IEE                  E IEEE Canada Newsletter / Bulletin de IEEE Canada alletin 

This Issue's Content:

News of Interest
   - IEEE Canada Board of
   - Section Events
   - Conferences
   - Awards & Recognition
   - Announcements
   - IEEE News
Upcoming Events
   - New Brunswick
   - Montreal
   - Ottawa
   - Toronto
   - Winnipeg
   - Calgary
   - Other
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  Issue: January 2007                                                 IEEE Canada News Central

       Happy New Year!



News of Interest

Ø      IEEE Canada Board of Directors

-     IEEE Canada 2007 Goals and Measurable: Message from Bob Hanna, IEEE Canada President
-     2007 IEEE Region 7 Director Elections: Letter from the Past President IEEE Canada W.O. (Bill) Kennedy
-     2007 Spring IEEE Canada Board of Directors Meeting


Ø      Section Events

-     The Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of IEEE South Saskatchewan Section
-     The Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of IEEE Southern Alberta Section
-     IEEE Southern Alberta Section 2006 Annual General Meeting
-     Section Supports Vancouver Tesla 2006 Celebrations
-     IEEE Electrical Safety, Technical and Mega Projects


Ø      Conferences

-     The 6th Annual IEEE Electrical Power Symposium (EPS) 2006 From Tesla’s AC Power Systems to Distributed Generation and Smart Grids
-     Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada


Ø      Awards & Recognition

-     Fellows - Masoud Farzaneh
-     Senior Member Upgrades
-     2006 IEEE Canada Senior Membership Campaign Results
-     Engineering Professor Elected to Royal Society of Canada - M. Jamal Deen


Ø      Announcements

-     From the Editor


Ø      IEEE News

-     IEEE Foundation Seeking 2007 Grant Applications
-     IEEE Communications Society to Launch Certification Program

News of Interest

Ø     IEEE Canada Board of Directors

IEEE Canada 2007 Goals and Measurable

Message from Bob Hanna, IEEE Canada President

Dear Colleague and Volunteer,

I wish you and your family happy holidays and all the best for the New Year.

Thank you for your support and good work to IEEE. We have had a very challenging year and we certainly made good progress on many fronts. I am pleased to report that Region 7 finances for 2006 year end are in good shape due to your hard work, rebate from IEEE job site and the performance of CCECE 06. We have a very exciting year ahead of us and I am calling on you to see how we can further improve on our services to our members. I am attaching a summary of my goals for 2007 that I would like to achieve with your support. Please use this list as guidelines and add to it as it relates to your duties and responsibilities. I expect that as a team we will be able to deliver on our commitments to IEEE Canada and IEEE.

Many thanks again to you and your families for their support.

Happy holidays and all the best for the New Year.

Best Regards.

Bob Hanna
(2006 -2007) President IEEE Canada
(2006 -2007) Director Region 7
RPM Engineering Ltd.

IEEE Canada 2007 Goals and Measurable

The President IEEE Canada recommends the following goals and measurable for IEEE Canada for the calendar year 2007.



·         Increase membership by 5% as of December 31, 2007

·         Elevate 100 qualified Members or Associates to Senior Member

·         Find 5 suitable candidates for IEEE Fellow and advance their application



·               Hold at least one Professional Development Seminar

·               Conduct training session in Spring 2007 for Section Executive

·               Work with RAB and Victoria section to resolve the issue of funding a scholarship to be administered by University of Victoria



·         Coordinate Distinguished Lecture in each area involving at least

two sections.

·         Provide a copy of template presentations to be used by all chapters in advance of their presentation.


Section congress – Quebec, September 2008

·         Coordinate with our section congress team and RAB for Region 7 financial commitments and fund raising initiatives


Job Site and Advertising

·         Work with IEEE Job site, EIC and other potential entities to further explore means to increase our advertising revenues.

