IEEE Canada Newsletter / Nouvelles de IEEE Canada
Issue: January 2003

News of Interest
Upcoming Events
IEEE Commercial Releases
Submission Information

News of Interest

IEEE Canada needs volunteer translators from English to French

IEEE Canada needs volunteers to translate from English to French. We are trying to provide useful information to our members and our profession. Since most submissions are in English only, we need the help of those members who would like to see bilingual IEEE Canada publications and web pages. We need many more volunteers so that no one volunteer will become overworked and the task is feasible. Please, if you are willing to help, send an e-mail to, the chair of IEEE Canada's Publications and Communications Committee.

IEEE Canada a besoin de bénévoles pour des traductions de l'anglais au français

IEEE Canada a besoin de volontaires pour traduire des textes de l'anglais au français. Notre but est de communiquer des informations pertinentes pour nos membres sur notre profession. Comme la plupart des communications nous sont soumises en anglais seulement, nous avons besoin d'un coup de main de la part de nos membres qui aimeraient lire des publications et pages web dans les deux langues. Nous avons besoin de plusieurs autres bénévoles de telle sorte qu'aucun ne soit surchargé par la tâche de traduction. Si vous pouvez aider, veuillez communiquer par courrier électronique à, président du comité de IEEE Canada pour les publications et les communications.

IEEE Ottawa Executives for 2003

The IEEE Ottawa Executives for the year 2003 are:
Section Chair - John Grefford -
Vice Chair - Ian Glenn -
Secretary - Ramiro Liscano -
Treasurer - Maike Miller -
For more information on the IEEE Ottawa Section Chairs and Officers visit

Life Members Must Renew in 2003

The ranks of Life Members have been swelling in recent years. This is reflective of a natural rise resulting from the continued, long-term growth of the IEEE membership population and ever increasing life spans. To achieve Life Member status, a member needs to be at least 65 years old, and have a combined age and years of IEEE membership equal to or greater than 100 (e.g., 68 years old with 32 years of active membership). Once a member reaches Life member status, their IEEE dues and Regional assessments are waived. This year, however, Life Members are also being required to return their renewal notices in order to keep their membership active. Life Members who do not respond by returning their renewal forms will have their memberships deactivated as of the end of February.

New Life emerges in Winnipeg

A new chapter has been added to the cadre of the Winnipeg Section's chapters. The new unit is a Life Member Chapter and was approved in November 2002. The Chapter is working in close cooperation with the Life Member Organization of the Engineering Institute of Canada in order to plan and publicize events. It is expected a meeting with interesting topic and election of officers will take place in the first part of 2003. Below are some programs which might be possible. If you are interested or have suggestions please contact Dave J. Kemp, SM IEEE, FEIC at or (204)-889-5979.

Possible LM Chapter Programs:

  • Technical programs that may not be provided by other IEEE units. Talks on current and emerging technology
  • Talks on technical history
  • Assistance to IEEE entities holding technical conferences in the area
  • Training assistance for use of PCs and the WEB
Public Service
  • Publicize the role & contributions of IEEE by talks to service clubs, PTAs, etc.
  • Join the RE-SEED program to provide assistance to middle and secondary schools in making science and math attractive to students. (
  • Provide Science Fair judges.
  • Mentor students and young engineers including IEEE GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade
  • Find and volunteer for areas of public service that needs competent technical support.

Helpful Talks

  • Investing
  • Health
  • Travel


  • Social occasions - dinners, outings.
  • Visit other IEEE Life Members who can't attend functions
  • Publicize those aspects of the IEEE Financial Advantage Program that meet the needs of seniors.
  • Make presentations to nearby technical firms to show the virtues of IEEE membership and participation as a means of attracting new members, in cooperation with the Section's membership development efforts.
  • Seek recognition for significant electro-technology achievements as IEEE milestones (
  • Assist the section with leadership development and volunteer recruitment

IEEE Neural Networks Society Welcomes New Members

The IEEE Neural Networks Society (NNS) is one of 37 societies under the IEEE umbrella. The NNS was formed in 2002 and is now able to accept new members. For IEEE members or affiliates, the membership fee is $10 US. To join the new society, please visit

The IEEE NNS field of interest spans the theory, design, application, and development of biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms emphasizing neural networks, including connectionist systems, genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming, fuzzy systems, and hybrid intelligent systems in which these paradigms are contained.. These topics are sometimes included in broader frameworks, usually referred to as Computational Intelligence or Soft Computing.

