IEEE Canada Newsletter / Nouvelles de IEEE Canada
Issue: September 2003

News of Interest
Upcoming Events

   Upcoming Events - Ottawa
   Upcoming Events - Toronto
   Upcoming Events - Vancouver
   Upcoming Events - Rest of Canada
   Upcoming Events - US
   Upcoming Events - International

IEEE Commercial Releases
Submission Information

News of Interest

IEEE Election Ballots are in the mail!

The 2003 IEEE Annual elections are underway. Members have been mailed out a ballot and should be receiving them shortly. IEEE Canada encourages all members to read the candidate biographies statements and cast their vote. Remember, ballots must be received by 3 November, 2003.

For more information, please visit the IEEE Canada website on the elections at, or the website on elections.

Wally Read appointed as a Member of the Order of Canada

The Order of Canada recognizes people who have made a difference to our country. From local citizens to national and international personalities, all Canadians are eligible for the Order of Canada - our country's highest honour for lifetime achievement. Three different levels of membership honour people whose accomplishments vary in degree and scope: Member, Officer and Companion.

As an executive in the provincial utilities sector, Wallace Read headed the teams responsible for the design and implementation of new hydroelectric power plants at Lower Churchill Falls. He also managed the expansion of Newfoundland's power system into the northern regions of the island. With steadfast leadership, he played an instrumental role in the expansion and modernization of the electricity industry in Newfoundland and Labrador. In addition, he served as president of the Canadian Electricity Association and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, where his mentoring skills have benefited the next generation of engineers..

Cyril Veinott Electromechanical Energy Conversion Award

Professor M. Azizur Rahman is the 2003 recipient of the Cyril Veinott Electromechanical Energy Conversion award for contributions to the design and analysis of hysteresis and permanent magnet motors.

This award recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of electromechanical energy conversion. research and developments on electric motors have continued all throughout the 20th century to the point that such devices have now become an integral part of our lives. The current ubiquitous presence of the electric motor in everything we do has resulted from the dedicated engineers throughout the world.

The award was presented at the IEEE PES 2003 General Meeting on 15 July 2003 at the Sheraton Centre Hotel in Toronto. The award consists of a plaque and a honorarium of five thousand dollars. Congratulations Dr. Rahman!

IEEE Network Magazine ranks #1 in EE, Telecom citations

In the recently released Journal Citation Reports (2002 edition) from ISI, IEEE Network magazine ranked as the number-one journal in three different categories: Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Telecommunications, and Computer Science Information Systems. IEEE also publishes the top eight journals in electrical and electronics engineering, and the top seven journals in telecommunications, according to the ISI study, which ranks journals by the number of times their papers are quoted or cited by other scientific publications in their initial year of issue publication. For a complete report on IEEE citation rankings, visit

IEEE EAB Pre-University Presentation for Regional Meetings (by Lynn Murison)

Almost three years ago, Ferial El-Hawary, currently Chapter Coordinator for Region 7, saw a presentation about pre-university activities at the November 2000 Organizational Units Board Series held in Tampa FL USA. She knew it would be of great interest in her own region.

Through her efforts, the Region 7 meeting held on 2 May 2003 included a presentation about how to start begin, maintain, and/or enhance pre-university outreach activities by Sections or individuals volunteers.  Dr. Douglas Gorham, Manager, IEEE Educational Activities Pre-college Education, was on hand to do the honors. He described to the members how their outreach efforts could contribute to the increasing the level of technological literacy of Canadian teachers and their students.

"During his IEEE-Eastern Canada Council Tour, Dr. Gorham did a super job of providing strategies that can connect engineers with the pre-university community and solve the problem of including technology and engineering in the schools, said Dr. El-Hawary. I knew that my IEEE Canada colleagues would appreciate the information and support."

Students and teachers often regard science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as being either scary or dull. Engineers interacting with them on a personal level can demonstrate that engineering projects can teach teamwork, be challenging, and fun. Further, students come away from these interactions learning that the knowledge they acquire is directly relevant to their future. They will be asked as voters to decide about many topics from new sources of energy to genetically modified crops; what they learn about technological subjects as students will help them to make informed decisions.

The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) pre-university education programs and supporting materials are designed to form collaborations between engineers and teachers and/or engineers and students. The EAB realizes there is not just one way to increase students exposure to engineering. Therefore, the EAB pre-university education website features over 30 links to programs and strategies to begin or enhance pre-university education activities what is already being done at the Section level.

A corollary function of the EAB quest of helping engineers aid in teaching technological subjects is to increase the profile of engineering among students, teachers, and guidance counselors. Exposure is the surest way to overcome the idea that engineering is too difficult a subject to tackle.