·         Appoint a volunteer for a position of Publicity and Advertising and have this report to the group chair of Publication and communication


Fall Conference

·         Work with Ottawa section to expand their power Engineering Symposium to a national level



·         Establish the guidelines for a new award covering power engineering and computer science. Present this award at CCECE 2007 in Vancouver.


Educational Activities

·         Organize online courses for Region 7


2007 IEEE Region 7 Director Elections

Letter from the Past President IEEE Canada W.O. (Bill) Kennedy

Next year, 2007, IEEE Canada will elect a Director-Elect. The Director-Elect will serve for a six year term; two years as Director-Elect, two years as Director and two years as Past Director. During two years as Director-Elect, the successful candidate will serve on one or more Regional Activity Board committee including attendance at IEEE Board meetings and participate in IEEE Canada activities as a member of all three governance boards. During the two years as Director, in addition to the previous responsibilities, the successful candidate will serve on the IEEE Board of Directors; the Engineering Institute of Canada's Board and conduct all IEEE Canada business. As Past Director, the successful candidate will be IEEE Canada's representative and member of the IEEE Canada Foundation Board and may serve on one or more IEEE committees. In the IEEE world, IEEE Canada is Region 7.

As Past President and Past Region Director it is my duty to find suitable candidates and conduct the screening process for the Director-Elect position. Although any qualified member can run, the next Director-Elect will nominally come from the Canada West Area. The purpose of this note is to inform you about the election and provide you with an overview of how the screening process works.

Nominations - typically potential candidates are nominated by their respective Section, however self-nominations are allowed. The candidates must be an IEEE Senior Member and ideally have served on one or more Region Committees. Potential candidates are required to submit an IEEE biography outlining their involvement in IEEE Canada's activities along with a position statement. Potential candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with IEEE Canada's Bylaws and Operations Manual and IEEE Regional Activities Bylaws and Operations Manual.

IEEE Canada's Steering Committee will conduct telephone interviews with all potential candidates who meet the requirements to run for Director-Elect in February 2007. The candidates will be allotted a15-minute time slot. The first 5-minutes will allow the candidate to introduce themselves and state why they are running and how they can make a difference. The next 5-minutes the candidate will answer a common set of questions prepared by the Steering Committee. For the final 5-minutes the Steering Committee may ask additional and specific questions to the candidate on their experience and suitability. Strict time limits will apply to the call. After all candidates have been heard the Steering Committee will rank the candidates and pick a minimum of two, maximum of three candidates for Director-Elect. The names will be submitted to IEEE for final screening, i.e. eligibility to run for office. The Past President will notify the candidates of the outcome of the screening results. Finally, the selected candidates will be invited to IEEE Canada's Spring Meeting in Vancouver to address the Region Committee and take questions on their candidacy from IEEE Canada's Board. IEEE Canada will provide the candidates with an allowance to cover their travel expenses.

Should you be interested in nominating a potential candidate or self-nominating, please forward a statement of interest along with a biographical sketch outlining your IEEE activities stating your qualifications for office to with a copy to before January 15, 2007. IEEE Canada will notify the qualified candidates of the date and time of their telephone interview with the Steering Committee.

Petition Candidate - IEEE allows for petition candidates. Candidates must get valid signatures from 2% of the IEEE Canada voting members as of December 31, 2006. Typically this means the petition candidate requires the valid signatures of between 250 to 300 members. The numbers will be confirmed based on December 31, 2006 membership statistics. For 2007 a new category of membership Graduate Student Member (GSM) will eligible to vote and run for IEEE office. To be eligible to run as a petition candidate, IEEE must receive the petition and signatures prior to June 15, 2007. IEEE will verify that the petition candidate has satisfied IEEE requirements to run as a petition candidate.

W.O. (Bill) Kennedy, P.Eng., FEIC
Past President IEEE Canada


2007 Spring IEEE Canada Board of Directors Meeting

IEEE Canada Board of Directors meeting will be held in Vancouver, BC, on April 20 - 22, 2007. Representatives from all Canadian IEEE Sections will review current activities and discuss strategic plans to enhance organization's performance. IEEE Canada Board meeting will be held in conjunction with CCECE07 20th Anniversary Conference.


