Issue: December 2006
IEEE Canada News Central
A Happy Holiday Season to All!
News of Interest
Section Events
The First Transatlantic Cable (TAT-1) – IEEE Milestone Presentation
The IEEE Ottawa Section 2006 Annual General Meeting
16th Annual Newfoundland and Labrador Electrical and Computer Engineering Conference - NECEC 2006
Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada
Awards & Recognition
IEEE Awards – Message from Bob Hanna, IEEE Canada President
2007 Outstanding Young Engineer Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) – Dr. Christophe Caloz
IEEE Canada Fellows – Class of 2007
Congratulations to the New Fellows from IEEE Canada Board of Directors
New Fellow Featured in this issue:
Bill Chisholm - Toronto Section
Senior Members
Ziqin Li - Toronto Section
The Formation Of A New Team To Compete In The Formula Hybrid Competition
IEEE and Canadian Standards Association Announce Joint Agreement to Improve and Promote Electrical Safety
- 2007 IEEE Region 7 Director Elections
News of Interest
Section Events
First Transatlantic Cable (TAT-1) – IEEE Milestone Presentation
On Sunday, September 24 the
IEEE Newfoundland and Labrador Section in partnership with the Town of
Clarenville and the Clarenville Heritage Society celebrated an IEEE
Milestone dedication ceremony commemorating the site of the first
transatlantic cable (TAT-1) near the site of the former cable station in
IEEE Milestones Program honours significant achievements in the history of
electrical and computer engineering. There are approximately 70 of these
milestone sites in the world, 6 of which are in Canada. In recognition of
its pivotal role in the development of worldwide communications, half of
the Canadian sites are in Newfoundland. The first successful transatlantic
telegraph cable, in 1866, is commemorated by a Milestone at Heart’s
Content. There is also a Milestone at Signal Hill in St. John’s honouring
the reception of the first wireless signal across the Atlantic by Marconi
in 1901. The latest Milestone recognises Clarenville as the eastern
terminal of the first transatlantic telephone cable, TAT-1 which entered
service on September 26, 1956.
TAT-1 inaugurated the modern era of global communications. Before TAT-1,
voice was carried on unreliable radio channels and text messaging was
carried on submarine telegraph cables (the technology of the previous 90
years), which was reliable, but slow and expensive. TAT-1 operated with
exemplary reliability until 1978, when advances in technology made it
The dedication ceremony drew
about 100 spectators. Gerard Dunphy was the Master of Ceremonies. The
roster of speakers began with greetings and best wishes from the political
leaders at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels - Mayor Fred
Best, Ross Wiseman, MHA, Trinity North and Bill Matthews, MP,
Random-Burin-St.George. Dr. Camilla O’Shea from the Clarenville Heritage
Society eloquently explained the role of Clarenville in the transatlantic
project. The Heritage Society and the Town of Clarenville were
instrumental in establishing the Milestone. The role of the people of
Newfoundland in telecommunications was celebrated by Dr. Wallace Read, a
resident of Newfoundland and a past President of IEEE. Dr Ferial El-Hawary,
President Elect of IEEE Canada conveyed the best wishes of IEEE Canada.
Dr. Jerry Hayes, a former worker on TAT-1 and who has written extensively
on TAT-1, called for a moment of silence remembering the men and women who
contributed to the advances of global telecommunications. The plaque was
unveiled by Lloyd Currie and Kathleen Chafe. Mr. Currie worked at the
Clarenville cable station and is a member of the Clarenville Heritage
Society. Ms. Chafe was the Chair of the TAT-1 Milestone Organizing
The dedication ceremony was
followed by a reception at the Clarenville Inn. All enjoyed refreshments
and hors d’oeuvres during this excellent social networking opportunity.
The Clarenville Heritage Society prepared a very interesting display of
TAT-1 artifacts and photographs. Dr. Jerry Hayes presented an informal
slideshow highlighting key events in telecommunications history before,
during, and after TAT-1. Commemorative Booklets and Clarenville pins
were provided to all attendees.
members of the Organizing Committee were very pleased with the event. The
IEEE Newfoundland and Labrador Section would like to acknowledge the
enormous contribution of the Town of Clarenville and the Clarenville
Heritage Society who were critical to the success of the celebration.