"The section chairs and volunteers from Eastern Canada attending Dr. Gorham's presentation enjoyed the depth of presentation, available expertise and flexible ways in which the material can be applied. We will be looking into adding to the material and translate parts of it for our francophone students. " said Eric Holdrinet, Chairman, IEEE Eastern Canada Council.

EAB offers an array of materials to support individuals and committees, no matter at what level a Section may be in its outreach activities. Pamphlets, brochures, and detailed information are available at the EA website. In addition, direct advice via email can be obtained from Doug Gorham and colleagues already working on pre-university education programs.

At the EA pages information on both individual and group projects are offered. Among them are:

  • PEERS, demystifies how engineers can offer to support educators and how educators can use engineers support. Information as basic as answers to the who, why, where, how, and when is given. The basics ease the misapprehensions that often accompany a new project between people who ordinarily do not interact.
  • Teacher-in-Service Program, pages offers step-by-step instruction for offering local teachers a tailor made project for their classroom and instruction on how to do the project that you have created. Information at this site is specific and practical and ranges from tips on meeting the local science content specialist to coordinating with state or provinces agencies for professional day credit for teachers attending your presentation.
  • City Technology: Stuff that Works, explains about a program for middle elementary schools for which IEEE members can serve as online mentors. The Stuff that Works instruction sheets are available on-line, linked to from these pages.

While in Canada, the Halifax, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland & Labrador Sections arranged for Dr. Gorham to visit. He provided his detailed presentation describing various programs and projects that engineers can participate in, and on how to begin to set up a Teacher-in-Service Program for their members. The Sections each defrayed the cost of his transportation and housing.

"We were delighted that the Eastern Canada Council was able to arrange for Dr. Doug Gorham to visit our Section," said Dennis Peters, Chair, Newfoundland & Labrador Section. "He highlighted many of the ways that we could use our technical skills and creativity to help teachers and students and also the satisfaction that volunteers can derive from participating in such a worthwhile project."

EABs goal is to give the pre-university university presentation at each of the Regional meetings and follow up with whatever appropriate advice EA can give to Sections worldwide for the promotion of engineering, science, technological and mathematics and to enhance the level of technological literacy.

Upcoming Events


  • Canadian Reliability and Maintainability Symposium 2003

16-17 October 2003
Lord Elgin Hotel,
Ottawa, Ontario
For more information please visit
If you are a member in good standing of the IEEE Reliability Society Ottawa Chapter, and are in transition between employers, you may be eligible for a reduced registration fee. For more information, email This offer is limited to the first five qualifying registrants.

  • IEEE Ottawa Section 59th Annual General Meeting

4 November 2003
The Salon, Museum of Nature,
240 McLeod,
Ottawa, Ontario
For more information please contact John Grefford or visit


  • Telecommunications in Canada: Technological Change versus Public Policy

4 September 2003
University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario
For more information please visit
Please RSVP to Jane Zhao via e-mail or 416.748.4424 ext. 5558

  • Tour of the Pickering Wind Turbine Generating Station

17 September 2003
For more information please visit
Please register by 15 September 2003, indicating your IEEE membership number, with Jane Zhao via e-mail or 416.748.4424 ext. 5558

  • Power Generation: Gas Turbines, Co-Generation and Combined Cycle Plants

22-24 September 2003
EPIC Learning Centre
Mississauga, Ontario
For more information please visit

  • Operating and Maintaining Electrical Equipment

25-26 September 2003
EPIC Learning Centre
Mississauga, Ontario
For more information please visit

  • Microoptical Array Components for UV-laser Beam Shaping and Characterization

9 October 2003
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
For more information please visit
An IEEE Toronto Circuits and Devices Chapter (IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society) presentation

  • IEEE Sensors 2003

22-24 October 2003
Sheraton Centre Hotel,
Toronto, Ontario
For more information please visit


  • Intelligent Decision Making in an Integrated Navigation System

16 September 2003
Richmond, BC
For more information please visit

  • Using Technology through Telehealth initiatives for improved patient care

16 September 2003
Vancouver, BC
For more information please visit
An IEEE Vancouver Engineering Management and Professional Communications Society presentation

  • Real-Time Kernels - Then and Now

21 October 2003
Richmond, BC
For more information please visit
An IEEE Vancouver Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society presentation

  • Westcoast Security Forum

17 November 2003
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Vancouver, BC
For more information please visit
An IEEE Vancouver Communications Chapter presentation

  • IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2004)

23-26 May 2004
Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel
Vancouver, BC
For more information please visit

Rest of Canada

  • Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2003)

19-22 October 2003
Banff, Alberta
For more information please visit

  • Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering

2-5 May 2004
Niagara Falls, ON
For more information please visit


  • IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC)

21-24 September 2003
San Jose California
For more information please visit

  • IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP 2003)