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Ø     Section Events

The Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of IEEE South Saskatchewan Section

IEEE South Saskatchewan section celebrated its 50th anniversary on October 27, 2006. This event was attended by the key Regina people from the University, Industry and Government. In attendance was Ralph Goodale, Member of Parliament from Saskatchewan. Through more than 12 years with the government of Canada, he served variously as Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Public Works and Finance; as well as Government House Leader. Professor Lotfi Zadeh, world renowned as the inventor of Fuzzy Logic, was the invited speaker.

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Prof. Lotfi Zadeh (the guest speaker, see bio below), Dr. Bob Hanna, IEEE President and Section Chair Dr. Raman Parajape.

LOTFI A. ZADEH is a Professor in the Graduate School, Computer Science Division, Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley. In addition, he is serving as the Director of BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing).


LOTFI A. ZADEH is an alumnus of the University of Tehran, MIT and Columbia University. He held visiting appointments at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ; MIT, Cambridge, MA; IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, CA; AI Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA; and the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. His earlier work was concerned in the main with systems analysis, decision analysis and information systems. His current research is focused on fuzzy logic, computing with words and soft computing, which is a coalition of fuzzy logic, neurocomputing, evolutionary computing, probabilistic computing and parts of machine learning.

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The Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of IEEE Southern Alberta Section


September 27, 206: IEEE SAS 50th Anniversary Celebration

Group Photo of SAS Executives and Guests










Left to Right: Bill Kennedy (Past Director of IEEE Region 7), Lawrence Whitby (IEEE SAS Chair), Charlie Hansen (IEEE Life Member), Bob Hanna (IEEE Region 7 Director), and Allan Brown (Dean of Electronics, DeVry Institute of Technology, Calgary campus)






IEEE Region 7 Director, Bob Hanna presented an overview of IEEE and Region 7












Life Member, Charlie Hansen talked about the History of IEEE SAS













DeVRY Underwater Robotics Team for AUVSI San Diego : Titan - RV Members: L-R: Jasdeep Sanghera, Brett Legault, Jase Brown, Michael Standrick









IEEE Southern Alberta Section 2006 Annual General Meeting


Section Chair, Lawrence Whitby (left), presented the Friend of the IEEE Award to Jim Barmby, Dean of Academic Affairs of DeVry Institute of Technology, (right)










Section Chair, Lawrence Whitby (right), presented the IEEE Canada Power Quality Scholarship Certificate to Cody Wilson, (left)











Past Director of Region 7, Bill Kennedy talked about the Future of IEEE




















Charlie Hansen (left) and Tom Nawata (right), two original founders of IEEE Southern Alberta Section











Section Supports Vancouver Tesla 2006 Celebrations

November saw several celebrations marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of Nikola Tesla, noted inventor and pioneer in electrical engineering.


A central Vancouver Tesla organizing committee arranged several events, including a public exhibit, an academic symposium, a theatrical performance, and a dinner reception. The IEEE Vancouver Section supported these activities by co-sponsoring the public exhibit and the academic symposium. Two prominent members of the Vancouver Section, Gruja Blagojevic (the Publicity Chair for the Vancouver Section) and Ljiljana Trajkovic from Simon Fraser University (the Chair of the Circuits and Systems Society joint Vancouver/Victoria Chapter) were members of the Tesla organizing committee.


The academic symposium "Tesla Day at SFU 2006" was held at the IRMACS Centre at SFU on November 17th and attracted approximately 100 attendees. Speakers at the symposium included noted academics from Serbia, Switzerland, and the US as well as from SFU and UBC.