The NNS is the publisher of the following three transactions:

  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (TNN)
  • IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (TEC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (TFS)

The IEEE NNS field of interest spans the theory, design, application, and development of biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms emphasizing neural networks, including connectionist systems, genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming, fuzzy systems, and hybrid intelligent systems in which these paradigms are contained.. These topics are sometimes included in broader frameworks, usually referred to as Computational Intelligence or Soft Computing.

For more information please visit

IEEE Engineering Management Society election results

A ballot for the election of eight members to the IEEE Engineering Management Society Board of Governors was issued on 9 September 2002. The ballots returned have been counted and the following candidates have been elected for a three-year term beginning 1 January 2003:

  • Joe Bellefeuille
  • Dennis Bodson
  • Vivian A. Carr
  • Dundar Kocaoglu
  • Sam Salem
  • Joel Snyder
  • Beth K. Zimet
  • Barbara Zirolli

Congratulations to the newly elected members!.

Special Discount offer to EMS Members

Communication skills are vital for effective management. EMS is pleased to announce a special discount for the RGI Learning's Effective Communication Series. The programs have been evaluated by EMS officers and their recommendation is to encourage them for EMS members. For more information please visit

IEEE Communications Publications rank highest in citations study

In the most recent Journal Citation Study, compiled and published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), IEEE Communications Society publications in the subject area of telecommunications dominated the ratings, including the top five spots when sorted by Impact Factor. Listed below are the top five journals in Telecommunications:

  1. IEEE Network
  2. IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (formerly IEEE Personal Communications Magazine)
  3. IEEE Communications Magazine
  4. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
  5. IEEE Transactions on Communications

For more information on the citation ranking of IEEE publications, visit

The Engineering institute of Canada (by John Plant)

The Engineering institute of Canada (EIC) is Canada's federation of technical societies. While its activities have varied over time, the past decade has seen a strong and growing commitment to continuing education and professional development. The mission is to promote internationally recognized standards for the provision of continuing education in the engineering community. By partnering with a growing list of more than three-dozen universities, colleges, private providers and member societies (see the EIC is promoting quality in life long learning. Engineering professionals can be confident of the quality of their training when they engage in learning activities with EIC recognized providers. Independent routine surveys of users of these providers by the EIC assures quality and thereby helps Canadian engineers cope with the challenge of the global economy and face demands for sustainable engineering.

"The Engineers Business Centre" (see is used for: posting opportunities, events, offers, and jobs; making: news releases at reduced cost, entries in a business directory, queries to Dun & Bradstreet and posing questions to resource persons. Opportunities, events, offers and jobs may also be reviewed. News releases are e-mailed to users and the business directory is easily accessed.

The EIC Career Site (see has attracted over 1600 job seekers who have posted their resumes. Employers find the site economical and easy to use..

Wilson Regional Student Activities Award

The deadline for the RAB Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award is 31 March 2003. This award recognizes the student most responsible for an extraordinary accomplishment associated with IEEE Student activities in each IEEE Region. The award, which is a complimentary three-year IEEE
membership and award plaque, is designed to reward a particular event or product of IEEE activities. For more information, or to apply, visit the IEEE student scholarships and awards page at

IEEE Standard updates recommended practice for the internet

IEEE has approved a revised standard that updates practices for building and managing Web sites. The standard, IEEE 2001 (TM), "Recommended Practice for the Internet - Web Site Engineering, Web Site Management and Web Site Life Cycle," defines guidelines for intranet and extranet pages that improve productivity, reduce costs, and make sites easier to use and more credible. For more on IEEE 2001, visit

A plaque of your own

Since Senior Member plaques were first introduced several years ago as part of the Senior Member Initiative (SMI), replacing the Senior Member certificates that were previously issued, they have become very popular. By displaying IEEE Senior Member plaques in the work place, the visibility of IEEE Senior Members has been promoted while also helping to increase the annual SM elections from 1,000 a few years ago to over 1,800 in 2002.