Newsletter of the Newfoundland and Labrador IEEE Section, Volume 06, No.
2, Nov. 2006
Ottawa Section 2006 Annual General Meeting
IEEE Ottawa Section 2006 Annual General Meeting was held at the National
Art Centre on October 24, 2006. Dr. Bransilav Djokic, chair of the
IEEE-Ottawa Section started the meeting by a report on the activities and
achievements in 2006.
the AGM 2006, the following were elected as the new IEEE Ottawa Section
executives for the year 2007:
Chair: Dr. Wahab Almuhtadi
Vice-Chair: Raed Abdullah
Treasurer: Dr. Sreeraman Rajan
Secretary: Kexing Liu
Congratulations to the new elected officers and our thanks to the outgoing
executives: Dr. Bransilav Djokic and Amir Ghavam.
Following the election of the new executives, Dr. Wahab Almuhtadi gave his
acceptance speech as the new Chair of the IEEE Ottawa Section in 2007. The
speech included the planned activities for 2007:
Encouraging and helping the Section chapters and affinity groups to
organize local, national and international conferences to be held in the
National Capital/City of Ottawa. Doing this, it will
bring many presenters and attendees from around the world for cross
benefit the city’s economic development;
increase the knowledge and keep engineering community updated with
industry involvement.
Develop the Electrical Power Symposium into a Canada wide event that will
be hosted by other IEEE sections. (national vs. local conference)
Continuous promotion of members to Senior and Fellow membership levels.
Applying for the IEEE Regional Activities Board awards for the past
Section activities.
Increase the number of technical and educational seminars and workshops.
Promote and support the new formed affinity group “Women in Engineering”.
Increase the interaction with other IEEE sections.
Further develop relations with the engineering societies, organizations,
industry, academia, and government institutions.
Invite all members of the IEEE Ottawa Section to volunteers and provide
suggestions and feedback and to increase the value of their membership as
well as the value of the Section activities.
2006 was continued by the Keynote Speech by Dr. Arthur Carty, National
Science Advisor to the Prime Minister. The topic of the speech was
Science, Technology and Innovation: Recent Developments and New
Annual Newfoundland and Labrador Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conference - NECEC 2006
November 9, 2006 the IEEE NL Section, in partnership with Memorial
University, hosted the 16th annual Newfoundland and Labrador Electrical
and Computer Engineering Conference (NECEC) at the Holiday Inn in St.
John’s. NECEC is a forum where professionals and students in electrical,
electronic and computer engineering as well as information technology and
sciences can present their work to the growing technical community within
the province.
Conference Chair for NECEC 2006 was Gerard Dunphy from Newfoundland &
Labrador Hydro and the Technical Chair was Dr. Eric Gill from Memorial
University. Organizers are pleased to report that this year they had 114
attendees and 61 papers (52 oral presentations + 9 posters) covering a
wide range of technical subject areas. Awards were given as follows:
Wally Read Best Student Paper Award –
Dilan Amarasinghe
Wally Read Best Graduate of the Last
Decade Paper Award – Reza Shahidi
T. David Collett Best Industry Paper
Award – Jonathan Anstey
Best Poster Award – Isheeta Nargis
Congratulations to all of the winners as well as to all those who
submitted a paper for the conference. It is your participation which
continues to ensure the event is a success.
keynote speaker was Paul Dubé, Executive Director, Newfoundland and
Labrador Association of Technology Industries, who gave a very thought
provoking presentation on our “flattening world” and dynamic global
marketplace and challenged the audience to acquire the “softer” skills
they need to position themselves within the new global realities. The
luncheon speaker was Dave van de Wetering, Nortel - Wireless Account
Executive for Bell Aliant. For the past eight years he has been working
directly with Bell Aliant providing solutions for wireless and Metro
Ethernet environments. He spoke on the evolution of wireless
Proceeds from this event and past conferences are used to sponsor IEEE
Scholarships, which are awarded to students in the Electrical Engineering
or Computer Engineering program at Memorial University of Newfoundland, as
well as to support other activities within the province.
Newsletter of the Newfoundland and Labrador IEEE Section, Volume 06, No.