Speakers and Organizers at Tesla Symposium:
Dr. Veselin Jungic (Simon Fraser University - SFU),
Prof. Ljiljana Trajkovic (SFU),
Mr. Gruja Blagojevic (IEEE Vancouver Section),
Prof. Jose Marti (University of British Columbia),
Prof. Emeritus Konrad Reichert (ETH Zurich, Switzerland),
Prof. Bret Heinrich (SFU),
Prof. Emeritus Anthony Arrott (SFU),
         [PHOTO: The IRMACS Centre]                                   Academic Aleksandar Marincic (University of Belgrade), Prof. Milos Ercegovac (UCLA), Dr. Djordje Kljajic.


The Tesla Symposium presentations will be made available shortly on the permanent Symposium site:


The exhibit "Nikola Tesla's Wonderful World of Electricity" was installed in the lobby of the BC Hydro building in downtown Vancouver for a period of over two weeks. This was a traveling exhibit from the Tesla Museum in Belgrade, with Vancouver being its only North American destination. Widely advertised and attended by the general public, the exhibit contained 52 panels with photos and short writings on Tesla's life, work and inventions, along with 4 standing and 4 working models.


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Tesla Exhibition - Model of Tesla's Induction Motor with disk shaped rotor.
[PHOTO: Ana Ristic]





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Tesla Exhibition - Tesla's Induction Motor with egg shaped rotor called "Columbus' Egg".
[PHOTO: Ana Ristic]






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Tesla Exhibit - Tesla's Transformer.
[PHOTO: Ana Ristic]










The exhibit was officially opened with a ceremony on November 18th, which included a "Tesla week" proclamation from the Deputy Mayor of Vancouver and recognition of visiting dignitaries and sponsors, including the IEEE Vancouver Section, SFU and UBC, BC Hydro, BC Transmission Corp., Vector Drive Systems, and Stantec Inc.


More than 3,000 visitors from schools, colleges, universities, companies, and general public visited the exhibit. Many signed the impression book and commented on the significance of the event. The IEEE logo was prominently displayed on a panel in the exhibit, while members of the IEEE Vancouver Section served as exhibit guides, giving to the Section a great deal of public exposure.


IEEE Vancouver Section Chair Rasvan Mihai commented on the significance of the Nikola Tesla anniversary events. "The IEEE Vancouver Section views these events not only as a celebration of a pioneer in our field, but also as an opportunity to inform the general public about Tesla, his inventions, and the importance of Electrical Engineering in our everyday lives. On behalf of the Vancouver Section, I would like to congratulate all the contributors and organizers on their success, and thank them for their efforts, particularly Mr. Blagojevic and Dr. Trajkovic. It is through the efforts of dedicated volunteers such as these that the IEEE continues to benefit the profession and to educate the general public."


Pieter Botman, P.Eng., SMIEEE
Communications Officer
Vancouver Section, IEEE


IEEE Electrical Safety, Technical and Mega Projects

In October of 2005, a very successful IEEE Electrical Safety, Technical And Mega Projects conference was held at the Edmonton convention center and attended by over 230 people. This conference will be held again, this time in Calgary in February of 2007. This conference will be held in conjunction with the IEEE Electrical Safety Workshop that follows at the same location. Complete information on each of the conferences can be found on the web sites listed below.


IEEE Electrical Technical and Mega Projects Workshop (ETMP)
February 26, 27, 2007 - Calgary Alberta


IEEE Electrical Safety Workshop (ESW)
February 27, 28, March 1, 2007 - Calgary Alberta


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Ø     Conferences


The 6th Annual IEEE Electrical Power Symposium (EPS) 2006

From Tesla’s AC Power Systems to Distributed Generation and Smart Grids

Nov.9-10, 2006, Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa Electrical Power Symposia (EPS) started in 2001 with addressing issues of deregulation in electricity industry, which received a lot of attention because of the Ontario Government deregulation initiative at the time. The EPS grew into an annual event focusing on other aspects of the Ontario electricity situation, in particular the increasing debt and the widening gap between demand and supply. EPS 2004 looked at the tough choices facing Ontario, ranging from large-scale nuclear generation to demand management and distributed energy. The EPS 2005 theme was not limited to Ontario and was devoted to the convergence of power and high technologies. Five major areas of the convergence between the power and high technologies were showcased: communications, real-time applications, wide-area protection, smart metering, and automation in power systems. Due to the presence of the highly developed communication industry that made Ottawa known as the Silicon Valley North, the Symposium draw upon that world class expertise available in Ottawa, but also reached out and had several distinguished speakers from outside of Canada.