29 September - 1 October 2003
St. Louis, Missouri
For more information please visit

  • IEEE VTC Symposium on IP Mobility

6-9 October 2003
Orlando, Florida
For more information please visit

  • IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Communication Technology

15-17 October 2003
Honolulu, Hawaii
For more information please visit

  • IEEE International Engineering Management Conference (IEMC -2003)

2-4 November 2003
Albany, New York
For more information please visit

  • IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD)

9-13 November 2003
San Jose, California
For more information please visit

  • Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC)

5-8 January 2004
Las Vegas, Nevada
For more information please visit

  • International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)

14-19 February 2004
San Francisco
For more information please visit


  • International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Related Topics

1-5 September 2003
Brest, France
For more information please visit

  • IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services (MMNS)

7-10 September 2003
Belfast, Northern Ireland
For more information please visit

  • Power and Timing Modeling Optimization and Simulation Workshop

10-12 September 2003
Torino, Italy
For more information please visit

  • IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2003)

14-17 September 2003
Barcelona, Spain
For more information please visit

  • IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing (NNSP 2003)

17-19 September 2003
Toulouse, France
For more information please visit

  • IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS 2003)

17-21 September 2003
Cancun, Mexico
For more information please visit

  • IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS 2003)

17-20 November 2003
For more information please visit

  • International Conference on Information Technology & Applications (ICITA 2004)

8-11 January 2004
Harbin, China
For more information please visit

  • Managing Next Generation Convergence Networks and Services

19-23 April 2004
Seoul, Korea
For more information please visit

  • European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2004)

7-10 September 2004
Vienna, Austria
For more information please visit

IEEE Montreal maintains a page of upcoming events at

IEEE Ottawa maintains a page of upcoming events at

IEEE Toronto maintains a page of upcoming events at

IEEE Vancouver maintains a page of upcoming events at

For more IEEE conferences, visit IEEE Conference Search at

IEEE Commercial Releases

Book examines precoding and signal shaping

A new Wiley-IEEE Press book entitled "Precoding and Signal Shaping for Digital Transmission" provides a step-by-step description of the basics of precoding and signal shaping and presents a comprehensive, practically oriented introduction to precoding and signal shaping for digital transmission. Whether it is wireline or wireless, this title examines the design and implementation of digital transmission schemes surrounding communication technology. To learn more about this topic, or to purchase this title, go to

New book on Wi-fi wireless LANs and IEEE 802.11

This month Wiley-IEEE Press released the new book "Worldwide Wi-Fi: Technological Trends and Business Strategies." In a world where confusion over which IEEE 802.11 is better for users and vendors, authors Benny Bing and Teik-Kheong Tan offer readers a road map of the Wi-Fi wireless LAN market, explaining both the business and technology of WLANs. To find out more about this Wiley-IEEE Press book, visit

New IEEE Press book offers medical imaging guidance

A new book by Dr. Atam Dhawan, former chair of the Emerging Technology Committee of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, offers engineers, medical professionals and students the fundamentals of medical imaging. Dhawan's "Medical Image Analysis," now available from Wiley-IEEE Press, aims to help readers develop the critical skills to perform intelligent interpretation along with analysis of biomedical images. Find out more, or purchase this title at

Technical and Practical addressed in new RF title

Mobile communication has become a touchtone of living in the modern world, and solutions to sending signals over radio frequencies (RFs) are more important than ever. In "Practical Radio-Frequency System Design," a new book from Wiley-IEEE Press, author William F. Egan attempts to cross the technical with the practical to answer questions of both the practicing engineer and the aspiring technical professional. Find out more about this title at

Book links biological function of genes with knowledge media

In his new book, "Meme Media and Meme Market Architectures: Knowledge Media for Editing, Distributing, and Managing Intellectual Resources," Yuzuru Tanaka proposes a new paradigm that knowledge media operate in a way that closely resembles the biological function of genes. By outlining a ready-to-use knowledge media system and integrating five kinds of enabling technology, Professor Tanaka attempts to provide readers with a real-world application. Find out more about this book at

New book on effective presentations

Wiley-IEEE Press now offers "The Short Road to Great Presentations: How to Reach Any Audience through Focused Preparation, Inspired Delivery, and Smart Use of Technology" for purchase online. The book, authored by seasoned communications experts Cheryl and Peter Reimold, presents easy-to-read information on how to give a winning presentation. To find out more, or to order, visit

Submission Information

You can send any submissions by email to the editor:
Abhi Gupta at

Please ensure you send in your submission by the 20th of the month

IEEE Canada Newsletter - September 2003 Nouvelles de IEEE Canada - Septembre 2003

Last update - 2003.09.01 - la dernière mise à jour