It’s an attractive plaque and a real badge of accomplishment that any Senior Member can be proud of. It not only heralds the personal technical accomplishments of the Senior Members themselves but it also brings prestige to any company or institution fortunate enough to employ IEEE members and especially Senior Members. It is given free now to each newly elevated IEEE Senior Member. But Senior Members elected prior to the SMI program have been asking about how they could obtain a Senior Member plaque of their own.

Current Senior Members can order this walnut plaque with their name engraved on a brass plate for just $27.00, which includes shipping and handling. IEEE does not make a profit from the sale of these plaques but takes pride in the fact that IEEE members are letting colleagues and their employers know that they are recognized as being distinguished in their field by the world’s largest professional technical Society.

To order a plaque, contact Denise Howard at +1 732 562 5502 or via email at

Upcoming Events

  • The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

5 January 2002
Vancouver, British Columbia
For more information please visit
An IEEE Vancouver Joint Communications Chapter event

  • Air Force Terminal Instrument Procedures - Replacement

21 January 2002
Richmond, British Columbia
For more information please visit
An IEEE Vancouver Aerospace, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Chapter event

  • Reliability and Maintainability Symposium on Product Quality & Integrity (RAMS)

27-30 January 2003
Tampa, FL
For more information please visit

  • Industrial Ethernet - Issues And Requirements

29 January 2002
Toronto, Ontario
For more information please visit
An IEEE Toronto Instrumentation & Measurement Society & Communications Society event

  • 2003 UNB Robotics Competition

7-9 February 2003
Fredericton, New Brunswick
For more information please visit

  • Perceptual Interfaces

7 February 2003
Montréal, Quebec
For more information please visit
Please RSVP at (514) 840-1235 x8000 or
An IEEE Montreal Computer Society & CRIM presentation

  • IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC 2003)

9-13 February 2003
San Francisco, CA
For more information please visit

  • Canada's First Microsatellite - Microvariability and Oscillation of Stars Satellite (MOST)

12 February 2003
Richmond, British Columbia
For more information please visit
An IEEE Vancouver Aerospace, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Chapter event

  • International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2003)

23 February - 1 March 2003
Papeete, Tahiti
For more information please visit

  • International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technology (ISART 2003)

4-7 March 2003
Boulder, CO
For more information please visit

  • International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2003)

5-8 March 2003
Bangalore, India
For more information please visit

  • IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2003)

16 March 2003
New Orleans, Louisiana
For more information please visit

  • Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exposition (OFC)

23 March 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
For more information please visit

  • International Conference on Transmission and Distribution Construction, Operation and Live-Line Maintenance (ESMO 2003)

7-9 April 2003
Orlando, Florida
For more information please visit

  • CCECE 2003: Canadian Conference in Electrical and Computer Engineering

4-7 May 2003
Montreal, Quebec
For more information please visit

  • International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2003)

18-21 May 2003
Delta Centreville Hotel
Montreal, Quebec
For more information please visit
Workshops at the conference can be found at

  • International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA'03)

10-12 June 2003
Montreal, Quebec
For more information please visit

  • IEEE Power Engineering Society's International General Meeting & Technical Conference

13-17 July 2003
Toronto, Ontario
For more information please visit

  • Canadian Reliability and Maintainability Symposium 2003

16-17 October 2003
Lord Elgin Hotel,
Ottawa, Ontario
For more information please visit
This event is brought to you by the American Society for Quality (ASQ Reliability Division, Region 4), the Society of Reliability Engineers (SRE-Ottawa), IEEE Reliability Society (International, and the Ottawa Chapter)

  • Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2003)

19-22 October 2003
Banff, Alberta
For more information please visit

IEEE Montreal maintains a page of upcoming events at

IEEE Toronto maintains a page of upcoming events at

IEEE Vancouver maintains a page of upcoming events at

For more IEEE conferences, visit IEEE Conference Search at

IEEE Commercial Releases

Free trail available for new IEEE Information Technology collection

In January, your organization may be eligible to receive a free online trial to the new IEEE Information Technology Library (ITeL). IEEE ITeL includes more than 900 IEEE conference proceedings and selected periodicals in the areas of computing, communications, signal processing and circuits & systems. Intended for corporations, universities and government institutions, IEEE ITeL will be available to subscribers in January 2003. If your organization subscribes to the new IEEE Information Technology Library online collection by 31 March 2003, it will receive US$5000 off the regular subscription price. To arrange a free trial for your organization, ask your information professional to send a request to

Systems design and implementation proceedings now available

Held this past October, the 2002 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems Design and Implementation (SIPS '02) focused on topics at the convergence of signal processing theory, VLSI architectures and integrated circuit implementation of multimedia communications. The conference proceedings are now available and include presented papers on a variety of subjects, including: video signal processing architectures, turbo decoder algorithms and architectures, nanotechnology and nanosystems: current and future prospects, FPGA implementations of signal processing systems and emerging applications Find out more at

Dynamical Recurrent Network (DRN) field guide provides resource

"A Field Guide to Dynamical Recurrent Networks," a book available through the IEEE Press and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. publishing agreement, shows engineers how to acquire the tools for understanding new architectures and algorithms of dynamical recurrent networks (DRNs). This field guide also documents recent forays into artificial intelligence. Find out more at

Proceedings discuss digital library service migration

As more and more libraries go digital, how do their services migrate to new platforms? The proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Website Evolution (WSE 2002) might have the answers. The one-day workshop, held this October in Montreal, Canada, brought together members of the Web design, software engineering, and information technology communities to discuss techniques for migrating to Web services. The proceedings are now available through the IEEE Online Catalog & Store

Conference Proceedings strike forward-looking theme

The future was the theme at last summer's 2002 conference of the IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES). In this newly published volume of IEEE conference proceedings, read about what key people specializing in areas such as geothermal power and fuel cell development had to say is on the horizon. Conferees also participated in forward-looking discussions of energy development and distribution, renewable energy, and sustainable energy sources. Find information in this three-volume set on power system telecommunications, stability controls, distribution line lightning performance and electric marine propulsion. For ordering information visit

Over 10,000 definitions in Communications Dictionary from Wiley-IEEE Press

"Hargrave's Communications Dictionary," from IEEE Press and John Wiley & Sons, includes over 10,000 definitions of key terms and phrases used in the telecommunication industry. Written by Frank Hargrave, who has 30 years experience in engineering and manufacturing, this volume is a fundamental resource for basic to intermediate level students and practitioners, and a quick reference for more experienced electronic engineers and technicians. Learn more about this reference tool at

High-Frequency Circuit and Interconnect Analysis training offered

A new partnership between the IEEE Education Partners Program and Omniz Global Knowledge Corporation offers IEEE members a 10-percent discount on courses in signal integrity. Developed by IEEE members Dr. Michel Nakhla and Dr. Ram Achar, both faculty in electrical engineering at Carleton University, the program consists of series of courses covering topics in high-frequency effects in VLSI and microwave circuits, modeling/simulation difficulties associated with high-speed interconnects, and a thorough study of modeling/simulation strategies for high-speed interconnects, including model-reduction. Find out more at

Submission Information

You can send any submissions by email to the editor:
Abhi Gupta at

Please ensure you send in your submission by the 20th of the month

IEEE Canada Newsletter - January 2003 Nouvelles de IEEE Canada - janvier 2003

Last update - 2003.01.03 - la dernière mise à jour