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This year the same approach, to address the topics of wider interest and to have both Canadian and international speakers, was followed. The crucial role of Distributed Generation and Smart Grids is increasingly getting recognition in the economy, energy, and environment, which form a basis for nation’s sustainability, security, and development. Since 2006 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Nikola Tesla, the inventor of AC power system who also was a member of the IEEE predecessor - American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) - its Fellow, and Vice-President 1892-1894, the IEEE Ottawa Section organized EPS 2006 under the theme “From Tesla’s AC Power System to Distributed Generation and Smart Grids”.


The EPS 2006 took place on Nov. 9 and 10, 2006. The Symposium was held on Friday. On Thursday, tutorials provided an opportunity for attendees to learn about some of the background technology, and were followed by field visit to Almonte, Ontario.


Dr. Bob Hanna, President of IEEE Canada, kindly agreed to moderate the EPS 2006, and helped raise the profile of the event. IEEE was represented also by Dr. Vijay Sood, IEEE Canada Secretary, who in addition was a speaker at the Symposium, and by Dr. Ray Findlay, IEEE Canada Director Emeritus, and 2002 IEEE President world-wide.


The EPS 2006 programme on Friday, Nov. 10, at the Centrepointe Theatre, Ottawa:


·         Dr. Adam Chowaniec, Chair of the Ontario Research and Innovation Council, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tundra Semiconductor Corporation, gave the opening address and officially opened the EPS 2006.

·         Prof. Dr. Petar Miljanic, Head of the Department of Technical Sciences, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, gave a historical perspective of “Nikola Tesla's Contribution to AC Power Systems and Electrical Engineering”. Tesla’s most important patents related to his invention of the rotating electromagnetic field/induction motor and polyphase system of alternating current for generation, transmission, distribution, and use of electrical power were discussed.

·         Colin Clark, Executive Vice-President and Chief Technical Officer of Brookfield Power and the Great Lakes Power Trust, Gatineau, Québec, delivered the keynote presentation “Development of the AC Power System: The Foundation of Progress”. In this presentation he traced the evolution of the AC system from its beginnings in the 1880s, through its rise to dominance, to the innovations that are reshaping electric power technology today.

·         Dr. Vijay Sood, Researcher at IREQ/Hydro-Québec, and Adjunct Professor at Concordia University, Montreal, Québec, gave a presentation “ HVDC Transmission - Past, Present and Future”. It touched upon the origins of the technology in the early 1950 till the present time. The unique features of HVDC transmission based on thyristor converters, were discussed with examples. The future generation, where voltage source converters based on IGBTs will be used, was explored.

·         Dr. Frank R. Goodman, Jr., Principal Technical Manager, Distribution Automation, Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI), Palo Alto, California, USA, gave a presentation “Creating the Technology Basis for the Distribution System of the Future”. The most recent developments in the advanced distribution automation (ADA) were presented, as well as the forces expected to have fundamental impact on distribution utilities: upgrades to aging systems, availability of improved distribution system technology, optimized reliability, customer outage intolerance, deregulation, need for improved customer service options, and management of distributed generation.

·         Scott MacDonald, Investment Director, SAM Private Equity, gave a presentation on “Investing in the Smart Grid - A Venture Capitalist’s Perspective”. As one of the leading venture capitalists focused on the energy technology sector, he provided his insight into the emerging investment theme of the “Smart Grid”, as well as what venture capitalists are looking for in the energy sector and where the investment dollars are flowing.