2, Nov. 2006
IEEE Conferences
in Canada
IEEE Conferences in Canada - please use this
Awards & Recognition
Awards – Message from Bob Hanna, IEEE Canada President
sincere gratitude for your excellent volunteer work and congratulations
for being recognized by IEEE in 2006 for the following awards:
Stephen Dueck, Winnipeg Section, RAB
GOLD Achievement Award "For outstanding and sustained contributions
towards the success of the Winnipeg Section GOLD activities
Dawn Nedohin-Macek, Winnipeg Section -
"For outstanding leadership of the IEEE Winnipeg Section GOLD Affinity
Adam Skorek, St. Maurice Section, RAB
Leadership Award - In recognition of his dynamic leadership and
significant contributions in promoting IEEE and the engineering
Vijay Sood, Montreal Section, RAB
Achievement Award "For outstanding leadership and contributions in the
development and production of IEEE Canadian Review/La Revue Canadienne
de l'IEEE".
Hisham El-Masry, Kingston Section -
"For exemplary leadership in
promoting IEEE membership and activities in the Kingston Section "
We are
proud of your achievements and many thanks all for your contributions. You
made my day and keep up the good work.
Outstanding Young Engineer Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and
Techniques Society (MTT-S) – Dr. Christophe Caloz
Christophe Caloz has bee selected to receive 2007 Outstanding Young
Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S)
award recognizes an outstanding young MTT-S member who has distinguished
himself/herself through a sequence of achievements which may be technical
(within the MTT-S Field of Interest), may constitute exemplary service to
the MTT-S, or may be a combination of both. Caloz’s citation reads: “For
pioneering contributions to the development of novel concepts and
applications of electromagnetic metamaterials”.
Christophe Caloz has been a professor at Polytechnique Montreal since June
2004 and he is a member of the Poly-Grames Research Center. He is also the
holder of the Canada Research Chair Future Intelligent Radio-Frequency
Metamaterials, which constitutes the core of a larger scale research
aiming at creating a platform for the development of a new generation of
RF circuits and devices.
Caloz holds several patents and is a popular speaker, He is the author of
the first unified text book on metamaterials, Electromagnetic
Metamaterials: Transmission Line Theory and Microwave Applications (Wiley
et IEEE Press), and of more than 150 papers, as well as the coauthor of
three collective books.
award will be conferred at the annual Society Awards Banquet to be held
during the International Microwave Symposium the week of June 3 – 8, 2007
in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Congratulations to Dr. Christophe Caloz!
Canada Fellows – Class of 2007
IEEE Board of Directors has named 14 IEEE Canada Senior Members to Fellow
Grade effective 1 January 2007. The new Fellows are listed below.
Ming Li
University of Waterloo
contributions in kolmogorov complexity and its applications
University of Waterloo
contributions to voltage stability of power systems
David Plant
McGill University
for contributions to
optoelectronic devices
Michel Duval
Hydro Quebec (IREQ)
for contributions to
electrical insulation and high voltage equipment
Kamal Al Haddad
for contributions to
research and development of power electronics
Hui Liu
National Research Council of
Institute for
Microstructural Sciences
for contributions to
resonant tunneling and intersubband quantum devices
Barry Wood
National Research Council of
Institute for National Measurement Standards
for contributions to
fundamental electrical measurement standards
Andrew Podgorski
ASR Technologies, Inc.
for contributions to
broadband immunity and compatibility certification
Paris Vachon
Defence R&D Canada – Ottawa
for contributions to
operational marine applications of imaging radar
Charles Woodside
Carleton University
for contributions to
real-time software system performance engineering
Masoud Farzaneh
of Quebec in Chicoutimi (UQAC)
for leadership in the area
of ice-covered insulator flashover mechanisms and development of
application guidelines
Fadhel Ghannouchi
The University of Calgary
for contributions to
advanced microwave amplification circuits and
William Chisholm
Kinectrics, Inc.
for contributions to extra
high voltage transmission line performance
Rodney Vaughan
Simon Fraser University
for contributions to the
theory and design of antennas, diversity systems and signal processing
techniques for mobile communications
A complete list of all IEEE
Fellows - Class of 2007 can be found at:
Congratulations to the New Fellows from IEEE Canada Board of Directors
On behalf of IEEE Canada
Board of Directors, our sincere congratulations to class 2007 Fellows.
This is an excellent achievement to Region 7 that 14 members were elevated
to Fellow Grade. Congratulations!
