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IEEE Canada Newsletter / Bulletin de IEEE Canada | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Issue: August 2006 Sections
News of InterestIEEE FellowsDo you know some of our Fellows? Perhaps you are one. Perhaps you want to see who they are and what they have done, or might consider nominating an IEEE member for election to the grade of Fellow in either the IEEE or the EIC. There is now a convenient way to see a list of the members of IEEE Canada who have been awarded this distinguished honour. Just visit the IEEE Canada web site http://ieee.ca/index.htm, look on the left side under "Awards" and click on the link "fellows" - you will see a listing of all the Canadian IEEE Fellows, together with their citations. If you are an IEEE Fellow, we would like you to look at the list, find your own entry, and send us your city & province if we don't have it listed - there is a convenient mailto link at the top of the page for you to use. If you would like to see the corresponding list of IEEE Canada members who are Fellows (or Medalists) of the EIC, you can use the link near the upper left corner of the page. For more comprehensive listings of all IEEE Canada awards winners, use the link "listing by year" under the heading "Awards" on the IEEE Canada home page. If you would like your IEEE award listed, please send details to Bob Alden, Awards Chair, at r.alden@ieee.org. If you have any questions or suggestions about awards, please use the same mailto. The awards web site http://ieee.ca/awards has lots of explanations about the various awards available, the nomination deadlines and web forms for you to use. Section NewslettersThe Winnipeg Section has put together a great Newsletter called "Carrier Wave". If your section has a newsletter please add newsletter@ieee.ca to the list so that we can stay better in touch. If your section does not currently have a newsletter take a look at the latest Winnipeg Section Edition of the Carrier Wave for a great example. NEW IEEE GEOGRAPHIC UNITS
The IEEE Regional Activities Board (RAB) approved the formation of two new Sections and two new Subsections at the Board Series meeting held last month in
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. The new units are the Estonian Section and Tanzania Subsection in Region 8, the Colombian Caribbean Subsection of the IEEE Columbia Section in Region 9, and. Shin’etsu Section in Region 10.
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| Upcoming Events
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Back to Top Many IEEE Canada sections maintain their own listings of upcoming events:
For more IEEE conferences, visit IEEE Conference Search at http://www.ieee.org/conferencesearch/. Back to TopCall For Participation
The International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks 2006 (IWCSN 2006)
Submission InformationYou can send any submissions by email to the editors: Please ensure you send in your submission by the 20th of the month
IEEE Canada Newsletter - August 2006 |
de IEEE Canada - Juillet 2006 |
| Last update /2006.07.10/ dernière mise à jour |