·         Rob Brandon, Program Manager, Distributed Generation, CANMET Energy Technology Center, Natural Resources Canada, gave a presentation “Grid Integration of Distributed Generation, The Federal Government’s Role”. The presentation presented an overview of the recent Federal Government activities in grid integration, distributed generation, and demand response, with a comparison to programs in Europe, the United States and Japan.

·         Prof. Dr. Saifur Rahman, Director of the Advanced Research Institute, Virginia Tech, USA, gave a presentation “Intelligent Distributed Autonomous Power Systems (IDAPS)”. IDAPS, representing a network of loosely connected power systems that are cellular in structure, are explored and designed to increase the resiliency of power systems during both normal and outage conditions.

·         Romano Sironi, Manager of Policy & Standards, Toronto Hydro, gave a presentation “Smart Grid Architecture with Changing Infrastructure”. Toronto Hydro as the largest distribution utility in Ontario is going into major investments to rejuvenate its ageing distribution system, including those towards a Smart Grid and highly intelligent distribution system with embedded generators.

·         Dale Finney, Applications Engineer of General Electric Multilin, Canada, gave a presentation “Smart Wind Farm System Protection and Stability Using Peer to Peer Communications”. The presentation dealt with the critical issues of protection of wind farm electrical systems, which present many unique challenges.

·         Darren Finkbeiner, Manager, Market Entry & Analysis, Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), Ontario, gave a presentation “Network Operator’s Perspective of DG & Smart Grids”. As the province moves towards a more distributed system of generation, a number of benefits and implications facing the system operator were considered. The transmission and connection related to distributed generation in the electricity system were addressed.

·         Dr. Lawrence Jones, Account Executive, AREVA T&D, Brockton, MA, USA, gave a presentation “Information Technology for the Electric Power Industry: Evolving Needs, Challenges and Opportunities”. As today’s information technology is ever more becoming the backbone for successful operation of power grids, it presents new opportunities for research, entrepreneurship and innovation.


In the morning of Thursday, Nov. 9, 2006, Tutorials were held at Algonquin College, Ottawa:


·         Sara Filbee, Director General, Resource Processing Industries Branch, Industry Canada, gave her EPS 2006 Grand Opening address.

·         Morris Uremovich, Executive Dean, Faculty of Technology and Trades, Algonquin College provided his Welcome Statement to the Tutorial attendees.

·         Steve Finnagan, Academic Chair of Electronics and Electro-Mechanical Studies Department, Faculty of Technology and Trades, Algonquin College gave his Official Opening address.

·         Catherine Kerr, Smart Grids Initiative Manager, Industry Canada gave a presentation “Canadian Business Opportunities for Smart Grid Architecture”.

·         Eduardo Chaiquin., CTO of Chaiquin Inc., Ontario, gave a presentation “The Challenge of Automatic Middle Voltage Power Restoration”.

·         Franz Kropp, P.Eng., Stations Supervisor, Hydro Ottawa, gave a presentation “Protection and Control Issues with Distributed Generation”.

·         Charles Sao, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto, gave a presentation “Converter Fed Microgrids: Challenges and Solutions”.


On Thursday, in the afternoon, field visits were organized to four locations in Almonte, Ontario:


·         Canadian Hydro Components ( CHC) Ltd., designing and manufacturing turbines from 50 kW - 15 MW for micro, mini, and small Hydro. Tour was guided by Mike Dupuis, CHC President & Founder.

·         Almonte Hydro, Mississippi River Power Corp., the Generating Station running two double regulated Kaplan turbines, connected to two vertical Reliance Electric 1.2 MW generators. Tour was guided by Scott Newton, Operations Manager

·         Presentation on automation control systems for small (under 20 MW) hydro power generation systems, by Bill Kemp, Vice President Engineering, Powerbase Automation Systems ( PAS) Inc., from Carleton Place, Ontario.