Bob Hanna, President IEEE
IEEE Fellow Featured in this Issue
Dr. Bill Chisholm,
Ph.D., P.Eng (Ont)
Toronto Section
Chisholm, P.Eng (Ont) is a Principal Engineer at Kinectrics (,
the former Ontario Hydro Research Division, now owned by Vision Capital
Limited of London. He received his BASc. in Engineering Science in 1977,
an M.Eng in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto in 1979
and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering by the University of Waterloo in
1983. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi
Bill has carried out and delivered research to understand how adverse
weather affects EHV transmission system reliability. When lightning
strikes the tall transmission-line towers, the electromagnetic response,
including an apparently imperfect reflection from ground, adds to voltage
stress on line insulation, causing unexpected flashover arcs through the
air. When ice or freezing fog accumulates on typical EHV station-post
insulators, combinations of surface pollution and melting temperatures
also lead to flashovers. Lines with thermal restrictions have been
operated with more confidence using distributed-average wind speeds
derived from his real-time measurements of conductor clearance above
His citation from IEEE is “for contributions to extra high voltage
transmission line performance assessment”.
Bill chaired the IEEE Lightning and Insulator Subcommittee from 1997 to
2005 and also chaired the Transmission Lightning Performance Working Group
that was awarded the “Best Standard, 1999” for IEEE 1243-1997, “Guide for
Improving the Lightning Performance of Transmission Lines”. He has served
on many paper and panel sessions at IEEE PES conferences and also gave
invited guest lectures in Japan, Switzerland, Italy and Brazil. He
contributed to the EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book, 200 kV and Above
(third edition). Outside of work, he is a member of the North Toronto
Masters Swim Club (
and has held ten Ontario records in butterfly and distance freestyle.
Senior Members
Newly Elected IEEE Senior Member Featured in this Issue
Ziqin Li
Toronto Section
(pronounced Zee-chun) Li is a Registered Professional Engineer in Ontario
and a Senior Engineer in the High Voltage Testing Labor atory at Kinectrics,
the former Ontario Hydro Research Division. He received his BASc and MASc
in Electrical Engineering, in 1972 and 1980, respectively, from University
of Guangzi and Huazhou University of Technologies. He was awarded a Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering by the University of Manitoba in 1989. He has
extensive and diversified industry experience in testing and developing
high-voltage power apparatus including insulators, high-voltage cables,
switchgear and transformers. He has carried out research in SF6
insulation and has also improved the test methods when carrying out
measurements of very fast transient voltages in the high-voltage
environment. His development contributions include methods to establish
end-of-life and string replacement criteria for defective porcelain
insulators on existing transmission lines, and ways to adapt up-to-date
nondestructive test methods in the live-line working environment in order
to establish the remaining cross-section of steel support wires in
overhead transmission lines.
Formation Of A New Team To Compete In The Formula Hybrid Competition
The University of Guelph's
Gryphon Racing would like to announce the formation of a new team to
compete in the Formula Hybrid competition offered internationally by the
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Gryphon Racing's Formula Hybrid team is made
up primarily of engineering students, and will be the second of its kind
in Canada and the first in the world to use a biodiesel engine. This team
will join Gryphon Racing's existing FSAE team and aims to compete in the
May 2008 competition in Hanover, New Hampshire.
The Formula Hybrid
competition will see students around the world design, build and race
complete open-wheeled, single seated racing cars that are powered by an
electric motor in concert with an internal combustion engine. The
University of Guelph's car will be a technological showcase for a number
of cutting-edge automotive technologies including hybrid powertrains,
biodiesel engines and continuously variable transmissions.
Gryphon Racing would like
to thank the enthusiastic sponsors already on board, including Kubota
Canada, Bombardier Canada, Tektronix, IET Toronto Section, Freescale
Semiconductor, Henkel and SolidWorks, as well as faculty advisers
Dr. John Runciman
Dr. Stefano Gregori.
They continue to seek sponsors and students to join the team. No
qualifications or skills are required and the team is open to both
undergraduate and graduate students.
