Region 7 Fellows 2006
Dr. Ellsworth LeDrew
for contributions to environmental remote sensing sciences
Dr. Vijay Sood
for contributions to modeling and simulation of high voltage DC (HVDC) transmission systems and controllers.
Prof. Geza Joos
for contributions to the theory and application of high power converters in power systems.
Dr. Douglas O'Shaughnessy
for contributions to education in speech processing and communication
Prof. Jorge Angeles
for contributions to the kinematics, dynamics and design of robotic mechanical systems.
Dr. Tongwen Chen
for contributions to sampled-data control and multirate systems.
Dr. Qi-jun Zhang
for contributions to linear and nonlinear microwave modeling and circuit optimization
William Lockley
for leadership in the development and application of large electric drive systems for gas compression
Prof. Frank Kschischang
for contributions to trellis structures, graphical models and iterative decoding techniques for error-correcting codes.
Dr. George Eleftheriades
for contributions to conception, analysis and fabrication of electromagnetic materials and their applications.
Dr. Resve Saleh
for contributions to mixed-signal integrated circuit simulation and design verification.
Prof. Andre Ivanov
for contributions to intellectual property (IP) for system on a chip (SoC) testing
Dr. Dennis Woodford
for leadership in the development of digital simulation of DC links and flexible AC transmission devices
James Dymond
for contributions to the analysis, design, optimization, testing and application of large AC Machines.
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Senior Member Upgrades
The following members were upgraded to Senior Member status at the September 2005 and November 2005
Admission and Advancement Panel meetings:
- Jianjun Gu - Canadian Atlantic
- Reza Dizaji - Kitchener-Waterloo
- John Nikolopoulos - Montréal
- Calvin Plett - Ottawa
- Mohammad M. Tanabian - Ottawa
- Michael Roy Williams - Southern Alberta
- Khoman Phang - Toronto
- George T. Buzunis - Winnipeg
- Reza Fazel-Rezai - Winnipeg
- Don Robinson - Hamilton
- Hossam Hassanein - Kingston
- A Mounir Boukadoum - Montréal
- Wahab Almuhtadi - Ottawa
- Zheng Liu - Ottawa
- Alain Michaud - Ottawa
- Ganping Chen - Southern Alberta
- Dalibor Kladar - Southern Alberta
- S.M.J. Alirezaie - Toronto
- Thomas A Burgmann - Toronto
- Vadim Geurkov - Toronto
- Laszlo Kadar - Toronto
- Harry Lamb - Toronto
- Peter Lehn - Toronto
- Sergio A Panetta - Toronto
- Neilson Zeng - Toronto
- Jinwen Zan - Vancouver
- Zahra Kazem Moussavi - Winnipeg
- Marek Reformat - Winnipeg
For more information on the Nominate a Senior Member Initiative (NSI)
Program, please visit
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Upcoming Events
- Climate Change Technology: Engineering Challenges and Solutions in the 21st Century
9-12 May 2006
Ottawa Congress Centre,
Ottawa, Ontario
For more information please visit
- 9th Annual International IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2006)
The University of Toronto Civil Engineering Department
and the IEEE Toronto Section.
September 17-20, 2006
Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre
Toronto, Canada
For more information please visit
- Vancouver Section 2005 Social Even
Thursday December 8th, 2005
Top of Vancouver Revolving Restaurant, at 6:30pm
For more information visit
Rest of Canada
18-22 June 2006
Palais des congre?s in Montre?al, Que?bec Canada
For more information visit the PES website at
- International Symposium on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Smart Worlds (UISW2005)
6-7 December 2005
Nagasaki, Japan
For more information, please visit
- International Conference on High performance scientific Computing Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes
6-10 March 2006
Hanoi, Vietnam
For more information, please visit
- The 5th IEEE International Conference on COGNITIVE INFORMATICS (ICCI 2006)
July 17-19, 2006
Beijing, China
Theme: Autonomic Computing and Neuroinformatics
For more information, please visit
Many IEEE Canada sections maintain their own listings of upcoming events:
For more IEEE conferences, visit IEEE Conference Search at
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Call For Papers
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
The 2006 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering provides a forum for the presentation of electrical and computer engineering research and development from Canada and around the world. Papers are invited, in French or English. For more information please visit
Call for Papers on Lighting Applications
The editors of the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics journal have announced a call for papers on the topic of lighting applications. The paper submission deadline is 28 February 2006. For complete information, visit:
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE'06
The ISIE has issued a call for papers on the following topics Computer and Advanced Control Systems, Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Power Systems, Signal and Image Processing, System Simulation and Software Development, System Integration, VLSI and Telecommunication, Industrial Information Technology, Mechatronic Systems, Industrial Electronics Engineering Education
For more information please visit
Editor's Note
There are two things that I would like to mention in this year end Newsletter. The first is that I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season. This is a time for everyone to remember their traditions and family, and think about ways that we can make everyone's lives a little bit better.
As everyone probably noticed, there hasn't been a newsletter for the last couple of months. I would like to avoid this in the coming months, to accomplish this I will require some help. If you see an interesting article that involves IEEE Canada or the interests of IEEE Canada please let me know. If someone in your section has won an award, write a small paragraph and send it to me. I will be more than happy to include it in the next Newsletter.
Thank you for the support
Jeffery MacKinnon
Submission Information
You can send any submissions by email to the editor: Jeffery MacKinnon at
Please ensure you send in your submission by the 20th of the