·         Triacta Power Technologies Inc., a leading developer and manufacturer of smart meters in Ontario, helping businesses in a variety of sectors to better manage their electricity costs and consumption. Tour was guided by Wes Biggs, Vice President Engineering & Operations.


The event ran smoothly and was very successful on all accounts as judged by over 80 attendees at the Tutorials day, and 100 at the Symposium day. Many thanks go to the EPS 2006 attendees for their interest and active participation, to the speakers for their time, effort and expertise, to the EPS 2006 team of organizers/volunteers, and to the EPS sponsors and supporters: the EPS Platinum Sponsor Hydro Ottawa for their unwavering support since the EPS inception, Brookfield Power, Algonquin College, Carleton University, Energy Ottawa, ANF Energy Solutions, Eidos Systems, and IEEE Canada.


For more EPS 2006 details, please visit


With the help of IEEE Canada, the plans to evolve the IEEE Ottawa Section Electrical Power Symposium into a Canada-wide IEEE event are currently under consideration.



Branislav Djokic, Ph.D., P.Eng.

EPS 2006 Co-Chair

IEEE Ottawa Section Chair


Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada

 All IEEE Conferences in Canada - please use this link.



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Ø     Awards & Recognition



o       Fellows



Masoud Farzaneh

Quebec Section

Masoud Farzaneh
(M' 83 - SM' 91- F’07) received his electrical engineering degree from the École Polytechnique of Iran in 1973. He received successively a doctoral degree in engineering from Institut nationale polytechnique and Université Paul Sabatier, in France, and a Doctorat d'État from the latter university. From 1980 to 1982, he was Associate Professor at Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran, Algeria. He joined Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC) in 1982 as a guest professor. Following this, he became a full professor, as well as founder and Director of the Master's Degree Program in Engineering. He is currently Chairholder of the NSERC/Hydro-Quebec Industrial Chair on Atmospheric Icing (CIGELE), and Chairholder of the Canada Research Chair on Atmospheric Icing Engineering of Power Networks (INGIVRE). He is also founder of the International Research Centre on Atmospheric Icing and Engineering of Power Networks (CENGIVRE) of which he is currently Director. Prof. Farzaneh is author and co-author of more than 450 scientific publications in the domain of high voltage, outdoor insulation and atmospheric icing. He is Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), as well as member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences. He is currently Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Chairman of the IEEE DEIS Outdoor Insulation Committee, as well as Chairman or member of several working groups and task forces of IEEE and CIGRÉ dealing with atmospheric icing of HV equipment.

Senior Member Upgrades

The following members were upgraded to Senior Member status at the November 2006 IEEE Admission and Advancement Panel meeting



First Name

Last Name

Hamilton Section



Kingston Section



Kitchener-Waterloo Section



Ottawa Section



Ottawa Section



Ottawa Section



Ottawa Section



Toronto Section



Toronto Section



Toronto Section



Toronto Section



Toronto Section



Toronto Section



Toronto Section



Vancouver Section



Vancouver Section



Vancouver Section

W S Vincent



2006 IEEE Canada Senior Membership Campaign Results


Number of New Senior Members in 2006

Canadian Atlantic Section


Hamilton Section


Kingston Section


Kitchener-Waterloo Section


London Section


Montreal Section


New Brunswick Section


Newfoundland-Labrador Section


North Saskatchewan Section


Northern Canada Section


Ottawa Section


Quebec Section


Saint Maurice Section


Southern Alberta Section


Toronto Section


Vancouver Section


Victoria Section


Winnipeg Section


Grand Total




- To check on the status of Senior Member applications:

- For the Nominate a Senior Member Initiative:

- To check how your Region, Section or Society is doing on Senior Member

   elevations and nominations:

Engineering Professor Elected to Royal Society of Canada

Dr. M. Jamal Deen, professor of electrical and computer engineering and senior Canada Research Chair in Information Technology at McMaster University,  has been elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC). This is the highest honor that can be attained by scientists, artists and scholars in Canada.

