISSSE 2007)

20 to 22 June in Toronto, ON

The 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - CCECE08

(ISSSE 2007)

May 4 - 7, 2008,
Niagara Falls, Ontario



Upcoming Events – Vancouver


11th Annual IEEE Advanced Process Control Applications for Industry Workshop

14-16 May 2007 Vancouver, Canada


2007 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing

August 22-24, 2007

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada          


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Many IEEE Canada sections maintain their own listings of upcoming events:

Canadian Atlantic



Newfoundland and Labrador

New Brunswick

Northern Canada



Southern Alberta





For more IEEE conferences, visit IEEE Conference Search at


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Submission Information

You can send any submissions by email to the editor:
Alex Bot at

Please ensure you send in your submission by the 20th of the month

 IEEE Canada Newsletter – May 2007                  Bulletin de IEEE Canada – Mai 2007

Last update /2007.05.01 dernière mise à jour

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