Contact Information:
phone: (519) 824-4120 ex. 52698
IEEE and
Canadian Standards Association Announce Joint Agreement to Improve and
Promote Electrical Safety
Toronto, ON - 16 October
2006 - The IEEE and Canadian Standards Association (CSA), both leading
developers of standards and codes, today announced a joint agreement
designed to improve electrical safety by promoting awareness, knowledge
and the application of standards and industry best practices in the
community and workplace. To read a complete story please visit
2007 IEEE Region 7 Director Elections
Letter from
the Past President IEEE Canada W.O. (Bill) Kennedy
year, 2007, IEEE Canada will elect a Director-Elect. The Director-Elect
will serve for a six year term; two years as Director-Elect, two years as
Director and two years as Past Director. During two years as
Director-Elect, the successful candidate will serve on one or more
Regional Activity Board committee including attendance at IEEE Board
meetings and participate in IEEE Canada activities as a member of all
three governance boards. During the two years as Director, in addition to
the previous responsibilities, the successful candidate will serve on the
IEEE Board of Directors; the Engineering Institute of Canada's Board and
conduct all IEEE Canada business. As Past Director, the successful
candidate will be IEEE Canada's representative and member of the IEEE
Canada Foundation Board and may serve on one or more IEEE committees. In
the IEEE world, IEEE Canada is Region 7.
Past President and Past Region Director it is my duty to find suitable
candidates and conduct the screening process for the Director-Elect
position. Although any qualified member can run, the next Director-Elect
will nominally come from the Canada West Area. The purpose of this note is
to inform you about the election and provide you with an overview of how
the screening process works.
Nominations - typically potential candidates are nominated by their
respective Section, however self-nominations are allowed. The candidates
must be an IEEE Senior Member and ideally have served on one or more
Region Committees. Potential candidates are required to submit an IEEE
biography outlining their involvement in IEEE Canada's activities along
with a position statement. Potential candidates are advised to familiarize
themselves with IEEE Canada's Bylaws and Operations Manual and IEEE
Regional Activities Bylaws and Operations Manual.
Canada's Steering Committee will conduct telephone interviews with all
potential candidates who meet the requirements to run for Director-Elect
in February 2007. The candidates will be allotted a15-minute time slot.
The first 5-minutes will allow the candidate to introduce themselves and
state why they are running and how they can make a difference. The next
5-minutes the candidate will answer a common set of questions prepared by
the Steering Committee. For the final 5-minutes the Steering Committee may
ask additional and specific questions to the candidate on their experience
and suitability. Strict time limits will apply to the call.
all candidates have been heard the Steering Committee will rank the
candidates and pick a minimum of two, maximum of three candidates for
Director-Elect. The names will be submitted to IEEE for final screening,
i.e. eligibility to run for office. The Past President will notify the
candidates of the outcome of the screening results. Finally, the selected
candidates will be invited to IEEE Canada's Spring Meeting in Vancouver to
address the Region Committee and take questions on their candidacy from
IEEE Canada's Board. IEEE Canada will provide the candidates with an
allowance to cover their travel expenses.
you be interested in nominating a potential candidate or self-nominating,
please forward a statement of interest along with a biographical sketch
outlining your IEEE activities stating your qualifications for office to with a copy to before January
15, 2007. IEEE Canada will notify the qualified candidates of the date and
time of their telephone interview with the Steering Committee.
Petition Candidate - IEEE allows for petition candidates. Candidates must
get valid signatures from 2% of the IEEE Canada voting members as of
December 31, 2006. Typically this means the petition candidate requires
the valid signatures of between 250 to 300 members. The numbers will be
confirmed based on December 31, 2006 membership statistics. For 2007 a new
category of membership Graduate Student Member (GSM) will eligible to vote
and run for IEEE office. To be eligible to run as a petition candidate,
IEEE must receive the petition and signatures prior to June 15, 2007. IEEE
will verify that the petition candidate has satisfied IEEE requirements to
run as a petition candidate.
(Bill) Kennedy, P.Eng., FEIC
President IEEE Canada
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Events – Calgary
IEEE Electrical Technical
and Mega Projects Workshop (ETMP)
February 26, 27, 2007 –
Calgary, Alberta
IEEE Electrical Safety
Workshop (ESW)
February 27, 28, March 1,
2007 – Calgary, Alberta
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Many IEEE Canada sections maintain their own listings of upcoming events:
more IEEE conferences, visit IEEE Conference Search at
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can send any submissions by email to the editor:
Alex Bot at
Please ensure you send in your submission by the 20th of the