The Royal Society of Canada citation states ”M. Jamal Deen is internationally known for his research in the analysis, modeling and applications of microelectronics and optoelectronics devices. A highly accomplished researcher, inventor and prolific scholar, his device models and experimental innovations are used worldwide.”

Dr. Deen’s research has potential has potential applications for use in a variety of applications including long-distance telecommunications, chip-to-chip interconnections in computers, medical imaging and linking massively parallel processors and mainframes.

Founded in 1882, the RSC is Canada's oldest and most prestigious scholarly organization. Fellows come from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, and are dedicated to achieving excellence in their endeavours, thus enhancing Canada's competitiveness on a global basis.

Dr. Jamal Deen, who was born in Georgetown, Guyana, South America, is also a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS),  a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), and a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). In addition, he was recently elected to Honorary Membership of the World Innovation Foundation (WIF), the Foundation's highest honor.


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Ø     Announcements


From the Editor


Dear Colleagues,

I'm pleased to announce that Lena Jin joined IEEE Canada Newsletter's Editorial Team as a Newsletter Webmaster. I'm sure you have already noticed that the latest Newsletter issues' appearance improved greatly. The credit for that should be given to Lena.

Lena has been working as an embedded software developer and firmware enginneer. She started voluneering to the 9th IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems conference as a webmaster two years ago for adding new dimensions to her artistic hobbies. She currently works with Silicon Optix Inc in the System Engineering department, where she is part of the energetic team that responsible for advanced software application development and front line support for key strategic customers of the company.

Please join me in welcoming Lena to the team.
Alex Bot, Editor


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Ø     IEEE News



The IEEE’s membership portal, myIEEE, has just updated its career

development features.  From the Profession Desktop, members can now get

listings from the IEEE Job Site, updated daily. New modules link members to IEEE's Mentoring Connection and the advise from IEEE-USA's Career Navigator site. From myIEEE, members can also access their subscriptions, launch, and manage their membership account. Log in at

IEEE Foundation Seeking 2007 Grant Applications

19 December – The IEEE Foundation is seeking grant applications for 2007 projects in accordance with its mission to improve the technological literacy of society from childhood through adulthood.

To learn more about the IEEE Foundation’s grant guidelines, and to submit an online application, visit the IEEE Foundation Web site.

IEEE Communications Society to Launch Certification Program

7 December – The IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) has selected New York-based Professional Examination Service (PES) to develop a certification program for engineers working in communications technology. ComSoc is planning to roll out the first certification, in wireless cellular technology, late in 2007. When fully developed, the program will comprise a number of certifications in various areas of communications technology.

During program development, PES will collaborate with a broad cross-section of stakeholders, including practicing engineers from small and large companies worldwide, to conduct an extensive analysis of the knowledge and skills required by engineering professionals in wireless cellular communications technology. Following the analysis of practice, PES will conduct item and examination development workshops and a standard-setting study with representative groups of stakeholders, as well as provide consultative services to keep ComSoc informed of new trends and technologies in certification assessment. To read The Institute story, click here.



Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events – Calgary

IEEE Electrical Technical and Mega Projects Workshop (ETMP)

February 26, 27, 2007 – Calgary, Alberta



IEEE Electrical Safety Workshop (ESW)

February 27, 28, March 1, 2007 – Calgary, Alberta



 International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics  

(ISSSE 2007)

July 30 - August 2, 2007

Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Many IEEE Canada sections maintain their own listings of upcoming events:

Canadian Atlantic



Newfoundland and Labrador

New Brunswick

Northern Canada



Southern Alberta





For more IEEE conferences, visit IEEE Conference Search at


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Submission Information

You can send any submissions by email to the editor:
Alex Bot at

Please ensure you send in your submission by the 20th of the month

 IEEE Canada Newsletter – January 2007                  Bulletin de IEEE Canada – Janvier 2007

Last update /2007.01.10dernière mise à jour

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